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November 24, 2008
Book's in the mail!
So, after a busy morning in which I worked out, got asked to cast another indie film, contacted potential space to rent for my new venture starting up, and finally loaded 200+ books into Keith's car, it was time to head to the post office to mail the crap out of these promo copies of Self-Management for Actors. (See my video blogs at Facebook here if you're down with the Facebook. Clearly, I've become addicted to video blogging to the exclusion of posts here!)

Bin ONE (of five) at the post office, behind the counter already. A wall of other packages nearby. The dude at the spot next to mine was all up in arms about the clerk's unwillingness to round up the amount on his receipt for postage. I mean, he went on and on (loudly) for quite some time. I, on the other hand, was having a "Disney day." Birds chirping, woodland creatures approaching to help carry my skirts, music playing. ;)

Wall of SMFA3. The first of many. The line of customers was really wondering what this was all about. One asked Keith--as he hauled in the fifth or sixth box of packed books--if we were eBay sellers or something. Ha! No. Just giving away books to the wonderful people who helped make 'em possible!

Last boxes of SMFA3 on the floor awaiting counter space. After about ten minutes, I started helping Yon (our most awesome clerk) by stamping MEDIA MAIL on all of the packages. I went through two self-inking stamps before she finally gave me a BRAND NEW one. :) It was really fun to be a helper. Like back when I got to go to work with my dad and send "memos" through the pneumatic tubes.

Here, you can almost see Yon's little head behind the wall of books. We've been at this for nearly 90 minutes at this point and Keith is buying additional postage from the self-serve machine to help the process along. Yon has commented (thinking we've sold all of these copies of the book) that we'll be millionaires by the New Year. "Yes," I told her. "That's the idea." ;) Hee! Gotta do the affirmations, yo!

Headed back to Keith's car, we decide to snap photos of ourselves a good ten feet away from one another, holding the ends of the receipt. (Yes, there were more receipts, from the self-serve machine, but you get the idea, here.)

(And here.) Ah, we love this part. It really is a little bit of Santa Claus action. As I unloaded, stacked on the counter, and MEDIA MAIL stamped each of these packages, I thought about the recipients of the books and how grateful I am to everyone for being a part of this process. Whether you contributed, proofed, or mentored me somehow, I'm so filled with happiness that soon you'll have a copy of my new baby to enjoy.
And now I have my living room back. Very important!
Posted by bonnie at 7:39 PM | Comments (3)
November 12, 2008
12 of 12 for November 2008
I loved, loved, loved today's 12 of 12!! New to 12 of 12? Visit birthday boy Chad Darnell for all the info. ;)

9:23am: Ahh, I really could've stayed in bed all day. Got a whole 7.5 hours' sleep, which is weird for me, but I enjoyed it! After a bit of iPhone-in-bed action, I left a sleeping Keith (SHOCK! He's usually up with the sun) and started my day with a hot shower.

10:02am: Checking my progress over the past few months on the Wii Fit. Yup. Those dots are my weight tracking... down, down, down. :) I love getting to see the chart over time like that. Really puts the "blips" into perspective! Losing a pound a week for a year is a pretty dang cool thing.

11:49am: The dark blue electric throw (a 1993 gift from Daddy) is one I cuddle up with when it's cold. The light blue fleece robe (a 1998 gift from big brother Bill) is one I wear when it's cold. And the silver monkey (a 2004 adoption from casting sis Deb) LOVES both of these warm things. And my thigh. Which is also probably warm.

1:55pm: After finalizing a casting breakdown that will go out tomorrow, I finally got around to updating the showcase website with this edition's winners and industry supporters. Upload, upload, upload!

3:50pm: Time for a 150-calorie snack! Two wedges of Laughing Cow Cheese (it so makes me smile) and some gluten-free rice crisps. And, of course, water. Frozen water. ;) By Coca-Cola, of course.

5:47pm: Sad hands. Well, just one. I have this ridiculous split fingernail (split the "long way") that keeps coming back unless I baby it like crazy. Rather than getting it snagged on everything and risking real pain, I'm wrapping it in a Hello Kitty band-aid for the night.

6:10pm: I am very skilled at Vehicular Makeup Artistry. It's seriously one of my special skills! (No worries, Keith is driving. This is one of our many rituals: Get Bon to a speaking engagement while she primps. He loves it.)

8:01pm: We've arrived at the panel venue after a wonderful dinner at Marie Callender's with the AFTRA panel organizers and our moderator and fellow panelists. I've introduced Gabrielle Carteris to the wonders of the vodka gimlet and we've exchanged email addresses. I am in 90210 fangirl heaven!

8:13pm: You'd think we're chatting about topics of discussion for the panel. Nope! Gabrielle just has to know where I bought my fancy pants and I'm, of course, not only telling her where but how much they cost. (Such a good southern girl!)

8:24pm: Our casting panel at AFTRA. (L-R) Carolyn Hennesy, Bonnie Gillespie (duh, me), Patrick Baca, Wendy O'Brien, Paul Weber, and moderator Gabrielle Carteris. I am honored to have been asked to be a part of this panel. I'm the "baby" of the bunch, for sure, but I had fun and shared some "cutting edge tips" for the technology lovers in the room.

9:34pm: My NBF Carolyn and I are swapping contact info and tips on the hottest spas no one knows about, both near and far. She's totally hooking me up with a great local day spa and of course I'm hooking her up with Hacienda Hot Springs Inn.
Great day! Great night! Got lots of work done on showcase business and prepping for the casting that rolls out in the morning. Did manage to deliver/mail a few copies of Self-Management for Actors out, but the bulk of that will happen tomorrow and Friday. Phew! It's been a busy month already. Love it!!
Thanks, Chad, for another wonderful 12 of 12 experience. :) Kiss, kiss!
Posted by bonnie at 11:43 PM | Comments (3)
November 11, 2008
How much for that doggy in the window?
Keith snapped this outside the Borders at Sunset and Vine.

I love it!
PS--12 of 12 is tomorrow and mine will be posted late. Doing a panel discussion with fellow casting directors Patrick Baca, Wendy O'Brien, and Paul Weber (moderated by Gabrielle Carteris--yes, Andrea Zuckerman. I am beside myself with glee), so will post all of the TwitPic/Twittered photos into my blog pretty late tomorrow night.
PPS--Thank you to my Marine hubby for serving our country (and looking so fine in his Dress Blues. Yummy)!
Posted by bonnie at 1:05 PM | Comments (5)
November 2, 2008
A Brand New Day
Everybody look around
'Cause there's a reason to rejoice you see
Everybody come out
And let's commence to singing joyfully
Everybody look up
And feel the hope that we've been waiting for
Everybody's glad
Because our silent fear and dread is gone
Freedom, you see, has got our hearts singing so joyfully
Just look about
You owe it to yourself to check it out
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Everybody be glad
Because the sun is shining just for us
Everybody wake up
Into the morning into happiness
Hello world
It's like a different way of living now
And thank you world
We always knew that we'd be free somehow
In harmony
And show the world that we've got liberty
It's such a change
For us to live so independently
Freedom, you see, has got our hearts singing so joyfully
Just look about
You owe it to yourself to check it out
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Everybody be glad
Because the sun is shining just for us
Everybody wake up
Into the morning into happiness
Hello world
It's like a different way of living now
And thank you world
We always knew that we'd be free somehow
In harmony
And show the world that we've got liberty
It's such a change
For us to live so independently
Freedom, you see, has got our hearts singing so joyfully
Just look about
You owe it to yourself to check it out
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Posted by bonnie at 3:59 PM | Comments (0)