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April 9, 2008
Cricket Feet Showcase! RSVP Now!!
Cricket Feet Casting ACTORS SHOWCASE
April 16 & 17, 2008 - 8pm - FREE
The Colony Theatre, Burbank

produced by: Bonnie Gillespie
directed by: Chil Kong
presenting: Andrea Russell - Brooke Stone - Carey Linnell - Christina Blevins - Cole Stratton - Craig Pearman - Cristina Cimellaro - David Boyd - Doug Dezzani - Edelyn Aubrey - Eitan Loewenstein - Elena Muntean - Etta Devine - James Jolly - Jennifer Betit Yen - Jeremiah Peisert - Jonathan Strait - Julie Inmon - Karen Forman - Keith Johnson - Kimberly Demarse - Lauren Aboulafia - Lindsay Katai - Louie Millican - Marc McTizic - Mark Wood - Mary Passeri - Nia Jervier - Regina Palian - Renee Spei - Shawn Lockie - Sheila Daley - Shelley Delayne - Stacey Healey - Tamika Simpkins - Yoyao Hsueh
A fast-paced, professionally directed, comedic showcase of 36 carefully screened and appropriately cast actors in just over an hour.
Did we mention that we've chosen a location where free parking is a breeze? And that we're rolling out yummy munchies and adult beverages before and after the show? Awesome, right? Yeah. We thought so too.
Two chances to see it:
Wednesday, April 16 - Thursday, April 17
8 pm - FREE
The Colony Theatre
555 North Third Street
Burbank, CA 91502
directions/venue info: http://colonytheatre.org/directions.shtml
reservations/showcase info: http://cricketfeetshowcase.com
RSVP is a must!
To reserve your seats: http://cricketfeetshowcase.com/rsvp.html
Posted by bonnie at April 9, 2008 1:40 AM