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March 31, 2009
CARE Awards 2009

So I keep forgetting-slash-not-having-time to post about the BizParentz.com CARE Awards, which Keith and I were honored to attend a couple of weeks ago.

Well, since the beginning, we have been sponsors of the event, donating either copies of Self-Management for Actors or Acting Qs, the latter of which I co-authored with the awesome Blake Robbins.

But this was the first year it actually worked out that we could be there! And WOW! What an amazing experience!

The organizers have put together a really outstanding, lovely, inspiring event. And the cool thing is, it's not just about being a kid actor. These kids write essays, do artwork in competition, and have academic requirements that go along with "being biz kids." It's all about balance! I love that.

So, among many wonderful things we saw and heard and experienced that lovely Sunday, there was this--Keith's favorite pic off to the side of the red carpet. No, not us (above). The gaggle of girls (below). How cute is that?

Anyway, we made our way inside and were greeted by the sponsor table, featuring the over $400 of goodies each of the 150 kid actor honorees received. :) Yay!

I loved that someone caught this kiddo going through his bag, with our book right there in the pic. Hee! That's fun.

We found our way to our table (note the lovely product placement of Coca-Cola. Heh heh. I am a stockholder after all. And since I don't drink the stuff, I gotta at least represent somehow)!

And look at these awesome awards that all the kiddos got! So dang cool! (Oh, most of these photos are by the amazing and talented Allie and Cathy McCall--the latter of which was our wedding photographer a few years back.)

Lunch has been served and it's almost time for the awards event to begin! Loads of surprises and treats and laughs (and a few tears)!

Our buddy Gary Marsh braved the green glitter-coated chocolate bonbon (using his trusty pocket knife, of course). Hee! He gave glitter kisses the rest of the day!

Loved getting to hang out with the Casting About guys and Holdon Log folks too. I swear, we're a goofy bunch!

Anyway, there's a day in Hollywood. :) Congratulations to Anne, Paula, and the whole BizParentz.com group for putting on such an amazing event! Congrats to all the young actors who RULE! Looking forward to working with you all!

Posted by bonnie at 5:30 PM | Comments (0)
March 25, 2009
Reel Festival for Women Interview w/ Bonnie Gillespie
Interview posted at Reel Festival for Women, conducted by Iva Franks for Reel Festival for Women.
1. How old were you when you first knew you wanted to be in the Film/TV industry?
I had a very early love for performing and storytelling. Did the whole dress-up, put-on-a-show for family thing. Actually would "sell tickets" and seat people in the living room and have one of my cousins do a warm-up act. I wrote songs, wrote plays, wrote short stories, and performed everything I wrote for anyone who would watch. When did I learn that all of these childhood activities could be parlayed into a career? Probably around the age of six, when I went to see a "real" play. By intermission, I knew I wanted to have a job where I could affect people like I had been affected so deeply in such a short period of time. The very next play at that theatre, I had a role. Yes, I started out as a child actor (and survived).
2. Who was your greatest inspiration and how did they inspire you?
My mother has always been my greatest inspiration in all things. She was amazing. Brilliant on so many levels while being so very simple on other levels. Of the many things she taught me that I certainly use every day, what's probably most applicable to a career in show business is that there is no one way of accomplishing anything. Everything is an option. There is no "absolute" in this life and therefore anything is worth trying, if it makes your heart sing. That's pretty badass.
3. How long have you been casting and mentoring?
I started casting in February 2003. I had cast a play or two a few years prior, but that was just me--producing a play--being sure that I could cast without a casting director. Turns out a lot of newbie producers feel that way. They soon learn they'd rather hire a pro than try and "cast it themselves." Heh. I get that now. Anyway, one of the casting directors I had interviewed for Back Stage West (one of my actor survival jobs) asked me to come work with her on a few shows for Fox. I was reluctant but once I got started it was clear casting was a very good fit for me. Between shows one and two for Fox, I wrote Self-Management for Actors. Between shows two and three for Fox, I cast my first indie feature film. That was July 2003. I left TV casting behind soon after that, so I could focus on indie film. I had worked at the Sundance Institute in 2001 and 2002, so I knew I had a passion for indie film and indie filmmakers. Much better fit for me than network TV!
As for mentoring, I guess I've always been doing that. When I was a kid, a teacher saw that I was bored in some of my less-challenging classes and she gave me a "job" as a tutor for Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees who were new to our school. They spoke no English, so my job was to sit with them for an hour a day using a beginning spelling book and just start teaching the language at the very basic level, so they could follow anything going on in the classes. All through school, I was a peer tutor for many academic subjects. I was a peer advocate for the college judicial system. I currently mentor young writers for an organization called Write Girl. It's just kind of in my hard-wiring to share what I know with those who crave the knowledge.
4. Is there a particular project that you consider your favorite and why?
That's like asking me to pick a favorite baby! They're all favorites for various reasons. I learn something new on every project I cast and I reach another tier of my career on each project as well. I've started taking on the role of associate producer on many of the films I cast and that's been incredibly rewarding (and challenging, of course). But there's one film that broke my heart, another that allowed me to Taft-Hartley an actor for the first time. There's one film that led me to another dozen films with the same team, another that taught me there's not enough money on the planet to work with some people. There's one film that made me weep when I saw it on the big screen for the first time, another that I can't bring myself to watch. Certainly, I have favorites for various reasons. But because I approach my career as a means of learning more about the world and about myself, I could never truly pick one favorite. They have all enriched my life in some way.
5. Have you ever played a role in a project you cast?
Absolutely not. I retired from acting in 2000 when my mother passed away. I had taken a hiatus to go take care of her back in Georgia, but she died quickly and when I came back to LA I just stayed on hiatus. My agents were very understanding and supportive, and six months later (at the end of the timeline I had given myself to get back to acting), I was so completely gratified by my career as a writer (remember, I mentioned that writing survival job) that I decided I didn't need to or want to go back to acting. Then writing led to casting which led to producing... and honestly I have no interest in acting right now. The good news about this industry is that if you decide you want to do something, you just go do it. And if you're successful, you're encouraged to do it again and again. So you don't have to "earn" the right to be anything in this business. Have a story to tell? Tell it. Want to act? Do it. Produce? Great. Have at it! And if you're good at what you do, you'll be given many opportunities to do it. I like that about this business. If I should ever want to try my hand at acting again, I'll do it. But it's not what makes my heart sing, and I'm too focused on the many things that do make my heart sing. That's fun for me.
6. What are some bad habits that you've seen actors develop that you've had a hard time dealing with?
I don't have "a hard time dealing with" anything, so this is a difficult question for me. Everything is "deal-with-able," in my book. You just have to be open to the best way to communicate with the person bringing his or her blocks to the experience. Bad actor habits are all over the map. There's little stuff like a tick or a trick an actor does in the audition that distracts us from seeing the work. Then there's big stuff like becoming bitter or staying friends with poison playmates and energy vampires, and thinking you can still have a career because you've "earned it, dammit." No such thing. No one earns anything in this business. There's nothing linear about it and there's no recipe of "doing X number auditions yields Y number roles." Nope. No way.
But my point is that actors who do have bad habits (and that's not all of the actors out there, by any stretch) have bad habits that range from very tiny and manageable all the way up to soul-sucking, career-killing, miserable HUMAN BEING type habits. I'm not a therapist. I'm a casting director. So if an actor is in his or her own way when he or she comes in and auditions for a role, it's not my job to fix that. It's my job to get the role cast. Now, hopefully the work I put out there as a writer (my weekly columns at Showfax, my books) can help actors get out of their own way and do better when they're in the room, but if an actor is coming to me on an audition and is blocking success at every turn, I may feel sorry for that person, but the way I "deal with" that actor is to say, "Great. Thanks. NEXT!"
7. Have you ever written any projects and if so did you cast them as well?
I'm constantly writing, but the bulk of what I write is non-fiction actor-focused content for my weekly column and for my books. I've written a few comedic scenes for the Cricket Feet Showcase (most came out of a spec script I wrote a couple of years ago) but if I ever were to write a pilot or film script that I wanted to produce, I would probably hire another person to cast the project. While I'm a big fan of the hyphenate lifestyle, I am acutely aware that--especially where creative endeavors are involved--a project needs more than one filter through which it passes in order to be a success. I call it "the island syndrome." When the same person is the writer, producer, director, and star of a project, it's far less likely to feel real. It's only going through one filter and while the ego of that person getting to wear all of those hats is swelling, the project itself is usually suffering for the lack of collaboration.
I'm a big fan of surrounding myself with other really wonderful, creative, brilliant people. So, if I were to write and produce a project, I'd probably not also cast it. And if I were to write a project and not produce it, I might consider casting it. But I would also trust the producers who bought this hypothetical project I had written to hire the right person to cast it. And if they thought that person might be me? Fine. Also fine if not. ;) I know this business well enough to know better than to be emotionally attached to what happens to anything I create. All I can do is put my best stuff out there and surround myself with brilliant people who can take it to its best level.
8. What is your philosophy on the profession of working within the industry?
I'm not sure I understand this question. What's my philosophy on my profession? What's my philosophy on working within the industry in general? Yeah... this question doesn't make sense to me. I'm sorry. Not sure how to answer, since I can't tell what you're asking. Not sure how to have a philosophy on a profession. Or on working within the industry.
I mean... you like what you do and you do it. My philosophy on life is fairly simple: Have fun. Do what you love. Surround yourself with people you enjoy. Repeat.
9. Was there ever a project you felt was miscast after the fact? If so how did you deal with this?
There have been many times a director or producer went with the actor I would have not preferred they use in the role. My job is to bring choices to the decision-makers, and that means everyone who is considered is going to be talented, right for the part, and someone I'd be happy to see cast. So, while I'll have a favorite, in the end it's not my money, so I can't really push my will upon anyone else. I'll share my thoughts, but then I let it go. None of the choices I will have brought to this point in the casting process is a bad choice or a wrong choice. It's just a choice! And in the end, it's not my choice to make.
Now, there have been times a producer or director will insist a role be filled by his or her spouse or lover or best friend (or himself or herself) and there's not a whole lot I can do about that. This is a business filled with healthy egos and that means there will sometimes be a conversation that involves, "Trust me. This will work. She's perfect for the role," from someone who doesn't have a clue how very bad that person is for that role. Ah well...
What I do in that case is prepare for working with that person the next time. He or she will absolutely have learned that I was right and there was a better choice for the role. And we'll either have a much easier time with the trust issue the next time I say, "Trust me on this. This is the best actor for the role," or this director or producer will be so ready to move on from that bad call that we'll never speak of it again. ;) But we'll both know and have a better run next time. When the goal is "to serve the project" it gets very easy to stay focused on what casting tells the best story. No one wants to make a bad film, so we all know that we're expressing our opinions to make the best possible project.
10. What advice would you give to someone who wants to get into the industry?
Relax. Have fun. Do research. TONS of research. Take it seriously but don't be rigid. Read everything you can get your hands on and really immerse yourself in the community. See plays, read plays, write plays. See films, read scripts, write scripts. Go to TV show tapings, read spec scripts, write spec scripts. Be ready to be a hyphenate but get very clear on your main goal, your primary brand, your most bankable angle. Don't scare anyone off by being too desperate or too "everything everyone needs every time." Don't be afraid to be a beginner. That's when all of the possibilities exist! Realize that most folks never come anywhere close to getting to live a life of their dreams, and you should be thrilled to have made a bold choice to go for it! Enjoy the pursuit, because that's what you'll spend most of your time doing: pursuing the work. Relax. Have fun. Do research. But I already said that. Yes. Because it's important.
11. How important do you feel film festivals are for anyone who wants to work in the industry?
The right film festivals are vitally important. There are so many "little festivals" that spring up every year and--while I absolutely applaud folks on creating new opportunities for up-and-coming filmmakers to have their work exposed to the public--it becomes necessary for filmmakers to do a very good job vetting the festivals. Some are just a way for organizers to make their rent through collecting submission fees. Really pay attention to what else you're getting, with any festival. Are there panel discussions and lectures by experts in the field? Is the judging process transparent? Is your work getting in front of the buyers you want to access? When you look at past films from the festival, are you honored to be within their company or is your film far better than anything they've screened before? If the festival is getting more out of your involvement than you are getting out of being involved, you may have to write it off as a mentoring opportunity (and you know I love mentoring, so this can absolutely be a good thing) and try to make the festival better for future participants.
Obviously, the "biggies" are essential for indie filmmakers to experience. Getting in even the smallest of the "biggies" can make the difference between your film only ever being seen by a few friends and your film getting major distribution. But it's never only about the immediate opportunity. It's the cumulative impact on your career. You're building relationships at every festival. Your name is getting out there with every submission and every screening. You're building your brand as a filmmaker or writer or actor (or casting director!) and as long as you stay focused on enjoying the process more than anticipating any sort of immediate rewards, you'll have fun and get a lot more out of every festival than you might have ever anticipated!
Bonnie Gillespie is an author, producer, and casting director. Her books include Casting Qs: A Collection of Casting Director Interviews, Self-Management for Actors: Getting Down to (Show) Business, and Acting Qs: Conversations with Working Actors. Bonnie specializes in casting SAG indie feature films and regularly produces the Cricket Feet Casting Actors Showcase. She is co-founder and co-host of Hollywood Happy Hour. Her weekly column, The Actors Voice, is available at www.showfax.com. Bonnie Gillespie has been named a Top Film Casting Director in Back Stage West's "Best of Los Angeles" Issue; was interviewed on BBC Breakfast, on UTV-Ireland's Gerry Kelly Goes to Hollywood, and for the E! gossip column The Answer B!tch; and hosted Inside Casting and The Reel Deal for Virtual Channel Network--the Breakdown Services and The Hollywood Reporter's website for industry insiders. For more information, please visit www.cricketfeet.com.
Posted by bonnie at 12:08 AM | Comments (0)
March 20, 2009
Charger Plate
Okay, so the first time I ever heard the words "charger plate" was somewhere in the neighborhood of November 2008 when Fawnda was rambling about her woodland creature napkin holders and other stuffs she'd bought from the Pottery Barn for Thanksgiving dinner.
So, tonight, Keith and I are out for a wonderful date at a favorite place and it's nice and quiet as non-trendy places that serve amazing food should be on a hot Friday night.

Well, around 8:30pm, the hostess lady came around and started picking up all of the salad forks from the unoccupied tables. She placed them on a silver platter covered with cloth napkins. It was a very formal experience.
Around 8:45pm, the hostess lady came back around and started picking up all of the charger plates (hence the whole conversation about WTF a charger plate is and why it's necessary and whether we're out of the loop for not needing nor caring whether we ever have such a thing under any plate--or removed before the introduction of our plate--at any time).
And around 9pm, the hostess lady came back through and out went all of the wine glasses.
So is the rate of theft of extraneous silverware, charger plates, and wine glasses exponentially higher as we reach 9pm on a Friday in Santa Monica?
Does the likelihood that anyone will order a meal requiring a salad fork or wine glass plummet after 9pm? (Does it matter that the restaurant is open 24/7?)
And that charger plate. Do we just--as a society--require less-formal arrival conditions in fancy restaurants at a certain hour?
(Seeing as I have never had an interest in--nor knowledge of--a charger plate prior to five months ago, I guess that whole last part is lost on me. But I thank the Wiki for schooling me a bit.)
So, huh?
I really kinda wanted to ax the hostess lady about it, but was too much in love with my dinner. And my hubs.
Holy crap.
Sometimes there is nothing a bottle of Ferrari-Carano, kisses from the beloved, a lobster tail, a slab o' meat, and a big-ass potato can't fix.
(Note: Nothing needed fixing. I had another sentence there, but it ended in a preposition. And I blog so infrequently now that I figure I might as well be more grammatically correct. Hence my use of "ax" for "ask.")
This is why I don't blog much anymore. Twitter better. Shorter. Ahh...
Posted by bonnie at 10:28 PM | Comments (2)
March 13, 2009
Mar09 12 of 12
Oh, my lordy, what a looooooong day. I really need to get to sleep, because tomorrow (er, later today) is an even loooooooonger day and with even more meetings than the three I had today. Ack! And eep! And yay! :)
So welcome back to 12 of 12. New to 12 of 12? Visit Chad Darnell for all the info. Join us! It's ever so much fun to see what's going on all over the world on a single day.

11:41am: Awesome intern is sorting headshot postcards, a few headshots from recent scouting I've done, and a ton of "actor mail." I love Christina. She's my Velveeta Jr.

1:08pm: So I've found a stack of checks we forgot about last week (yes, we are that flippin' busy) and that means Keith gets to take a walk to the bank and do a little deposit action. Yay, residuals! We're very happy that CSI: Miami is the most watched show, internationally. That recurring gig from a few years ago is really paying Keith well. In honor of Caruso, he's sporting the shades and the 'tude. (Cue the music: "YEAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" That's for you, LDW.)

2:10pm: Christina is still at it. Merging newly-acquired headshots into the master file of "actors who rock." (Those are the ones coded YELLOW. There are two other categories. Plus the trash, natch.)

2:49pm: Thwok is hunting. When isn't she? Oh, I know. When she's sleeping. ;)

3:12pm: Paying bills. Again. Seriously, can we pay someone to do this for us?

4:03pm: Not to be outdone, Archie chirps and gets some camera time. Do you just LOVE those freckles? I sure do!

4:55pm: So grateful to Eitan for having introduced us to Gloria's. Holy crap, their papusas are a thing of beauty. And their sangria ain't too shabby neither, baby!

6:24pm: Keith and Joanie are wrapping up the production meeting. Yes, this looks very much like last month's 12 of 12. Both 12s were on a Thursday and our Thursdays are pretty consistent lately. Meetings. Gloria's. Meeting at Gloria's. Class Rules! :) Awesome!

7:01pm: No clue what this light fixture is supposed to do, but I'm told it creates really cool shapes on the wall outside, through the window across the stairwell. Huh. Okay then.

10:33pm: Keith and Erich are--as usual--enchanted by another of Konstantin's wonderful stories. There were accents. And Keith played a role in some sort of improvised scene. I think Keith and Konstantin may have been brothers in a past life. Erich really enjoys this part of the night. ;) I do too!

11:46pm: Class Rules! is over for this week. Eesh, we went late. I'm bushed, but luckily both my iPhone and I have enough juice left to take one last 12 of 12 pic before heading home.
Thanks, everyone, for stopping by. And thank you, Chad, for another lovely 12 of 12 experience. :) ¡Muchos besos!
Posted by bonnie at 1:25 AM | Comments (4)
March 1, 2009
Nabbed from Julie-O. (And I modified the years a bit, because it was so much fun.)
1) How old were you? 13.
2) Who were you dating? Dating? Eep! Not 'til my braces came off.
3) Where did you work? In my mom's home office, filing. And in neighbors' homes, babysitting.
4) Where did you live? Wynhill Drive, Atlanta.
5) Where did you hang out? Like, totally at Perimeter Mall.
6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? Nope.
7) Who was your best friend? Susan Waters.
8) How many tattoos did you have? None.
9) How many piercings did you have? Two, but could only wear an earring in one ear because the piercing in my right ear was mangled so badly when it was done. It's like I got to be trendy '80s with the one earring thing without even trying.
10) What kind of car did you drive? My mom let me ride shotgun in her Chevy Monte Carlo.
11) Had you been to a real party? Well, I'd have said "yes," but would've defined "real" differently, later.
12) Had you had your heart broken? Yep.
13) Were you single/taken/married/divorced? Just boy-crazy.
14) Any Kids? Nope. I still was one!
1) How old were you? 18.
2) Who were you dating? Avi Neurohr, long distance.
3) Where did you work? On campus at the "tutor house," doing academic peer tutoring. Then at Chili's on the weekends, bartending my way through school in a very short denim skirt.
4) Where did you live? Reed III, University of Georgia campus (stadium-adjacent, y'all).
5) Where did you hang out? On campus.
6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? I had just started wearing contacts.
7) Who was your best friend? Candace.
8) How many tattoos did you have? None.
9) How many piercings did you have? Two, but never wear earrings.
10) What kind of car did you drive? Toyota Celica: The Hatchmobile.
11) Had you been to a real party? Absolutely.
12) Had you had your heart broken? Yep.
13) Were you single/taken/married/divorced? Enjoying dating long-distance and flirting with the locals.
14) Any Kids? Nope.
1) How old were you? 23.
2) Who were you dating? Every loser in Los Angeles, I'm afraid.
3) Where did you work? Left Bank Management, i.e.: for Duran Duran, The Bee Gees, Richard Marx, Meat Loaf, John Mellencamp, Tony Toni Toné, Stephanie Mills, LA Guns, Luther Vandross, and Joey Lawrence.
4) Where did you live? Hollywood Tower, my first apartment of my very own, 6200 Franklin Ave.
5) Where did you hang out? Dan Tana's.
6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? Contacts.
7) Who was your best friend? Cousin Faith.
8) How many tattoos did you have? None.
9) How many piercings did you have? Two, but never wear earrings.
10) What kind of car did you drive? Mazda Miata: The Tictac.
11) Had you been to a real party? Nightly.
12) Had you had your heart broken? Yep.
13) Were you single/taken/married/divorced? Very single.
14) Any Kids? Nope.
1) How old were you? 28.
2) Who were you dating? No one serious. Just whoring around.
3) Where did you work? I was a working actor and hand model with a dozen survival jobs (see previous note about my jobs).
4) Where did you live? Psycho Roommate Hell, Moorpark Ave., Sherman Oaks.
5) Where did you hang out? The Backstage on Karaoke night.
6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? Contacts.
7) Who was your best friend? My Sissa Melissa.
8) How many tattoos did you have? Two.
9) How many piercings did you have? Two, but never wear earrings.
10) What kind of car did you drive? Mazda Miata: The Tictac.
11) Had you been to a real party? Nightly.
12) Had you had your heart broken? Yep.
13) Were you single/taken/married/divorced? Militantly single.
14) Any Kids? Nope.
1) How old were you? 33.
2) Who were you dating? Keith Johnson. We were even engaged and shacking.
3) Where did you work? In casting. Mostly from home.
4) Where did you live? Beechwood Canyon, Hollywood Hills.
5) Where did you hang out? Dan Tana's.
6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? Contacts.
7) Who was your best friend? Keith Johnson.
8) How many tattoos did you have? Two.
9) How many piercings did you have? Two, but never wear earrings.
10) What kind of car did you drive? Mazda Miata: The Tictac.
11) Had you been to a real party? Fewer and fewer, being coupled and all that.
12) Had you had your heart broken? Yep.
13) Were you single/taken/married/divorced? Engaged and holding.
14) Any Kids? No, but looking forward to more time with Keith's son.
TODAY (2009)
1) How old are you? 38.
2) Who are you dating? My husband.
3) Where do you work? In casting. In production. Online. In any large gathering place.
4) Where do you live? Seven blocks from the beach, Santa Monica.
5) Where do you hang out? Dan Tana's.
6) Do you wear contacts and/or glasses? Nope. Got the LASIK, baby.
7) Who is your best friend? My husband. Followed closely by a gaggle of Annas.
8) How many tattoos do you have? Two.
9) How many piercings do you have? Two, but never wear earrings.
10) What kind of car do you drive? Mazda Miata: The Tictac.
11) Have you been to a real party? Occasionally.
12) Have you had your heart broken? Yep.
13) Are you single/taken/married/divorced? Married and loving it.
14) Any Kids? My gorgeous stepson, Quinn (just not nearly often enough in-house).
1) How old will you be? 43.
2) Who will you be dating? My husband.
3) Where will you work? In casting. In production. Online. In any large gathering place. On the air.
4) Where will you live? Ideally at a house we picked out years ago, just down the street from where we are now.
5) Where will you hang out? Dan Tana's.
6) Will you wear contacts and/or glasses? Nope. Got the LASIK, baby.
7) Who will your best friend be? My husband. Probably still followed closely by a gaggle of Annas. But who knows?!?
8) How many tattoos will you have? Two and maybe a third. Thinking about something...
9) How many piercings will you have? If I have my way, I may even have the two that are on my ears "filled in" and just be done with the idea that I would/could *ever* wear earrings.
10) What kind of car will you drive? Mazda Miata: The Tictac. And hopefully will have added an FX-45: The Doc Martin.
11) Will you have been to a real party? Suspect I will also be throwing quite a few, once we're in our house. We owe a lot of party karma.
12) Will you have had your heart broken? Yep. But it's still held over from that first time. ;)
13) Will you be single/taken/married/divorced? Married and loving it.
14) Any Kids? By then, my gorgeous stepson, Quinn will be living with us full-time. Will he have any siblings? Only time will tell.
(comments from the Facebook)
Eric Loya
Wow. I liked so much of this, and so will not comment on most of it, since that would be way too long. But I did want to say that I'm very interested and excited about the addition of "On the air" five years from now.
March 1, 2009 at 11:00pm · LikeUnlike ·
Bonnie Gillespie
March 1, 2009 at 11:36pm · LikeUnlike ·
Domenic Tudino
I'm jealous that you live 7 blocks from the beach in Santa Monica. I live 5,000 miles from Santa Monica, it's a bit of a walk for me !
March 2, 2009 at 8:50am · LikeUnlike ·
Bonnie Gillespie
Seven blocks, baby. It's awesome. This morning (we had gone to bed with the windows open) the whole house smelled like ocean. It was a lovely way to wake up. I love it!
March 2, 2009 at 1:01pm · LikeUnlike ·
Deborah Cape
I was in Santa Monica....just over a week ago. Ahhh....I miss it so. :)
March 3, 2009 at 3:47am · LikeUnlike ·
Bonnie Gillespie
Isn't it the best? :)
March 3, 2009 at 12:07pm · LikeUnlike ·
Posted by bonnie at 8:38 PM | Comments (0)