April 1, 2008
I love my showcase cast.
I know I say this every time.
I know I always brag about how brilliant the actors are, how funny the writing is, how amazing the director is.
And I know I always say, "This is our best showcase EVER."
But dammit, I have to say it all--and mean it all--again.
For real!
Last Looks was last night and everyone was so flippin' amazing. Just, wow. I am in awe of how laugh-out-loud funny this showcase is.
And I'm so excited that we don't have to turn away ANYONE, now that we're in this great new location. :) Have you RSVPd yet? DO IT! (Pretty please?)
Thank you. :)
I love these actors. They're amazing. So committed and funny and smart and awesome!!!!!!
Come see for yourself.
Posted by bonnie at 7:59 PM | Comments (0)
October 27, 2007
by god, georgia bulldogs, i love you (santa barbara is nice too).
Posted by bonnie at 4:02 PM | Comments (1)
June 20, 2007
As we're heading out...
...for our Lucy/Quinn playdate (yay!), I find this awesome interview with the lovely and talented Faith Salie.

It includes fun little bits like this:
Based on the photo gallery on your Web site, you definitely do not "have a face for radio." Why radio?
That's for sure a compliment, so thanks again. I endeavor never to have an ass for radio either.
and this:
Is there anything that isn't "fair game"? Is there anywhere you won't go? Any taboos?
There is nowhere I won't go, in theory. However, I'm also not interested in being a contentious, "gotcha"-style host. Nor do I want to be snarky in my humor. I take my role as a host quite to heart. If I could send every guest a handwritten thank you note and a Coca-Cola cake, I would. So with that in mind, even as I'm asking the tougher questions or calling people out on their preposterousness, I like to do it with playfulness.
She's just so damn cool. Yay, cousin! Bonus points for the Miss Aphrodite shout-out. Seriously.
Posted by bonnie at 1:28 PM | Comments (0)
June 17, 2007
Don't Go Transforming
Yeah, you know it. "Just the Way You Are." Right?
And seriously, if you love Billy Joel *and* the Transformers (and who--at our age--doesn't?!?), this is the video for you.

Credits are as follows: The BRILLIANT master Keith Greenstein (who is, was, and always will be "my other Keith"). He has much cool stuff at his website. He is BRILLIANT (and that will always be in caps, re: him).
Go worship him appropriately. He deserves it. Go, Spartans!
Posted by bonnie at 12:11 AM | Comments (0)
June 2, 2007
Cousin Faith in Tomorrow's NYT!
Hey, everyone, make sure you pick up the June 3rd New York Times to read all about Faith Salie's ability to raise the listenership of public radio in just a few months' time!

You can also read the piece here.
A snippet:
What makes her stand out on public radio is her down-to-earth approach. She doesn’t hold back on genuine (read nonjournalistic) gasps of “Oh my God” astonishment or delight.
Yay! Hee! And yippee!
Posted by bonnie at 8:15 PM | Comments (0)
January 21, 2007
Keith's MOW
Aw, cool. Keith's movie of the week, Love Is a Four-Letter Word is now on the Hallmark Channel's website.

Looks like you can tune in twice on Feb. 3rd, and then again on the 8th and 17th (and yes, he gets paid each time. We love you, SAG*).

Yippee! Watch for Keith as "blond man" (I kid you not, that's how the breakdown went out) and enjoy his treadmill scene. Yay!
*Speaking of SAG, anyone I know showing up to the SAG CAP Orientation I'm doing Tuesday?
Posted by bonnie at 2:12 AM | Comments (1)
January 9, 2007
Cousin Faith's Show Goes National
From Business Wire:
"Fair Game from PRI with Faith Salie" Premieres Nationally This WeekSatirical News and Entertainment Show Available on Air, Online Weekday Evenings
MINNEAPOLIS & NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Public Radio International (PRI) announces the premiere of "Fair Game from PRI with Faith Salie." The program has been piloting in select cities since November and is now available to PRI's 780+ affiliate stations nationwide for broadcast and online streaming.
Hosted by comedian and Rhodes scholar Faith Salie, "Fair Game" takes the day's news and entertainment stories, blows them up and puts them back together again--all in one glorious hour. Each evening Salie and her guests tackle issues like international espionage, the inner life of Robert Downey Jr. and why you sometimes need to punch a hawk to save a puppy. All that plus live music!
Recent guests include Grammy nominated hip-hop artist Lupe Fiasco, former "Daily Show" correspondent and star of NBC's "The Office" Ed Helms, Senator Russ Feingold and former CIA head Tyler Drumheller.
"We like to say that 'every topic is our play thing,'" says "Fair Game" creator and Executive Producer Kerrie Hillman. "Whether we're covering politics or pop culture, we use humor as way to get a little closer to the truth."
Host, writer, producer Faith Salie enthuses over her role, "It's a gratifying experience to be able to combine substantive news with comedy, particularly in a medium like radio, where I will always sound younger than I am."
Here's what some listeners have to say:
- I'm a 25-year-old grad student.... I absolutely adore "Fair Game." (Dallas)
- Fun, fast, funny and fresh! Congratulations on waking up both ears. (Seattle)
- Faith Salie carries the show in a way that is cool, sexy and smart.... She has "it." (Chicago)
- Humorous political commentary with the sophistication of public radio. Keep it coming! (Washington, D.C.)
Melinda Ward, senior vice president of PRI Content, notes, "I am pleased that stations and listeners are so enthusiastic about the program. We have assembled an extraordinary group of young talented writers, producers and comedians, many of whom are new to public radio. I'm confident that 'Fair Game' will give younger listeners a reason to turn to public radio on air and online."
About Faith Salie
"Fair Game" is hosted by Faith Salie, a star of Bravo's improvisational sitcom, "Significant Others." She has appeared in numerous sitcoms and dramas from a memorable turn in gold lame on "Sex and the City" to reaching the arcane iconic status of a "tradable life form" for "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" fans. A pop-culture pundit on a variety of VH-1 shows, as well as a stand-up comedian, Salie has also written several shows for the Oxygen Network. "Fair Game" marks her first foray into public radio, where she is the co-creator, host and writer/producer of the show. While she's happy to see more women in comedy, she's still not sure if they should have the right to vote.
Woo! Go, cousin!
Posted by bonnie at 5:29 PM | Comments (0)
November 3, 2006
More Press for Faith's Radio Show
This, from today's Seattle Times:
KUOW ventures into satire with new "Fair Game"
Fair Game From PRI With Faith Salie is a satirical news and entertainment evening show hosted by a 30-something performer at 8 p.m. Fridays.The show is the first public-radio adventure for Salie, a comedian and TV actor. It'll be a mix of popular culture and politics, skewering both ends of the political spectrum.
Fair Game From PRI With Faith Salie: 8 p.m. Fridays on KUOW-FM (94.9). Listen live at KUOW.org.

"Everything's ripe for satire," Salie said in a telephone interview from New York, where the show is produced. "I'd be lying if I said I were conservative, but the goal of the show is to be very fair. We're willing to take on Lieberman and the Republican Lieberman."Go, cousin! Go, cousin! Woo!Salie's acting credits include Significant Others on Bravo; a guest appearance on Sex and the City; playing the genetically-enhanced Serena Douglas on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and voicing the character Yuko on Astro Boy. These two last gigs, she insists, should make her more sensitive to the issues that face genetic mutants and anime characters.
Fair Game's head writer, Gideon Evans, used to work on The Daily Show and Salie said that TV show's audience is the same one she was after: smart, informed, young.
Each hourlong show will also feature a musical guest.
Tonight's inaugural lineup: Matt Dowd, campaign guru for Bush-Cheney '04; Andy Borowitz, comedian and author of The Republican Playbook; Barbara Kopple, whose latest documentary profiles the Dixie Chicks; and a musical guest, Girl Talk.
A sole female host, even on public radio, is still rather novel. And the fact that Salie is hosting a humor show also makes Fair Game groundbreaking, says Michael Arnold, director of programming for Public Radio International, the show's producer.
Fair Game debuts in Seattle and in 12 other public-radio markets before the program is distributed nationally in January.
One advantage of being a KUOW listener in this pilot phase of Fair Game, Hansen points out, is that local listener feedback will help shape the show as it figures itself out. Fair Game is scheduled to morph into a five-day-a-week show at the beginning of the year.
Posted by bonnie at 11:46 AM | Comments (0)
November 1, 2006
Faith's PRI Show Debuts Friday
From today's Washington Times:
Fair Game
Public radio is no longer just for baby boomers and news junkies, it turns out.WETA 91.9 FM on Friday will join nearly a dozen other public radio stations in debuting Fair Game from PRI with Faith Salie, a one-hour weekday evening broadcast that host Ms. Salie describes as the radio "love child" of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

"What we share with The Daily Show is an inclination to reach out to younger listeners and an irreverent, skeptical take on hard news," said Ms. Salie, a comedienne who previously starred on Bravo's improvisational sitcom, Significant Others.
"Unlike The Daily Show, we don't just cover politics. We like to think of it as the evolution of the variety show."
Fair Game will feature interviews with newsmakers and celebrities, along with musical and comedic performances. Field correspondents will also contribute to the program, tackling, in Ms. Salie's words, "such weighty issues" as the Miss Adams Morgan Pageant, an annual drag-queen event in Northwest."There's also a lot of unscripted, spontaneous interaction with random phone-call recipients," Ms. Salie added.
Minneapolis-based Public Radio International is producing the show, which will be taped at WNYC New York Public Radio's studios. Other PRI programs include the This American Life with Ira Glass and The Tavis Smiley Show.Ms. Salie, a Harvard-educated Rhodes scholar, described the show's targeted demographic of twenty- and thirtysomethings as an audience somewhat "ignored" by traditional public radio programs.
To court younger listeners, Ms. Salie will use the Web to solicit feedback from listeners, such as band recommendations and suggested questions for guests.
Fair Game is intended "both to amuse and to challenge their way of thinking," Ms. Salie said. "I think that comedy, when it has a point and when it's rooted in fact, can be just about the most provocative tool there is in terms of shaking people's consciousness."
The show is slated to debut nationally in January. WETA will air Fair Game on Fridays at 10 p.m.
I'll post again with other stations and schedules as soon as I do a little poking around. Also, start looking for some great press to roll out in December. Cousin is workin' it, baby! Woo!
Posted by bonnie at 10:24 AM | Comments (0)
October 23, 2006
Happy Anniversary, Keith
Five years ago this morning, Keith pulled up outside 2240 N. Gower St. in a yellow Ryder van... engagement ring in his pocket.
Let me back up.

In early 2001, Keith's life as he knew it fell apart. His marriage ended and he was downsized from his computer job. On his 35th birthday, his wife, son, and dog were gone. Left to live alone in a large, empty house in Michigan, he took his suddenly abundant free time and began exploring soccer league, community theatre, and Internet groups. Online, he met the editor of a now-defunct humor magazine for which I was writing at the time. And at the suggestion of that editor, Keith joined the Yahoo Group that was the humor mag's staff and fan interaction forum. And he started to realize that I knew something about this business.

He started asking me about his interest in community theatre (he wasn't sure that's what it was called, though. He had done a play in college years before and knew he liked that, but really didn't know where to begin). I had been working for the Sundance Institute and Back Stage West, so I had plenty of advice to give (and just like I did when anyone would email asking for tips on how to get started, I would suggest this book or that book, provide information on his local film commission, warn him about typical scams newbie actors face, etc.). Eventually, we began flirting pretty hardcore. (What can I say? We're both big flirts.)

And by June 2001, we had come up with a plan to meet "on neutral ground:" Salt Lake City, Utah. He had a business trip (switching the bank's computers over in one of the last tasks before his severance package kicked in and he was officially unemployed) that would take him there, and since it also happens to be Sundance's home base, I scheduled a business trip too. And we met in person for the first time at the gate outside his flight (United 631) on 13 July (two days after my 31st birthday). We had already fallen in love emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. It was just a matter of answering the "physical" question. And really, that's the easiest one to answer. You're either hot for each other or you aren't. And because we hadn't had the physical distraction clouding our deeper feelings for one another in the beginning, we knew that was all it would take (and we would also be okay if the heat wasn't there).

But of course there was heat. And we flew me to Michigan after our weekend in SLC. I got to see Keith's life, meet Quinn, and prep Keith for his upcoming community theatre audition. I basically gave him a week-long course in Self-Management for Actors (long before there was such a book) and when I left, I told him he'd be moving to Hollywood before the year was up. A few weeks later, Keith came to LA and met my friends (all of whom were very protective of me and suspicious of Keith... many still feel the same way... heh heh). It was set. We knew he would show up here after his job officially ended and the play closed.

On 21 October 2001, Keith's play closed. He had shown up to the theatre in the yellow Ryder van, his house closed up and ready to go on the market. After striking the set, he said his good-byes to his Michigan friends and drove for 41 hours straight, ending up at the exact spot where he would propose (under the Hollywood sign) seven weeks later.

It's been an amazing five years, baby. Congratulations on all of your many accomplishments and thank you for your constant love and support. I can't think of a better way to celebrate than at the wrap party for the Hallmark Channel movie you shot earlier this month. We'll have a blast tonight, celebrating with your cast and crew. And every time they raise a glass to cheer the end of the project, we'll know it's also a toast to celebrate your anniversary... five years in Hollywood.
Posted by bonnie at 7:31 AM | Comments (10)
October 15, 2006
Vote 4 Tiff!
Okay, gang, a Gillespie needs your help. Go vote for my niece Tiffany at the Sideline Spirit contest on the AthlonSports.com website.

Click the photo to go right to the voting page. Tiffany Gillespie is in the SEC (Round Three 2006 list). Let's get those numbers up for her (vote early, vote often)!! THANK YOU, EVERYONE!
Posted by bonnie at 3:46 PM | Comments (13)
October 11, 2006
Vote for my niece TIFFANY!
This is a repost from my niece Tiffany. Help her out, yo!

Hey friends! I have been chosen to represent UGA and SEC for the Athlon Sports Sideline cheerleader contest. The voting starts on Sunday so vote for me everyday starting sunday!! Alright? Thanks everyone!
Posted by bonnie at 10:20 PM | Comments (2)
September 12, 2006
Equal Opportunity
Visit Dot Comedy and support Equal Opportunity (starring my friends Assaf and Camille). Camille says: The film is only 6:30 including the (fun) credits which are probably half the film. Please vote for your favorites (hopefully EQUAL OPPORTUNITY) at DotComedy.com and pass it on. THANK YOU! We have high hopes of making it into Sundance and the HBO/US Comedy Arts Festival, and more...

Strong Work Ethic. Attention to Detail. 80WPM. And a Racist.
Directed by Howard Duy Vu
Written by Sameer Asad Gardezi
Produced by Camille Mana
Casting Director Freddy Luis
ALANNA UBACH (Legally Blonde 1&2), SKYLER STONE (Comedy Central's Con), TOM LENK (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), ALDIS HODGE (CW's The Game), CAMILLE MANA (UPN's One on One), ASSAF COHEN (Flightplan), JOEY GNOFFO (Benchwarmers), MICHAEL GOLDSTROM (Comedy Central's Porn 'n' Chicken), FELIX PIRE (Phat Girlz).
Great example of actors going out there and making it happen for themselves! Way to rock, gang! Hope you WIN!
Posted by bonnie at 10:56 AM | Comments (1)
September 7, 2006
Faith's PRI Show Announced
Phew! It's official. And it's been renamed (it was "The F Word," with the F standing for Feminism). (That's another show. Still in play. Nevermind.) Press release is here.

MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 7, 2006--Public Radio International (PRI) announces the creation of "Fair Game from PRI with Faith Salie," a high energy, interactive news and entertainment program produced by PRI and based in New York. Slated to premiere nationally this fall, "Fair Game" is hosted by the irreverent Faith Salie, Harvard alumna, Rhodes Scholar and star of "Significant Others," Bravo's critically acclaimed improvisational sitcom. With "Fair Game," PRI again moves the industry in a new direction, designing the hour-long weekday evening program as a hybrid of the satirical news and late-night variety show for a young, culturally connected, politically savvy demographic.Congratulations to my dear cousin Faith Salie. We will miss you here in LA, but NY is lucky to have you (and yes, I will visit). Kick ass with "Fair Game." Public radio never looked so good.
Posted by bonnie at 9:14 PM | Comments (1)
August 7, 2006
A-One... and A-Two... and A-...
Regular readers of the BonBlogs know that Keith booked his first network co-star on CSI: Miami earlier this year (and that the first one is the big one) in a tiny role as Paparazzo #2.


What does it mean when you are such a pro and are so well-liked on the set that, the VERYNEXTTIME a paparazzo shows up in a script for the new season, you get the call?

Not the notice of the breakdown. Not the audition. Not the straight-to-producer session. THE. CALL.

Yup. My baby shoots his SECOND CSI: Miami co-star role on Wednesday. This one never went out on the breakdowns, never auditioned. Just came to him. BECAUSE HE GETS IT. (Oh, and this will be the 100th episode, so that means another kick-ass wrap party... this one right away.)

And, considering this news follows quickly on the heels of word that Keith is currently on avail for a frickin' Superbowl commercial, it's all just confirmation that IT WORKS. Showing up and being a pro WORKS.
(Review Keith's journey as an actor here.)
Again, honey, I am proud of you. Kick ass again. And again. And again.
Posted by bonnie at 5:38 PM | Comments (16)
June 30, 2006
Yay, Camille!
How much do I love this piece that Camille Mana wrote for Back Stage West? SO MUCH!

(And it's not just b/c she mentions me in it, bringing the grand total "my name in print" instances to THREE in as many weeks at BSW, although that's just giddy-making fun.)
This is a wonderful article by an articulate and brilliantly talented young lady who is going to OWN this town before she's 25. Count on it.
Posted by bonnie at 10:48 AM | Comments (4)
April 15, 2006
Wrap Party
Keith's wrap party for season four of CSI: Miami was wonderful. I loved getting to meet his friends from the casting office (and one keyrayzii boss... wow), listen to the interns joke about goosing Bruckheimer (and how much he'd like it), schmooze with TV people, and connect with Sunil Nayer (who wrote a great testimonial for Acting Qs, but whom I'd never met 'til last night).

The best part was--as is a "best" at most TV wrap parties--the gag reels and best-of-season video. The gag reel was effin' brilliant (the kind of thing that would be in heavy rotation on YouTube--with all of the pranks and jokes among cast and crew) and the best-of-season video rocked mainly because Keith's scene made the cut!
When they started the video, I whispered to my finally-no-longer-nervous hubby, "Hey, maybe you'll be in this," which was met with, "No. I didn't shoot with any of the series regulars; just the episode's bad guy and dead guy." So, when his mug was up there on the big screen, I squealed (and I think Keith kind of teared up a little bit).
It was a great night. Congrats on your first network co-star wrap party, honey. You done good! (Tune in for the show May 1st.) Woo!
Posted by bonnie at 4:56 PM | Comments (8)
April 6, 2006
My Old School's Goodness
I'm pretty much always proud of the fact that I earned two degrees from one of the best Journalism Schools in the country.

But I'm always a little MORE proud when the Peabody Awards are announced each year and people in my "new world" talk about how RIGHT the people in my "old world" get it, in granting these awards.
I also really love any chance I get to mention the fact that I was the first ever recipient of the Dr. Worth McDougald Broadcast Pioneers Scholarship. Dr. Worth McDougald, of course, was the long-time director of the Peabody Awards and--much more importantly--was almost my grandpa-in-law.
Posted by bonnie at 7:51 AM | Comments (3)
March 5, 2006
Bustin' Out
CoCo showed up bearing gifts last night. Not only did she bring my favorite vodka to the party, she also brought amazing news.

Yup. Conventioneers won at the Independent Spirit Awards last night. Read an interview with director Mora Stephens and then read a review of the film.
Why is this a big deal? Well, when Julia Stiles and Tom Welling have been pitched for the lead roles in a film that's fully funded at the $200K level (because the script is so rockstar brilliant), it's already a good day in the life of a casting director. When the writer/director of that film (How I Lost My Mind and Killed Someone) wins an Independent Spirit Award for writing/producing another film (Conventioneers), suddenly funding at a much higher level becomes guaranteed. And my phone calls to managers and agents tomorrow morning become filled with energy and excitement. We're at a whole new level of awesomeness now. It. Is. On.
And after what will certainly be a rockstar casting day tomorrow (interrupted only for a three-hour series of talks at the drama department at St. Monica's Catholic school across the street), we have a delightful dinner meeting with producer/director/writer/actor friends, followed by a big casting meeting on Tuesday for Wanderers of the Wasteland. Also speaking at Strasberg and teaching in San Diego this week. Busy. Awesome.
PS--Go read My Cousin Joni's Oscar Picks post. She's really smart.
Posted by bonnie at 3:52 PM | Comments (2)
February 26, 2006
My Wish for You
Is that you will, at some time in your life, know the joy that is coming up on a movie theatre and seeing the title of a film you helped create "up in lights."

I also wish that you will see your book in the window at the biggest bookstore in Manhattan. And that you will sing, speak, and/or anything else you really love to do and be met with standing ovations, even flowers. If it's the kind of thing that gets you off, I also wish for you to be stopped in the street by fans asking for an autograph.
And I hope that, like me, you realize that all of these things are really cool while you're still young enough to enjoy them all--and you're not at all bitter about any of the road you walked (or people you encountered or risks you took or choices you made) to get those things to come true for you.
And if you've not had a dream come true for you yet in your life, get to it. From the greatness of 90210, remember what Val said to David on the cliff at the Santa Monica bluffs (yes, where we got married), "Either get busy living, or get busy dying."
I have some personal goals for the rest of age 35. My professional goals continue to be met, and bettered, and met again. I'm gonna work on me for a bit more right now. And that excites the hell out of me.
Two more things, before I sign off and get some sleep for a bit (jeebus I scared myself, thinking it was MONDAY 3am instead of SUNDAY 3am just then... phew! I still have a day! Phew! Okay, anyway):
1. Do you like great music? Do you like great music by British guys who write great witty blogs and help edit books about actors written by online friends on other continents? Yeah. Me too. Go listen to "Boathouse Row" and learn the greatness that is Cliff.
2. That was some way long blog entry I wrote a few days ago, no? Eesh! Anyone finish reading it yet? Keith said it was "too scary." Pff. Actors!
EDITED TO ADD: OMG! Have you seen this blog entry about a guy who lost out on a job b/c of his blog/hobby? OMG! That's a HOOT! And sad. Thanks for posting that, Chip. I find that just FUNNY! And sad. And FUNNY! Poor guy. *giggle*
Posted by bonnie at 2:50 AM | Comments (3)
February 20, 2006
Let me take a moment to tell you about the Year of the Leemer.

I have this friend. He's my musical soulmate. He's a somesucher. He's a GMF and all around cool person. His last name is Leemer and I call him Leemsy. He has declared 2006 the Year of the Leemer (that's YotL, yo).
At his blog, he explained it like this:
What started out as a little mantra to myself, to make me realize what I am truly capable of, took off with a life of its own. And I love that. I mean, I really love that. The original intent was to make me get off of my ass and follow my dream, whatever that may be. However, I have found myself to be content living through the triumphs of others that are close to me who have embraced the YotL concept.And YotL is definitely embraceable.
While I've been sick in bed this past week, I've received three messages from producers wanting to hire me to cast a pilot, a play, and a film. Yup. I've also received calls about covering acting classes at several very cool studios, guest-speaking all over the place, and even a pitch for another book... from a financing writing partner type. Yup. That's on top of the super-terrific "new" (additional, not instead of; existing MAJOR publication, not new rag) venue for my weekly column that's in the works.
YotL, yo.
Best yet, while I'm catching up with what's going on in the lives of my friends and colleagues, I notice that many (perhaps MOST even) of them have seen very big advances in their professional lives already in this short year. Cooooool. Just like Leemsy, I'm thrilled to see others basking in success they've so well earned. There is nothing so exciting as celebrating successes with dear friends. To all of you, I want to explain that, without knowing it, you've embraced the spirit of the Year of the Leemer.
It rocks hard.
And so do you.
In other news...
I am starting to feel better. Thankee for all of the good vibes and love. Keith made me take today off too, which I think was probably smart, but I'm still getting lots done. (Heeeeeee!) Drinking lots of water and trying to just flush out whatever might be left in my system. OUT!
I've gone and created a Cricket Feet Mailing List , since I've been told that a few of the wonderful members of the Hollywood Happy Hour Yahoo Group really only stay subscribed so that they can keep up with announcements I might have about the industry, notes about upcoming column topics at Showfax.com, information about upcoming networking events, details on screenings of films I've cast, book signings, and various speaking engagements around the country.
Volume of mail should be relatively light. I'm thinking a weekly blurb about my column (I've been asked to do that, as a reminder when new articles are posted) and periodic announcements about events that I would normally either post at HHH or forward to Judy Kerr for her awesome mailing list.
Remember, Queen of Cactus Cove screening FREE on Thursday. You're coming, right?
Let's see... what else?
I've taken some quizzes. I'll post those results later.
I'm going to do some organizing now. I have a cool teenage helper coming over later this week (she's in town from NY for Pilot Season) to help with my headshots, scripts, and demo reels. Before that stage, though, I have to get stuff to a manageable level.
Okay, I think that's it for now.
Oh, one more: last night was seriously intense on the celeb factor at dinner. Very bizarre to see such a high concentration of industry folk at one time on one night. Dress rehearsal for upcoming Oscar parties? Maybe. Anyway, champagne and lobster always makes me smile. It was a good date. The Saturday industry "underground" thing was amazingly good fun too. *giggle*
Time for a shower. Yay!
Remember, embrace the YotL, yo.
Posted by bonnie at 2:20 PM | Comments (7)
January 13, 2006
So, I saw the Brokeback Mountain movie yesterday with Dawn. Then we went to the El Cholo (yes, I know that's two times the "the" there; extra "the" is as cool as adding an S to the end of store names, like The Krogers), where we met up with Keith and my favorite Hollywood couple. We had fun. *I* had too much to drink. Yeah, yeah... I know.

Anyway, really liked the movie. Will review it at Monitoring the Culture tomorrow or so. Gotta get ready to go to the screening of Trees Grow Tall and Then They Fall now. Yippee! I LOVE getting to see movies I've worked on, finished. That's rockstar cool. Jesse gave me a rough cut of a few scenes from the film in which I cast him and Shanna last night. Can't wait to watch it. The rough clips I've seen so far are amazing. I'm finally going to put together a casting demo reel here soon. Woo hoo!
PS--Have I mentioned that the director of How I Lost My Mind and Killed Someone is up for an Independent Spirit Award? Yeah. Way way way way effin' cool. It's just that kind of a year so far. Blissful!
Posted by bonnie at 3:59 PM | Comments (2)
December 18, 2005
All Hail the Queen!
Congratulations, Queen of Cactus Cove cast and crew (*giggle*)...

on having the BEST LIVE-ACTION SHORT at the Los Angeles International Children's Film Festival, 2005.
Here's to many, many more awards in 2006!
Posted by bonnie at 5:41 PM | Comments (1)
November 8, 2005
Can't Sleep
That's what I get for commenting on how soundly I've been sleeping since going on the thyroid supplements.
Your Birthdate: July 11 |
![]() You're very sensitive to what's going on around you, yet you remain calm. Although you are brilliant, it may take you a while to find your niche. Your creativity is supreme, but it sometimes makes it hard for you to get things done. Your strength: Your inner peace Your weakness: You get stuck in the clouds Your power color: Emerald Your power symbol: Leaf Your power month: November |
Now I'm all up... and buzzy. Good thing I have a bunch of casting stuff to do. Damn the shiny object that is the quiz (this one, from Ames, who is having a really great week already)!
Posted by bonnie at 3:05 AM | Comments (2)
October 24, 2005
I have the...
best friends on the planet.

Yes, I do!
Posted by bonnie at 1:06 AM | Comments (1)
October 6, 2005
Amy's Blind Date
Woo hoo! Unlike MY episode of Blind Date, looks like I'll actually get to SEE Amy Harber do her thang tomorrow at 11am on KTLA.

Yup, I never did see my bonzai tree-trimming, dart-throwing episode from November 2000, though I hear it was good. Ever so excited to watch Amy cat it up on the air.
PS--it's hot and dry. Nose bleeds-a-go-go (guess they're better than migraines, though). Ugh.
Posted by bonnie at 3:14 PM
October 4, 2005
Well, That Was Fun
So, I just got off the phone from an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

Meanwhile, enjoying watching the amazingly talented Kim Estes and Jasmine Jessica Anthony (two actors I cast in A New Tomorrow) on Commander in Chief.
We've booked our Nonaversary trip (yippee)!! And life, she is good.
Meanwhile, if anyone has a print subscription to THR and sees the blurb, could you save a copy of that edition for me? Thanks!
Edited to add: looks like Steve Tom is also in this episode. (He's contributing to the new edition of Self-Management for Actors. Hee.)
Posted by bonnie at 9:43 PM
Mitchell Fink on TV
Okay, so once upon a time, I met a guy online (yeah, that seems to happen a lot in my life, but that's not what this is about).

Well, turns out, Mitchell Fink would end up moving to Hollywood and taking this town by storm. Watch the rockstar at work, all this month.
CSI on October 6th, The OC on October 13th, Cold Case on October 16th, and Still Standing on October 19th.
MitchellW (VIP) posted 01-07-2003 03:48 PM
I know I have never met you, but when I get to Los Angeles this summer, you will high on the list of people to meet.I got the book last night and read a pretty good chunk of it and I am so impressed!
Great content, great insight and it's so nice to break down the wall of fears associated with CDs.
Love it...keep up the great work!
CastingQs (Administrator) posted 01-07-2003 09:42 PM
Yay! Love meeting new people!!I am SO glad you like the book! Yay! That makes me very happy. That's the goal: for the whole "meeting-the-casting director" issue to be demystified. I'm glad it's giving you some good ideas for your approach, once you get to meet with some of these folks.
Thank you very much for the feedback. Do good work--and we'll meet soon!
Yes... I'm a wee bit proud. ;)
PS--Camille Mana, you were smokin' in the bathing suit on One on One tonight. C'mon, girl! You work it!
Posted by bonnie at 12:34 AM
September 17, 2005
1. Working on the book helps calm panic attacks.

2. Watch the pre-Emmy Emmy Awards (Creative Arts version) tonight on E! to see Kathy Joosten pick up her Emmy (plus casting directors April Webster, Mandy Sherman, Alyssa Weisberg, and Veronica Collins Rooney for Lost; John Papsidera for Lackawanna Blues; and Scott Genkinger and Junie Lowry-Johnson for Desperate Housewives). That's so cool! Maybe someday, the Oscar people will do an award for casting. *sigh*
4. Book stuff: anyone who's read Self-Management for Actors have an opinion about a chapter I'm on the fence about keeping? That'd be the STAND-UP COMEDY one. I mean, I cover SOAPS and EXTRA WORK and HOSTING, so there's room for it... but I don't cover VOICEOVER. I can't cover everything, of course, but I'm just wondering... did the STAND-UP COMEDY chapter stick out as out-of-place? Should I keep it and add in VOICEOVER and LOOPING? Hm.
5. Blogging seems to recharge my panic levels, so I'm going back to book edits. Wish me luck! Watch the Emmys tonight and tomorrow night too. Congrats to my friends and colleagues!
Posted by bonnie at 1:36 PM
September 14, 2005
Congrats, Camille!
So, last week, Keith and I went to a taping of Camille Mana's new TV series, One on One. Very cute.

Well, starting next Monday (the 19th), you can see her every week at 8pm on UPN! Woo hoo!
You may recall that Camille is featured in my book Acting Qs. Hee hee! Yay! Speaking of the little book: co-author Blake Robbins will be on The OC for the next two weeks *and* the wonderful Bob Clendenin (along with his wife Erin, of course) has welcomed his second son into the world! Woo hoo! Further, Jill Andre (who smoked up the screen in The Moor Sunday night) will be joining me and Blake on the 21st at Brentano's for a talk and book signing.
Oh, how much I love bragging on my friends!!

'member when I was all airheady a few months ago? Well, I'm there again. I really hate it. Anyone recall how that ended up leaving my life, after having been such a pain in the ass for me? Really hate feeling all out of sorts.
Def Jam Becca MC got me a wedding present: a link to a way cool Gluten-Free blog. Thanks, Becca!
And, as if my blog is in retrograde, both my Google ads *and* Blogpatrol are now broken. WTF?
Okay, back to the good stuff: congrats, Camille, Blake, Bob, Jill, and everyone else in my life who's doing some really cool, amazing work! (Even spied Subhash on TV today!) Me? Gotta get my head grounded and then I can get these book revisions going. HUGE THANKS TO THE PROOFER PATROL AND CONTRIBUTORS ALREADY ONBOARD!!
Posted by bonnie at 11:45 PM
September 12, 2005
Congrats, Kathy!
Congratulations to Kathy Joosten for winning her first Emmy!

Coverage of the awards-before-the-big-awards event here.
Posted by bonnie at 7:39 PM
September 1, 2005
More Film News
Okay, so I did the big email inviting folks to the screening for The Moor and got replies back from the producers of several other films I've cast, sharing status updates. Yippee!

Looks like Each To Each has spawned Hombre Kabuki, which is screening on 9/9 at the Breckenridge Film Festival! How cool is that?!? Two films screening in one weekend, both at festivals! I'm such a proud casting director!
In other casting activity, I got word that there was need for a recast on one of the roles in A New Tomorrow, so I hooked 'em up with some help today. Also, still heavy on phones with Teenage Dirtbag casting activities. We should have cast locked by late next week.
Looks like Trees Grow Tall... and Then They Fall will have a cast party/screening in September and a cast member of Queen of Cactus Cove emailed to say she finished ADR today, so that's almost finished too. Ooooooh, I'm so excited to finally get to see so much of my work on screen. Yippee!
Sorry I haven't had a lot of updates lately... just not much time. Let's see what I can address quickly. The book event at Brentano's is now an Acting Qs' event on 9/21, with guests from the book (Yay! Like Inside the Actor's Studio, but in a bookstore). The CD panel for young actors is now in a new location on 11/19. And... my rock-n-roll brother is coming in town tomorrow night. We'll go to Keith's staged reading of a screenplay, then play for a day 'til he has to fly home. Fun!
Posted by bonnie at 12:50 AM
August 29, 2005
The Moor: Los Angeles Premiere
I'm so very excited! I hope you'll all be able to join me in celebrating the Los Angeles premiere screening of The Moor at 8pm on Sunday, 11 September 2005 at the Arclight as a part of the LA International Short Film Festival.

Woo hoo! This is only the second public film screening of the 15 films I've cast thus far in my career. I'm very proud of this one and I hope everyone enjoys the beautiful story as much as I do. Russell Banks wrote the story and his daughter Caerthan adapted it and directed the 35mm film with an amazing cast and crew!
You can view the trailer here: The Moor (QuickTime 1.9mb).
As usual, with film festivals, there are no free passes, so I'll understand if you can't make it to this one. Still, wanted to get the word out. Also, on that same day, Gary Marsh of Breakdown Services and I will be doing a panel ("Producing Your Film from A to Z") with a few other wonderful people who help steer filmmakers through the indie production process.
Since I'm in an updatey mood, here are some other things coming up in the next few months:
- Sunday, September 18th, 1:45pm, guest-speaker at Actorsite
- Wednesday, September 21st, 7pm, FREE Self-Management for Actors seminar at Brentano's in Century City
- Thursday, September 29th, 6:30pm, prepared scene showcase at AFTRA
- Saturday, October 15th, 8pm, opening night of Shrinks at the Hudson Backstage (purchase tickets here)
- Thursday, November 3rd, 7pm, guest-speaker at Emerson College LA Center with Brad Lemack
- Sunday, November 20th, 4pm, Youth Actors Expo panel moderator ("Insight from Casting Directors in TV, Film, and Commercials")
- Tuesday, December 6th, 7:30pm, guest-speaker at the SAG Conservatory at AFI
Fun stuff, fun stuff, fun stuff! Yippee!
Posted by bonnie at 7:04 PM
August 17, 2005
Grammar Police
Why why why why why can't the ad agency create a commercial in which proper grammar is used?

The line in the new Staples back-to-school ad is: "Wouldn't it be nice if there was an easy button for school?"
Oh, the irony that it's a back-to-school ad! Auuuuugh!!!!
PS--Welcome to LA, Franny. And congrats on nailing your first network TV audition right off the plane and getting a callback within five hours of landing. Rockstar!
Posted by bonnie at 4:47 AM
August 16, 2005
Power Is Sexy
This is true. I find power so effin' sexy. Many women do. *melt*

There is something so gorgeous about the pompous, arrogant, articulate, brilliant posts Keith is making over at the SAG Actor board lately that I just want to throw myself at him.
Oh wait... I can do that! *giggle*
Posted by bonnie at 4:54 PM
August 11, 2005
Another Friend To Brag About
Yay! Amy Harber did one of those "hometown press" interviews I so love, and lookee here:

I'm so pleased to have been mentioned as an author whose book had a positive impact on Amy's acting career (alongside my book-mentor Judy Kerr) and to have been mentioned as a "friend" who shared some words of wisdom with this talented actor!
Hee hee! You GO girl! Way to work it! And THANK YOU!
PS--Happy birthday Dawn, Mitchell, and the mighty TicTac.
Posted by bonnie at 3:08 PM
February 23, 2002
Faith's Coke Cake
Coke Cake:
2 c. Flour
2 c. Sugar
1 tsp. Cinnamon
2 sticks margarine, softened
4 tbsp. Cocoa
1 c. Coke
1 c. Buttermilk
2 eggs, beaten
1 tsp. Baking Soda
1 tsp. Vanilla
(ask Faith about icing)
Preheat to 400F
Sift flour, sugar, cinnamon
Melt marg in saucepan, add cocoa & Coke & bring to rapid boil
Pour over flour mix & stir
Add buttermilk, eggs, baking soda, vanilla - mix well
Pour into 9x13 pan, bake 20 min., ice
1/2 c softened butter
3 T cocoa
1/3 c Coke
4 c powdered sugar
beat until smooth w/ mixer
Posted by bonnie at 2:48 PM | Comments (0)