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July 15, 2008
Wii! Wii Fit! Birffday Goodness!
So, we've been looking for a Wii/Wii Fit bundle for a couple of months now. Everywhere has been sold out, but Keith randomly popped into a local toy store today and, lo and behold, there it was!

He calls me up and says, "Are we still go for takeoff on buying a Wii/Wii Fit bundle? I have one in my hands. It's $600."
And he brought it right home, set it up while I Twittered about it, and then I worked out and played for HOURS.
I'm totally addicted to this thing! Who knew???? It's FUN!
(Now, I didn't like its original "fitness age" for me--49--but I sure as shit loved the "fitness age" it gave me after an hour of working out! 30, baby! 30!!!! YEAH!)
So, apparently, a little computer voice that sounds like WALL-E and the ability to earn points to unlock new games by doing well, plus rankings and feedback on how to stand correctly during yoga poses, how to catch hulahoops around my neck, and how to dance along with the other Mii's in a step class is all I needed to get truly motivated. ;)
I mean...
Posted by bonnie at July 15, 2008 9:52 PM
congrats on your new toy
Posted by: Amy at July 16, 2008 3:36 AM
OMG, that's what Lucy is getting for her birthday on Tuesday!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!!
xoxo and yay for new toys!
Posted by: Anna at July 16, 2008 7:28 PM