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January 12, 2010
12 of 12 for January 2010
Welcome back to Chad's last year of 12 of 12. Who is Chad? Click here. Why is this the last year for Chad? He's feeling done. Boy, don't I know how that goes! So, thank you, Chad for this wonderful thing you've given us. It's been so much fun to do!
(Note: I'm also participating in a Spynotebook-generated project called Snapshot a Day. Yup. 365 photos in 2010. Click here to check that out at Flickr.)
Here we go! Click any photo to enlarge. :)
5:50am: Keith's alarm (not this old digital clock--a gift from Fulton Federal, when I opened an account with them in 1989--don't think we've used the alarm or radio function for a decade now; bless the PDAs) has gone off and he's headed to Runyon. I'm headed to another sleep cycle, thank you.
7:32am: Now, I'm up. Thwok is with me in the bathroom. She loves the sink. Monkey in a sink. Nothing cuter. Evil monkey!
10:51am: I'm addicted. I can't stop playing the free iPhone app called "Words with Friends." Kiki (Erik Patterson) turned me on to it over the holiday break and I've got about 22 games going right now. If you want to play me, my username is bonniegillespie. I really love this game!
11:50am: I've finished my body test on Wii Fit (I'm 24 years old, in Wii Fit years, today, and I'm down 3.2 pounds from yesterday, which is a bit ridiculous) and it's time to commence training. I've put in a LOT of hours, overall, huh?
12:25pm: Training is over. A half-hour is about all my bum ankle can take. But I'm thrilled my ankle can take it at all. I was missing the workouts. I'm so glad to be back at it. Ankle's getting stronger and stronger. Just wish the pain would stop!
1:14pm: My supercute Yôl T-shirt from Mason McCulley. I love it! I'll be putting it on after a quick shower and ankle soak.
1:46pm: Time to lube up and wrap my ankle. Using the last of the great anti-inflammatory gel my awesome ex-boyfriend got me in Australia, when I turned my ankle and fell down the stairs. The meds in Australia are awesome. I need to import some Nurofen+. The "plus" stands for codeine. Yes! Over the counter, baby. Ahh... that's long gone. Took most of it while in Sydney, natch. That's when the pain was its worst.
3:34pm: Time to walk to Third Street Promenade with my sweetheart. That place where the street looks like it ends, a couple of blocks down? Yeah, that's the beach. I know. I love where we live too. It's awesome.
3:58pm: Satisfying a craving. Johnny Rockets' chili cheese fries. A thousand calories of heaven. (I can only eat this about once every two years or so, but when I want it, I really really want it. That was today. Totally worth it.) Still can't figure out why the Bee Gees were in heavy rotation on the Johnny Rockets' jukebox. Something is... off... about that.
4:25pm: Pacific Coast sunset at Arizona and Third Street. Just lovely. I so love where we live!
5:34pm: We've spent time at the Apple Store, where a genius actually helped us fix a Mail settings issue we've been working on for months. No, I'm still not satisfied with Mail and Address Book and iCal as a replacement for Entourage, but this little bug fix certainly helps. Yay, Madison! Thank you! Anyway, now we're at Barnes and Noble, buying a couple of good ol' fashioned books. Have to visit our baby, Self-Management for Actors, while we're there.
6:20pm: The kitties were being inappropriately rambunctious, so we decided to calm 'em down by getting 'em stoned. A healthy dose of catnip always does the trick. This is Salema, baked. And now... they sleep. Ah. That's good parenting!
As always, thank you, Chad, for another lovely 12 of 12. :) Keep on rockin', good folks! LYMI!
Posted by bonnie at January 12, 2010 8:40 PM
Thwok! What a great name! And OMG, those fries look deadly.
Looks like a good day. Thanks for sharing!
Posted by: Jill at January 14, 2010 4:01 PM
Ah, yes, the Mail/iCal/Address Book vs. Entourage debate. MicroSquash is supposedly releasing Outlook for Mac soon -- I'm eagerly awaiting it to see how disappointing it is.
I really wish there were a dog version of catnip. I totally need one!
And this may be the closest I've been to chili cheese fries in ages. WANT....
Nice 12!
Posted by: Chris at January 15, 2010 2:14 PM
Jill--Thanks. :) The fries were delish. :) And yeah, Thwok is aptly named too. It's the sound she makes when she slams into the wall, chasing something.
Chris--Yeah, I'm hearing about that Outlook option and still am not too inspired by what it says it'll do. Luckily, the Mac genius did get me one step farther away from "greatly disappointed" with what I have to use, in the iCal/Mail/Address Book combo, but I'm open to going back to MicroSux if I must. :\
Highly recommend chili cheese fries... once every two years. :)
Posted by: Bon at January 17, 2010 9:44 PM