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May 5, 2008

Experiment: Day One

Okay, so in a "look at how many ways in which my online life can intersect" kind of way, I decided to check out what it was that had MCJ blogging about things that made her grateful every day.

Turns out she read about it on the blog of the guy who calls me his "future pimp." (This is also the guy who created the 'zine for which I wrote that led to the meeting of my hubby.)

Turns out he read about it on the blog of a cool chick whose work I first became aware of about two years ago when Babes McPhee and I had a double-feature date on my first wedding anniversary, when we went to see CoCo do spoken word (and CoCo, of course, would go on to get me hooked up to do spoken word) and Annie Sertich was one of the more hilarious and brilliant folks we saw.

And she is the creator of this Experiment. So, here goes.

(From Annie's post about starting up:)
Will you do something with me?
Share with me.
What you're grateful for.
For 30 days.
I don't know why, but I need it. Cuz my head is filling with vomit and Smiths songs.
Even if it's just one person.
I'll share something. And you share back. That's it. A word. A story. A picture. A complaint. A song. Your name. Anything.
This isn't some new age Oprah "a-ha" movement. Or some manifest your dreams deal-e-o. It's just old fashioned "let's be positive" junk.
Let's see where it leads.

So, here's my Day One (and it's appropriate to all of the link-ups in the above ramblings).

I am grateful for the Internet.

Posted by bonnie at May 5, 2008 9:33 PM


Thanks Bonnie!!! So glad you are doing this too. It makes me keep it up.


Posted by: annie at May 6, 2008 1:29 AM

Yay! I hope I can keep it up all 30 days. I mean, I surely am grateful every day. Let's see if I can drag my ass to the keyboard to share it, daily. :)

Thanks for the challenge!

Posted by: bon Author Profile Page at May 6, 2008 1:41 AM

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