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November 13, 2009
Nov. '09 12 of 12
Happy 12 of 12, everyone!
(I know, I know. It's LATE! I have been bizzzzzzzy. Phew! But here it is. :) Finally. Enjoy!)
If you're new to 12 of 12, please visit birthday boy Chad Darnell (okay, yesterday was his awesome b'day) for all the info. And then join us. Play with us. It's super fun to see what's going on all over the world on the 12th of each month!

12am: Fudging the time on this by a few hours. This is the firepit poolside atop the London in West Hollywood. My lovely friend Eric is in town for a week and we try to get together when he comes to LA. Last night, we went to an early dinner with Keith and Ryan at Dan Tana's (and scored awesome 45th anniversary pins from Michael) and then Eric, Ryan, and I went back to Eric's hotel for laughs, games, drinks, and more laughs.

12:30am: Again fudging the time probably. Ryan and Eric, after our third round of Celebrity. Finally winding down after having been on our outing since 5pm. Such a good night!

2:06am: Trying to wrap my brain around the time difference in Australia, seeing as I'll be there in a week, teaching. Ack!

7:34am: Fleece sheets! My favorite part of this time of year. :) (My least favorite part? The nose bleeds. Why is it so dry? Why?!?)

9:33am: Thwok comes to "make biscuits" on me. (She really likes the fleece sheets.) Momma always called it "making biscuits" because it's like she's kneading dough. Keith calls it "doing the kitty dance." Either way. Love it.

11:31am: Doing more prep and promotion for AIPA (that's the Australian Institute for Performing Arts) and the trip to Sydney to teach. Getting word that there may be some changes to my trip, but I'm trying not to get nervous. Yet. And remembering that even if they do push my dates, I have a 12-month work visa for Australia and will be there at some point.

12:49pm: Executing the casting LOI for a pilot I'll be working on when I get back from Australia. Very much looking forward to getting started on the cast lists and offers. It's a great script with a fantastic crew and the show bible is coming along nicely. Yay! So, next step is executing the casting deal memo, but this gets us on the road to that.

4:09pm: I am excellent at vehicular makeup artistry. Excellent!

7:34pm: Class Rules! Oh, I am so gonna miss facilitating this collective of awesomeosity every week. Well, good news, we will launch quarterly retreats starting with the Self-Management for Actors seminar in January. Meanwhile, one more week with the awesomeness that is Jacob Motsinger, Trevor Downie, Jackie Clifford, Chari Pere, Eli Schiff, William Christopher Ford, Amro Salama...

7:35pm: ...Phoebe Parker, Ryan Basham, [then that's me,] Kathi Carey, David Nathan Schwartz, Rebecca Norris (and, not pictured, Anne Arreguin, Kevin Ashworth, Leah Cevoli, Bill Ferris, Vivian Gray, Keith Johnson, Erich Lane, Konstantin Lavysh, Sarah Logan, Michelle Luchese, Jeff Nichols, Maria Ochoa, Tanya Perez, Ashley Rose, Jay Ruggieri, Regina Virk).

9:43pm: Pitch Clinic in full effect. Kathi is pitching a great new film (one I hope to cast for her next year).

11:59pm: Ah, Trevor interpreting Michael Jackson at our post-class haunt of the past six weeks (and one more before we're through), Pineapple Hill Saloon. Greatness in the 818. Love it!
Oh, and if anyone is looking to read the punchline on the Australia booking (and some BIG news about a new casting gig and distribution of a film I previously cast--that'd be Another Harvest Moon, y'all) click right here. Thanks! :) It's good. It's very, very good. :)
As always, thank you, Chad, for another lovely 12 of 12. :) Keep on rockin', good folks!
Posted by bonnie at 7:04 PM | Comments (1)
November 8, 2009
Eeeeeeee! Australia!
Okay, so in just over a week, I board a big-ass plane for a long-ass time and travel into the future to arrive a day earlier in Sydney Australia.

I've never been. I'm so freakin' excited I can barely stand it! Luckily, there are LOTS of details to deal with, and that keeps my freaking-out-mind busy. :)

I'm going over (along with fellow rockstar casting directors Matt Barry, Lisa Beach, Lisa Fields, Joseph Middleton, Monika Mikkelsen, Paul Weber, Gary Zuckerbrod, and a "secret guest" who is pretty dang major at the studio for which he casts) for two weeks with the Australian Institute for Performing Arts. This is the group that hired me to teach in May, when they brought over a group of wonderful actors. This time, we're there. THERE. In Sydney! Ack! So excited.

I have to say, the handiest thing in the world is having an ex beau living in Sydney. He has been so helpful, as I plan the logistics of my stay. Also amazingly wonderful is rockstar casting director Marci Liroff, who so sweetly introduced me to rockstar casting director Matt Skrobalak, who has been introducing me--pretty much daily--to some of the top agents and managers in Sydney, so I can meet up with them while I'm in town.

Awesome. I love this business. I love that I get to have such an adventure! I'm trying not to be nervous, but I am just so freakin' excited! Eeeeeeeeee! Luckily, Sydney looks a lot like Santa Monica to me. ;) So maybe I can pretend I'm home. Hee!
Posted by bonnie at 11:35 AM | Comments (2)