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July 20, 2008
Why I Think I'm Struggling
Okay, so I'm struggling with digging in on production of the 3rd edition of Self-Management for Actors. Really struggling.
And I think I figured out why.
One, it's been a long time since I wrote a book. Like... nearly three years. And while I'm really good at all of it once I'm IN THERE AND AT IT, it's the getting started that's tough. Ramping up and trying to remember what my style manual looks like, what my presets in each of the three software packages I use might be, even what font I prefer to use (or want to try out this time)... it's all stressful.
Next, I don't remember what the book is like. The old edition. I actually need to sit and read it--cover to cover--again to remember what goes where and figure out what new stuff replaces old stuff, what new stuff gets inserted where, and what old stuff is just OUT altogether this time. And because I've read it all before (many, many times) and because I also happen to write this type of stuff every week for my column, I lose track of what's where and when I wrote or said what and whether it stays or goes or... what.
How many new essays have been contributed? How many have been pledged but are still outstanding? How many that have already been contributed should I send back to the contributors to see if they'd like to do any tweaks, seeing as it's been MONTHS since some of them have come to me (back in time for the first deadline on this book)? Eesh. Admin. It's a bear. Top it off with the fact that Amazon.com has now listed the book as OUT OF PRINT rather than DELAYED and they won't let me tweak the date without backup from our international distributors who can't be bothered 'til they know we're at the printer... which means we're going to be slow on pre-sales. Great. Grrrrrrrrrr!
Finally, during production of Acting Qs: Conversations with Working Actors and then again during production of the 2nd edition of Self-Management for Actors, I had something really amazing that served as a means of being totally disconnected from the world, allowing me to focus entirely on me, my brain, my bod, my soul, and my book.
This time, I do have my Wii, but no spa trip scheduled or affordable during this production period. Dangit.
While I may be able to churn out a column for The Actors Voice and a Your Turn every single week, and then moderate a POV twice every month, it seems BOOK WRITING requires a very different skill set. I need good rubbin' and the peace of the desert in order to get into book mode, fully.
Now to make my home more spa-like... hmm... that may be the first order of business.
Looks good so far. ;) Just need to find a way to disconnect all sources of technology and distraction. And then get reeeeeeallllly relaxed.
Posted by bonnie at July 20, 2008 1:36 PM
More spa-like yes, and some good spa background relaxing music to get you in the zone. Good luck!
Posted by: CJC at July 21, 2008 6:41 PM