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May 12, 2008
12 of 12 for May 2008
Here's this month's "all-desk" edition of 12 of 12. (Don't know what 12 of 12 is? Visit Chad Darnell for all the info.)
8:22am: Got up before 7am and fielded emails from actors regarding the YouTube.com audition requests for Another Harvest Moon local hires, counter-signed a writer's release for a showcase scene submission, moderated a few posts at Hollywood Happy Hour, and prepped sides to fax to Showfax.
9:33am: Little Miss Sassypants (Thwok) is celebrating her fourth birthday tomorrow, and is very extra princess-like today. By now, I have walked a producer through obtaining a SAG Guarantee of Completion Contract for her indie film, made contingent compensation and producer credit adjustments to the casting deal memo for my next casting gig, dealt with a showcase meeting schedule snafu, and put out an offer to a pretty heavy-hitting (and legendarily diva-like) "name" actor on another film.
10:32am: Short list of namey actors the director would like to meet for one of these films. Time to make calls out to the agents and managers of the top three and get 'em all set for some coffee dates. The rest will wait in the on-deck circle.
11:39am: Here comes the marked-up casting deal memo for the next film I'm casting. I'll enter all of these changes and send over a revised and signed document--via Keith--for counter-signature and then we're go for takeoff!
12:58pm: Ah, now it's time for the typical 1pm to 3pm lunch break at most agencies (the only time of day my phone and email inbox at the casting account are both quiet). So, I'll take a break and read Rich's recap on ANTM and the badass final three (GO WHITNEY!!!!). I'm not totally on a break, though, as I'm crafting an email to a director to ask whether he wants to Taft-Hartley someone on a supporting role and if the top-choice actor in another role who is in Paris right now should find a way to put herself on tape before she gets back to the states.
2:32pm: Working up the breakdown for The Mikado Project while uploading first audition footage for Another Harvest Moon. Of course, 90210 is on in the background. So, it's still *kind of* a break. Okay, okay. It's not. I know.
2:50pm: NOW a proper lunch break. Yum! Chicken Italiano with veggies and three-bean salad. Delish! This is like the only time when I won't stop a break to answer the phone. I'm trying to get much more focused about my eating time. Allegedly, mindful eating is better for a person. We'll see. ;)
5:46pm: Still working on the breakdown for The Mikado Project. This is taking awhile and we don't have a lot of time on this one.
7:26pm: I'm starting to get sleepy enough that I know I need to upload my 12 of 12 soon. And I have far too photos! So, it's time to snap the kitties. Everyone loves kitty pics, right? ;) There's Archie.
7:26pm: And Salema. (Doesn't she look like a porcupine??)
7:33pm: Okay, time to prep my blueberries and instant oatmeal. Does anyone else love breakfast for dinner as much as I do? It just rocks! Contemplating a nap and then a midnight gym visit. WE'LL SEE!
Hope you enjoyed this edition of 12 of 12! It's nice having this intersect with The Experiment! :) And, hey, next month's 12 of 12 is the day Quinn arrives for his annual visit! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Posted by bonnie at May 12, 2008 8:39 PM
Very lovely kitties! And that Italian chicken looks delicious. Looking forward to next month!
Posted by: Christin at May 13, 2008 7:50 AM
Thank you. And thank you! :) And me too. :) I appreciate the visit and the comment. :)
Posted by: bon at May 13, 2008 8:11 AM
Aww, kitty pictures! Good luck with the work, and well done on getting meal breaks sorted! ;-)
Posted by: Helen (Dogeared) at May 13, 2008 2:05 PM
Thank you, m'love!! XO
Posted by: bon at May 13, 2008 2:13 PM
Happy Birthday, Thwok!!
You are just a busy bee, pollinating all those casting flowers.
Posted by: Michele at May 16, 2008 5:42 PM
Great photos! Love the cats!
Posted by: Dan at May 16, 2008 8:45 PM
Thank you, thank you. :) They're very popular. ;)
Posted by: bon at May 16, 2008 9:04 PM
What a great phrase! And a fun way to look at it. :) Thank you, Michele (and Thwok thanks you too). XO
Posted by: bon at May 16, 2008 9:04 PM