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April 14, 2010
April 12 of 12
Hello again and welcome back to Chad's last year of 12 of 12. Who is this rockstar named Chad? Click here.
(If you really love Bon-photos, I'm also participating in a Spynotebook-generated project called Snapshot a Day. Yup. 365 photos in 2010. Click here to check that out at Flickr.)
As always, please enjoy my 12 of 12, even when it goes up super late (sorry; busy). Click any photo to enlarge. :)

1:14am: Email to Team Cricket Feet about Somebody's Basement. Closer and closer to launch! Yeah, baby!

8:36am: Archie and I would like to keep sleeping a little longer, please.

10:30am: Lovely Miss Chatelaine's Autumn Raspberry and Muscadine Wine Jam for my gluten-free waffle pleasure.

12:43pm: Starline Tours in Westwood.

12:57pm: UCLA MFA Showcase, about to begin! This is the kit in my lap.

2:27pm: The Mighty TicTac in front of South. Had to cure a craving for some pulled-pork nachos, stat!

3:35pm: Wall. Of. Porn.

4:08pm: We were told to bring healthy snacks for game night. I chose veggie flax chips and parmesan pepper cheese. Keith chose Ho-Hos. The Midol is not for game night. :)

5:21pm: This is how my boys take a nap. In two months, these naps will involve Quinn. Cannot WAIT!

8:17pm: Travis is sampling something called a hummingbird from Doughboys. Um, yum.

8:48pm: Dot believes she's a lapdog. Rob doesn't disagree.

9:48pm: My personal best round of Apples to Apples. I am awesome. (But Travis still won.)
As always, thank you, Chad, for another lovely 12 of 12. :) See y'all next month! Thanks for the comments, thanks for the visits, thanks for the love. <3
Posted by bonnie at April 14, 2010 11:56 PM