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March 6, 2008

Tribute to Mali Finn

I know it's old news that Mali Finn passed away last year, but I just learned about this online tribute to her and had to share it. For several reasons.

One, it's amazing. It'll really show you how much Mali loved her job and loved actors, even in just a few minutes of footage.

Two, I'm always shocked how quickly the black-and-white headshots became outdated as "the norm." Most of this footage is from The It Factor and in just six years, the "saturation" of color headshots, if you were ever looking at that many photos at once, would be overwhelming by comparison.

Three, one of Keith's first Hollywood auditions was for--yup, you guessed it--The It Factor and, in 2002 (in fact, in that exact episode used for footage in the above tribute), Keith said the memorable words, "I met a girl on the Internet and she told me to move to Hollywood so she could make me famous," which of course endeared him to Mali and got him on TV (which was the goal). He would go in again for Mali on quite a few projects before she retired a couple of years ago, and she was always very good to him. We would joke that he'll see that footage come up in a few years, like on E! True Hollywood Story or something hilarious like that.

Four, that laugh of hers. Wow. Unforgettable.

We miss you, Mali. I'm glad I got to see this tribute today. Very nice.

Posted by bonnie at March 6, 2008 12:49 PM


I had Mali for English in High school in Holland Michigan back in 1978. She was always my favorite teacher. now that I live in So. Cal. I'd always wanted to reconnect and left phone messages. I am deeply saddened by her death but always have a smile on my face when i think of her. What better way to leave your mark on the world than to brighten someones day with your memory.

Posted by: Anne at May 7, 2008 10:08 AM

I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you for posting.

Posted by: bon Author Profile Page at May 7, 2008 5:34 PM

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