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April 14, 2008

Very late April 2008 12 of 12

All day on the 12th, I kept thinking--as I snapped photos that all looked the same to me--"Ah, this would've been such a cooler 12 of 12 if tomorrow were the 12th instead." You see, I had big plans for the 13th: an awards show, Universal City with the kids after, and a rockstar karaoke birthday party in Little Tokyo for my new badass director friend.

But then the weather changed. And I'm a weather wimp. Because I had so much work to do all day Saturday, in order to be able to be gone all day Sunday (my usual column-writing and catch up on everything else day), I stuck myself in front of my computer in a very hot room and neglected to eat much or drink any water, really, and by the time Keith got home from rehearsal, apparently I looked like death warmed over.

"Get into the bedroom," he bossed. I did, and he set up the AC, fed me NyQuil, and put me on migraine watch. My tummy flipped over many, many times and my head got all swimmy like in those anvil-to-head cartoons. I started shaking and got the dry heaves. It was way fun. (No, really. It actually was not. Not at all. Not fun.)

So, in addition to a very boring 12 of 12, it's a very late 12 of 12 because I spent the next 40 hours in bed, trying not to throw up, with wet washcloths draped over me and tissues filled from the nosebleeds all over the bedside table. Delightful.

I still feel like shit, but at least the weather has changed back. I'm sorry, but a sudden weekend high of 96 degrees with so much pressure in the air that it's like I've been placed atop a mountain with no ramp-up to it for my body to adjust is just NOT cool. My tummy is still so fluttery. I hate it. Bleh.

So, with that lovely little lead-in, I give you my boring-ass work-too-hard, forget-to-eat-or-drink, get-over-heated-and-dehydrated version of 12 of 12. (Don't know what 12 of 12 is? Visit Chad Darnell for all the info.)

9:03am: Starts out like any other Saturday. I check my emails from Nancy in bed before heading out to my desk. Put out as many fires from here as possible, to make the transition to "work mode" less clunky. (At least that's what I've convinced myself this ritual does.)

10:02am: A press release will be going out this week with some casting announcements on one of the films I'm casting right now, so I'm prepping the actors' headshots (no, they're not really "blurred"--that's just so's I'm not scooping the press release via 12 of 12, y'know) for the casting website and for posting up on my cubbies, where I always mount the active projects' casts. It's a nice way to stay focused on these awesome actors while dealing with minutia of deals and negotiations and hassles.

11:34am: It's still really early for me to be prepping the final cast grid (which I hand off to production after all deals are set), but there is so much ink on some of these casting deals that I want to stay ahead of the extras and perks and keep everything straight before it gets even more hectic than it has already been. Here, I'm looking up a manager's email address to enter into the grid.

1:41pm: There's been a date push of three weeks on this film, so I have to map out the new dates in the casting deals and on the final cast grid. Might as well be sure it's all accurate before sending out more offer letters. Note: At this point, I have a note in my photo log that says, "I wish I could get a photo of the spike to 88 degrees and PRESSURE that's just happened." Ah... if only it had stayed at only 88 degrees! (And if only I had stopped here to get some water or something. Idiot!)

3:42pm: Ah, a gluten-free muffin and some iced cocoa (Note: I do not generally like cocoa. It's high-protein diet cocoa that I'm supposed to drink. Bleh. See how the instant powder crap doesn't dissolve? EVER. It's annoying. Bleh.) while I outline this week's column and select a POV contribution for the 15th. I swear, I didn't feel so complainy while this was happening... it's only in the captioning (realizing how very sick I was making myself by working so much and ignoring my body's signals for so long) that I am pissy about it all.

4:42pm: Keith has called to ask me if I'm taking care of myself in this heat. "What?" I ask. And then I realize, "Oh, crap. I haven't even been drinking enough water" (and I usually drink a gallon a day) and I hop in the shower to cool off. This is the after-shower upside-down head-flip hair combing. That's the extent of my styling ritual. No product, no styling tools... I don't even own a hair dryer. For realz.

4:57pm: Convinced I've cooled myself off enough, I head back to my desk to work on showcase prep. Gotta get the tech/show bible completed; burn the CD of music for the pre-show, post-show, and show itself; log the RSVPs; and create the mic pack map among other things. This is the tower of booze we've bought for the showcase (admin showcase stuff in the boxes in the foreground). I hope we've got enough. This block of boxes is six columns deep. Eitan has the beer and water. We've got the wine and tequila.

5:11pm: Mic map, done! Let's hope this makes sense to anyone other than me!

5:17pm: I've posted the actors' headshots--again, blurred so as not to scoop the press release--and this makes me very happy. I really love this part of the process: Having actors cast in roles and preparing to bring fictional (and historic, in this case) characters to life! It's just awesome. And I know they're all so excited!

6:58pm: I'm getting punchy. Keith has come home and I'm frantic about getting the rest of my 12 photos in. I'm chattering like a rabid squirrel and Keith is trying to put a wet washcloth on my head. I'm fighting him on it, saying, "I'm FINE!" and then he makes me touch my skin just under my breasts. OH MY GOD! I am on fire! Suddenly, my tummy flips and it's off to bed I go. But first, of course, a photo (one of like 25 I took within like three minutes) of Archie.

7:30pm: Keith has put clean sheets on the bed and tossed Sid and Nancy and the Sex and the City box set (I'm trying to watch one DVD per weekend to try and get caught up before the movie comes out) in bed as bait for me to go follow. The AC is up and running, working really hard to try and bring the temperature down from the 92 it reached inside today. HOW did I miss this? My head is swimming. Ah! A nosebleed. Lovely.

8:48pm: Finally! I'm relaxing. And it's one of my favorite moments in Sex and the City history. I've even blogged about it (er, over three years ago), here.

In the whole "remember to stay grateful" line of thinking, I'm just so very happy that I have a husband who makes me take care of myself, a super-high-powered AC, and "good TV" (even if it's actually DVD on the 'puter rather than "traditional TV") to distract me while I'm mending from the stupid overwork, overheat, oversick nonsense. I really do love my lovely life. It's overfilled with good things. My problems are a piece of cake, considering.

(Sorry I missed the fun Sunday stuff, everyone. I hope the awards show was grand, the park was fun, and the birthday party was filled with happy celebration!)

Posted by bonnie at April 14, 2008 12:33 PM


Sorry you ended up feeling so ill - you definitely need to take care of yourself, so yay for Keith being around!

(I'm late to commenting as I got back late on the 14th and so my 12 of 12 was delayed too)

Posted by: Helen (Dogeared) at April 18, 2008 4:21 AM

Thank you, sweetheart. Yes, he's a keeper. ;) Thank you for the visit and the comment. You rule! XO Have a great weekend.

Posted by: bon Author Profile Page at April 18, 2008 12:45 PM

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