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July 18, 2008

Catching Up

I keep feeling like I'm trying to catch up.

On so much.

Not in the hectic, running, omigod I'm crazy kind of way. Just in that, "Wow! There is a LOT going on and I keep NOT blogging about it," kind of way. I blame Twitter.

Today is the day I officially dove into production on the third edition of Self-Management for Actors. I have six weeks to work on it, then it's off to the printer just after Labor Day in order to hit stores and Amazon.com in October (on schedule. Well... on NEW schedule. Already blew the first deadline, as y'all may recall). Bless my Proofer Patrol!

I'm really excited about this new edition and all of the fabulous new essays contributed from working actors, demo reel editors, managers, agents, fellow casting directors, directors, and producers. It's gonna be awesome. That whole new section on "Advanced SMFA" is going to rock. Just have to get the dang thing written! ;) Okay, so I'm on it.

Also changing my daily schedule quite a bit by adding so much Wii Fit to the day. It's wonderful. I love it. I'm so sore in so many great places and I just feel amazing. I'll share "results" in a week or so, but I can already tell this is a great idea. ;) I'm not saying midnight visits to the gym don't work, but I'm a heck of a lot more motivated to sweat with these challenges than with the silly machines at the gym.

Gonna play with the July showcasers this weekend and next. I love this group! They're so warm and passionate and wonderful. :) All showcase alumni are welcome, but both weekends' events are probably going to be most heavily populated by the most recent showcasers. That's always the way. ;)

I'll be hosting an event for the SAG Foundation with Minnie Driver and Jeremy Renner next week. That should be fun. Also taking meetings with some "corporate future planner type people" next week regarding the next couple of years in the Cricket Feet, Inc., gameplan. Probably not going to cast something I thought I would like to cast (because I'd simply rather not. Weird), and I'm happy for the time to devote to the book.

No spa vacation next week as planned. Used half the spa money for the Wii Fit/Wii bundle and general life stuff. (No. Not a new iPhone. Nancy is doing just fine, thank you).

I'm sleepy.

This has been a boring blog entry. It's summertime. What can I say?

Posted by bonnie at July 18, 2008 7:25 PM


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