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July 12, 2008
12 of 12 for July 2008, baby!
Hello! :)
I'm now 38! Yay! And here's my first 12 of 12 of my "new year." Hope you'll enjoy the very at-home-getting-work-done-enjoying-kitties-computers-and-Keith kind of day I had. I sure did! (Don't know what 12 of 12 is? Visit Chad Darnell for all the info.)

12:07am: My wonderful Papa Bear is always so thoughtful with the birthday goodies! He sent me a box of Blue Ridge apple yummies (including loads of apple butters, jellies, jams, honeys, and candies, plus two things--these fried apple pies and an apple muffin mix in an adorable apple pouch--that I can't eat but will happily give away to a fellow southerner who can endure the gluten and will LOVE these goodies like I love my Papa Bear. SO MUCH)!

2:33am: Keith is sleeping and I'm trying to do the same, but I'm obsessed with all the ways in which my 2.0 upgrade to the iPhone (Nancy) doesn't work. Luckily, one new app works just great. MOO! OMG, I have no idea why I'm so obsessed with this thing but I am. It's ridiculous. I blame you, Patrick Carlyle!!

8:03am: Keith has run out to bring up leftover showcase stuffs from his car and I'm being lazy and 38 in bed. Salema comes over to greet me and decides she is a whore for my fingernail, if I'll place it just so for her gum-and-teeth-grazing pleasure. This is a part of this cat's personality that no one ever really sees. Whore!

9:57am: After my shower, I start a huge part of my day. I've decided that I am *over* having 25GB of CRAP on my 'puter and that perhaps Sid will work faster if I just unburden him of some of the stuff that's backed up on an external drive. Eff it! I know where to get it if I need it, right? So, I spend HOURS doing one final backup, deleting GIGS of stuffs, and then repairing permissions and starting over with my new, peppier 'puter. (Still without iPhone syncing well on 2.0, mind you. One thing at a time.)

10:25am: Since my computer is not available to help me do showcase paperwork, I catch up on paying bills. We now have a "money guy" who is advising us to do things like use multiple accounts in order to be ready to buy a house within the next couple of years. Note how long it's been since I've used my cute "personal" checks by the date of the calendar on the check register. Hee!

2:34pm: These are the leftover industry kits from the showcase. Half of these will go out to folks who RSVP'd but couldn't make it for whatever reason and the other half will be disassembled and redistributed to the actors who want their headshots back. It ain't over yet, folks!!

4:10pm: I realized I was CRAVING beef like nobody's business and my lovely husband went to Father's Office to get me the best burger on the planet and some sweet potato fries with garlic dipping sauce. Add in the Ferrari Carano three showcasers gave me and I am in heaven.

4:28pm: But wait! Thwok Kittie (AKA Silver Monkey) has been nudging around. I'm *sure* she's craving meat too! She wants some of the burger. We try that. Nope! No good. No interest. Hmm. She's still hunting. What could she want? Not the fries. Well... what is it? YUP! That bitch wants the LETTUCE on the burger. She loves the beef-flavored baby greens and is begging for them so much that she leaps up and nabs bits right out of my fingers! Good kitty!!!

5:52pm: Not to be outdone, there is the gorgeous Archie Kitty. I swear, he is ready for America's Next Cat Model with this shot!

6:53pm: I am so in love with the gift the cast of the super-awesome showcase gave me! Sooooooo in love! Such a badass director's chair!! (I've said, each time, that I love love LOVE my casts... but I seriously think this has been my FAVORITE CAST thus far--and I've never said that before, so that should tell you how crazy I am about these kids. They're AMAZING people!!!!!!!!!)

8:25pm: Keith is reviewing the ballots with industry feedback and votes from this week's showcase performances and I'm in the process of typing it all up to provide to each actor who participated in the showcase. Getting feedback from industry is one of the COOLEST parts of the showcase. The actors crave knowing what the pros think! Of course, I share my feedback too. ;) (And I'm such a fan of all these actors, or I wouldn't have cast 'em in the first place, right?)

9:02pm: So, Keith and I are having our standard Saturday date night. COPS and America's Most Wanted, a little booze and some frisky action. ;) So, you'll excuse me as I cut this short and head to the other room. ;) Hee!
It's a good life, here. Hope yours is too. :)
I've been asked to share all the places you can stalk me. Okay. Here they are. For now. ;) Enjoy!
NO! I am *not* on the Facebook. Nothing personal. Just not looking for more stuffs. ;)
Thanks, Chad, for another wonderful 12 of 12 experience. Always good fun!! :) Kisses!!!!
Posted by bonnie at July 12, 2008 10:24 PM
did you get the Myspace app for Iphone to work? My Iphone (Methos) has had some problems with that one but otherwise, I really didn't have a problem with 2.0 other than being extremely slow.
Posted by: Amy at July 13, 2008 3:10 AM
Great pics! Love the kitties! :)
Posted by: Linda at July 13, 2008 9:21 PM
Hey Bon, congrats on 38, 6 more years before I get there :)
Keep those backups safe, you never know when you'll need them.
Posted by: Pete at July 14, 2008 12:26 AM
Happy B-day. Love the cat photos. Great 12 of 12.
Posted by: Hibe AKA Gary at July 14, 2008 12:14 PM
Great photos! Love your cats. Thanks for sharing your day!
Posted by: Dan at July 14, 2008 8:30 PM
Hey there,
Happy belated birthday. It's been a while that I've been AWOL, but I figured birthday greetings were a good way to get back in touch!
Best Wishes!
Posted by: BrYan P Johnson at July 15, 2008 12:40 AM
Re: Amy's did you get the Myspace app for Iphone to work? My Iphone (Methos) has had some problems with that one but otherwise, I really didn't have a problem with 2.0 other than being extremely slow.
I haven't actually tried using the MySpace app yet (nor AIM, nor Eventful, nor most of the cute, fun things I loaded onto Nancy on the 11th). I've been sooooo busy, I'm just glad I got the damn thing to sync again, finally. ;)
Re: Linda's Great pics! Love the kitties! :)
Thank you! They are very sweet to let us share their home. ;)
Re: Pete's Hey Bon, congrats on 38, 6 more years before I get there :)
Keep those backups safe, you never know when you'll need them.
Oh, believe me, I learned the very hard way to keep my backups safe and sound. :) I just love having a peppier 'puter for having them live "off site" rather than in Sid's active brain. ;)
Thanks for the b'day love. :) It's a good year so far.
Re: Gary's Happy B-day. Love the cat photos. Great 12 of 12.
Thank you, thank you. Everyone always loves the kitties. They're SO evil, though. ;) (Kidding. They're wonderful. Of course.)
Thanks for the b'day wishes too. :) Having fun!
Re: Dan's Great photos! Love your cats. Thanks for sharing your day!
Thank YOU for visiting and commenting. :) It was a busy but at-home day, but I'm committed to do my 12 of 12 no matter how boring some of the days may look. ;)
Re: BrYan's Hey there,
Happy belated birthday. It's been a while that I've been AWOL, but I figured birthday greetings were a good way to get back in touch!
Best Wishes!
Well, honey, I've thought about you a ton in the past 2.5 years and I sure hope you're living a happy life and having FUN! :)
Thank you for coming over to say hello and wish me a happy b'day. I'd say it's absolutely a great reason to get back in touch and I really do hope things are going great for you.
Miss you! :) Catch me up when/if you wish. ;)
Posted by: Bon at July 15, 2008 10:48 AM