December 13, 2007
2007 in Photos
This is my attempt at doing the year-end 12 of 12 without actually having done all 12 of the 12s of 12 this year. ;)

What a great year! (Look for more recaps to come in the next few days. I'm using these memes as ways of procrastinating work on SMFA, 3rd ed. Hee!)
Posted by bonnie at 6:05 PM | Comments (2)
February 12, 2007
12 of 12 for February 2007
Hey everyone, here's my 12 of 12! (New to this party? Visit awesome Chad's site for the 12 of 12 scoop and visit fellow 12'ers from around the world!)
Click any photo to enlarge.

6:50am: Evidence that kitties were playing while we slept. That yellow mouse is about OVER. Its guts have fallen out.

8:01am: Keith's got a big audition today. For Heroes. Yeah, baby!

8:31am: I put in 20 hours in a row on the headshot column... and it's still not finished. I'm going to run it next week instead. Exhausting work.

9:20am: BONUS PHOTO! The theme for this month is LOVE. Awwwwww. Look at those cute gooberheads kissing! (Note: I am now a brunette. Hee!)

12:05pm: Writing a check to the Santa Monica Playhouse for rental of casting space (callbacks next week).

1:04pm: Reviewing submissions for the Cricket Feet Casting Actors Showcase. This is gonna be an amazing experience!

1:56pm: Gonna write in my old-school journal.

2:02pm: Salema making a rare daytime appearance.

2:10pm: I'm willing to bet my Anna Nicole Smith bobble-head doll is worth more now.

2:44pm: Shower time! (And I am soooo tempted to push that button on the shower cleaning thingy. Seriously. I know one of these days I will do it!)

2:58pm: Thwok, as usual, has been standing guard while I've showered. She's very worried that the evil falling water monster will steal my soul, and is therefore very relieved when I emerge, unscathed.

4:22pm: Mail's in. Time to open the headshots. They. Never. Stop. Coming.
So, that's it for my 12 of 12! Hope you enjoyed the little peek.
Posted by bonnie at 6:08 PM | Comments (9)
December 28, 2006
Xmas 2006 in Photos
It's always a highlight of our year. Even if we haven't come up with a name more satisfying to Eric than "Christmas" for the ritual, it's still a blast. ;) Well, we'll work on a proper name for this event that's now six years old while I look for a non-non-stop flight to Fiji. ;) Hee!
Here are some of my favorites (click to enlarge). To see all of 'em, click here.

Thanks again, Tracy and Dick for hosting! Lemmeknow if you find 2005 photos for me to add to my collection. Such a blast, EVERY year. Love you guys!!
Posted by bonnie at 4:59 AM | Comments (5)
December 12, 2006
HHH was awesome!
I did not do 12 of 12 this month (I know, I so suck), but I do have some photos from last night's rockstar Hollywood Happy Hour. Yay! If you want to see 'em all, visit August Young Photography (click on Menu, then Client, then Hollywood Happy Hour).
Hope y'all had as much fun as I did! Woo! (Click to enlarge.)

Aren't we cute?!?
Posted by bonnie at 10:35 PM | Comments (3)
July 14, 2006
Dessert Master
Babes McPhee has something called a Dessert Master.

It does things like this.
I'll get the photos properly linked and captioned eventually. 'til then, a very boring interface is here.
Man, that was a freakin' great party! Love y'all!
Posted by bonnie at 3:19 AM | Comments (0)
July 12, 2006
12 of 12 for July 2006
Hope everyone had a happy 12 of 12. Mine was spent mostly in recovery from an amazing birthday gathering (details to come... with many, many fun photos). But, once Chad inspires you to do the 12 of 12, you must remain so inspired.
Click any photo for a larger version. Enjoy!

Posted by bonnie at 10:40 PM | Comments (8)
June 12, 2006
Happy 12 of 12!
This month's 12 of 12 was much more exciting than last month's 12 of 12 for me. (Visit Chad for all of this month's participants. He was shooting for 75.) PARDON THE NAME-DROPPING LINKAGE AND RANDOM STORY-TELLING. I figured it was a good time to get everyone up to speed a bit.
Oh, and click any of these photos to see the larger version.

Y'know... I think I might just have the most kick-ass life available for a dollar. So glad I bought it. Totally worth it. Hope your 12 of 12 was as much fun. Yippee!
Posted by bonnie at 8:54 PM | Comments (14)
May 13, 2006
12 of 12
While an assignment of 12 photos on ANY OTHER DAY thus far in May would've been way more interesting (read: I'd have left the effin' house), I did the deed just the same. Enjoy! And head over to Chad's blog for many, many more (he's hoping for 60 this month). Click any of the photos below for larger.
My "bonus" photo (the self-portrait) was my first of the day. It's 6am, just a few hours after I went to bed, and my hangover is pounding. Yes, I drank wine alone on the 11th. I missed my mom. So what? Got on up anyway and started my day, which included making offers to name actors on this film. I can do that looking like hell, right?

Look who was sleeping guard next to the bed. Sweet Salema. Aww.

Keith is staying at Nelson's, pet-sitting, right now, so he came by for some PB&J (notice the laundry in the background... still not folded).

Sometimes we buy the evil ones some wheatgrass. Sometimes they play IN it while eating it. Go, Archie.

Keith mopped the kitchen while he was home (after changing the litter) and now Thwok is concerned: Something is different. The waterfall thingy isn't exactly where it used to be.

Typical. Gawshk I love the Brenda years!

What has Thwok so excited on the cubbies? The shrimps, of course!

Over 3200 submissions so far (breakdown for three roles in The Masquerade went out on Wednesday afternoon) and most of them are for the one female role (natch). This is one portion of the screen on which I can monitor submissions by agency.

Lit a candle for Mom yesterday--but I like the smell of today's candle even better. It's the Caramel Creme, to which the amazing Jodi turned me on back in March. Yummy! Anyway, those are photos of Mom and Maxine (my aunt).

Guess whose CSI: Miami clip showed up on The Soup tonight! Hee!

Realizing I never showed off my new office in all its glory. So, here 'tis (boy headshots with blue dividers on the left, girl headshots on the right, postcards in shoeboxes atop those, "A-List" actors male and female in smaller stacks with yellow dividers, lots of demo reels and taped auditions [there are more on the floor right now], binders each with four completed casting projects from years past, plus one of those red bins is filled to overflowing with headshots to sort/purge and thank you notes to keep/toss while another mailbin is filled with headshots of priority actors for HILMMAKS... I so need an intern for a couple of days; sleeping cat next to the editing bay):

That was fun! Thanks, Chad!
Posted by bonnie at 2:35 AM | Comments (8)
March 6, 2006
Because nothing is so rad as a totally awesome '80s party, I have these bitchin' photos to share.

Cookie Crisp cereal, Pop Tarts, Twizlers, Tootsie Rolls, Tab, Bartles & James, Fresca, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Boone's Farm, Pop Rocks, Lik-m-Stix, Fruit Roll-Ups, Atari, paint pens, Mad Libs, Play Doh, "Fletch," "Raising Arizona," "16 Candles," fingernail decals, blue eyeshadow, leg warmers, gummie everything, and all-you-can-eat PB&J, baby! It was truly a trip in the wayback machine. Fast times, dude. *giggle*
PS--And the winner for best post-Oscar blogging goes to CoCo. Seriously. Go read that.
Posted by bonnie at 1:35 PM | Comments (3)
February 3, 2006
Proofer/Contributor Party Photos
Woo hoo!
Thanks to everyone who came out last night to help us celebrate the birth of Self-Management for Actors, 2nd edition.

Time to plan: 46 hours. People who showed up: 36. Money spent at El Cholo: $380 (+$150 tip). Number of pink Swingline Tot50 staplers given away as party favors: 23. Amount of fun: infinite. Volume of love: loads. Number of laughs: lost count. The bliss that is our amazing group of friends: truly priceless.
I love y'all.
Posted by bonnie at 7:39 PM | Comments (4)
January 14, 2006
A Day in the Life
So, 'member when I couldn't participate in Chip's "A Day in the Life" Challenge? Yeah, well, we finally got a working card reader. Woo hoo!

Since an average day for me is about 30 hours in length, these photos begin at 6:19pm November 1st and end at 11:30pm November 2nd. The above is a photo of my headshot files, which were a big focus of this particular day, seeing as a breakdown for a film I was casting went out around 4pm.
For everyone else's cool challenge photos, visit Chip's blog (which links 'em all).
6:19pm: just over two hours since the breakdown went out and I've received electronic submissions from almost 100 talent agents and managers.
7:20pm: got a cool Canadian TV series on DVD in the mail, Salema is bored, and I'm watching America's Next Top Model season one on VH-1.
8:30pm: Nip/Tuck is on. Awesome.
9:30pm: conference call with the film's director and producer, discussing "name" actors we may want to go after.
10:33pm: pistachio snack break.
11:20pm: casting deal memo (revised) has come in via fax. Thwok loves to guard the fax machine and its droppings. Sometimes she loves to walk on the fax machine and keep faxes from coming through acccurately. She is not the best office assistant.
November 2nd, 12:44am: cantaloupe snack break.
1:11am: brush teeth, check for more grey hairs.
2:20am: Archie, too, is bored.
3:30am: kitty bath break.
4:28am: running three different Internet browsers to review headshots, resumés, and demo reels (some of which I download). Finally ready to get some sleep after I play a few games on the SixHundy.
10:02am: good morning, sunshine! Thwok is on my ass, Archie and Salema are in the "staging area," knowing it's time for wakey, and that means no more sleeping (in this room, anyway). Note all of the scripts on the bottom shelf. Half are projects we've worked on. One fourth are projects our friends have worked on or on which we've considered working and passed. The last fourth are projects we're considering.
11:08am: typical first morning after a breakdown goes out. Eleven new messages since 8:30am.
12:05pm: choosing sides from the script for prereads, on the phone (headset) with an agent, reviewing casting suggestions on the Breakdowns website.
1:20pm: my favorite judge is on. Awesome.
2:30pm: color-coordinating priority submissions, pitches, and wishlist actors from the producers' notes. Yes, 90210 is on.
3:35pm: Keith and Archie (Archie is ALWAYS between).
4:44pm: more of same.
6pm: Keith has returned from Faith's with copies of her new headshots (gorgeous). VH-1 is airing I Love the '80s, which always rocks.
7:15pm: reviewing two more submissions.
8:20pm: same, same, same.
9:44pm: bored yet?
10:11pm: I've been typing so much I've had to put on my wristbrace and ghetto elbow wrap (cut up socks). Analyzing actors' credits, pulling out duplicate submissions, dismissing unqualified or incorrectly submitted actors.
11:30pm: quick shower, then time to leave the house! We're going for a walk. Finally.
Posted by bonnie at 12:03 PM | Comments (0)
December 31, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 35?
Am I what I did, ways I survived, or how I feel about it all today?
Am I who I was raised to be, how I rebelled against that, or what I've created from scratch?
The Sum Of All Years is an autobiography where the word count for each post is limited to the corresponding age for that entry. This entry, 35, doesn't *really* exist yet, as I'm not half-way through that age yet. So, for now, this is where I stop and reflect. And I don't know the answers. How could I? No one does. And anyone who pretends to is just a better bullshitter than I am. Point is, I'm here. I'll continue to post a "new year" each birthday, so check back 11 July 2006 for the "official" Sum of All Years for age 35. So far, so good. Thank you, Cliff, for the challenge. Thank you, everyone, for being open to this, for commenting on the experience, for taking on the challenge of it all, for finding inspiration in it, and most of all for enjoying the read. See yaz next year!
My reverse-chronological commentary on the process of creating The Sum of All Years is here, here, here, here, and here.
Posted by bonnie at 7:15 AM | Comments (5)
December 29, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 34
Regained weight, published third book, got married, discovered first silver hairs.
LASIK, gluten-free eating, and open-valve living changed my life.
Cast another ten films. Spent many nights at Dan Tana's with Brody.

Posted by bonnie at 11:45 PM | Comments (2)
December 28, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 33
Published rockstar second book, Hollywood Happy Hour went global, hired to write for Showfax, (unhealthfully) lost weight on Atkins, went on book tour, cast three more movies, brought Thwok home, Quinn visited again.

Posted by bonnie at 8:23 AM | Comments (1)
December 26, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 32
A big year: I publish my first book, quit BSW, start Hollywood Happy Hour, manage talented actors, work as casting coordinator for two Fox shows, cast a feature film, postpone the wedding.

Posted by bonnie at 8:24 PM | Comments (1)
December 24, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 31
Met Keith in person, moved him to Hollywood (the sign under which he proposed), took him to Sundance. Friends had babies, I turned down a book deal, Cricket Feet was born.

Posted by bonnie at 3:14 PM | Comments (2)
December 23, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 30
Mom dies 20 days after diagnosis. Kitties come live with me.
Dawn's Nurse Bonnie (nice to care for someone who will live through it).
Writing gig leads (online) to Keith.

Posted by bonnie at 1:26 AM | Comments (1)
December 21, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 29
Ten survival jobs (ranging from BSW to Improv Comedy Traffic School; from Rox to petsitting), signed with agent on Thanksgiving, shot indie films, did standup, finally living MY life.

Posted by bonnie at 4:37 PM | Comments (0)
December 20, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 28
Age 28 Epiphany!
Sell everything (except the TicTac) on eBay and return to Hollywood.
Psycho roommate and dayjob boss; amazing friends for karaoke, improv, acting, and pornstar partying.

Posted by bonnie at 6:13 AM | Comments (1)
December 19, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 27
Therapist declares: "You're not bipolar! You're a JUNKIE!"
Withdrawal from painkillers sucks, but reinvention is blissful.
Travel. Teach. Start PhD in Instructional Technology.
"Miss G. loves Chip!"

Posted by bonnie at 4:47 AM | Comments (0)
December 18, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 26
Commissioned to document elementary school broadcasting, which becomes my thesis; named Olympic soccer venue technology coordinator; visited Spain (again).
Momma marries Papa Bear.
I graduate (again).

Posted by bonnie at 2:01 AM | Comments (0)
December 17, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 25
Threw bullseyes for dart league, bought WUOG's mascot (DJ Kitty), modeled my hands, earned a 4.0, and tried to check myself into a mental institution.

Posted by bonnie at 12:42 AM | Comments (2)
December 16, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 24
Northridge Quake: my first.
Move home, start grad school, advise WUOG, party, and meet the love of my life: Australian Dominic (who must return).

Posted by bonnie at 1:13 AM | Comments (1)
December 15, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 23
Apartment view: HOLLYWOOD sign. Living alone.
Worked for platinum recording artists, making more than my mom had ever seen.
Taught gang kids playwriting.

Posted by bonnie at 2:58 AM | Comments (1)
December 13, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 22
Atlanta's busiest hand model.
I break up with my boyfriend, sign with three agents, and win $1350 on a Ron Gant homerun.

Posted by bonnie at 10:39 PM | Comments (0)
December 12, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 21
Shacked with a guy. Thought we'd marry (ah, young bliss). Graduated, attempted suicide, found hope throwing myself into my acting career.

Posted by bonnie at 11:11 PM | Comments (1)
The Sum of All Years: 20
Woke up crying on my 20th birthday. Expected fame by now.
Instead, recruited for UGA, led WUOG, chilled with Robyn.

Posted by bonnie at 1:51 AM | Comments (1)
December 9, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 19
Coolest social life yet. Most serious health issues thus far. Luckily, UGA's healthcare is free. New: apartment, sorority, TICTAC!!

Posted by bonnie at 8:56 PM | Comments (1)
December 8, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 18
Madrid with models.
Boston beau.
Goooooooo dawgs. Radio. Intramural sports. Hotlanta every weekend to bartend and do laundry.

Posted by bonnie at 10:03 PM | Comments (0)
The Sum of All Years: 17
In love again. Shiksa to the Mishpokhe.
Governor's Honors.
Broadway bound, but Mom insists on college first.

Posted by bonnie at 2:55 AM | Comments (5)
December 6, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 16
Buy first car... in which I am raped.
Begin prescription painkiller addiction that lasts a decade.

Posted by bonnie at 4:17 PM | Comments (2)
December 5, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 15
First love, first sex.
Working actor.
Lied on drugstore work permit to help support us.

Posted by bonnie at 2:54 PM | Comments (1)
December 4, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 14
No drama club? I'll start one!
Literary club, honor roll, show chorus, yearbook staff.

Posted by bonnie at 7:56 PM | Comments (0)
December 3, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 13
New school.
Wrong hair, wrong clothes, wrong accent, wrong side of the tracks.

Posted by bonnie at 3:16 PM | Comments (0)
December 2, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 12
Mom moved.
I lived with Cleo.
Learned to gamble, worship the Braves.

Posted by bonnie at 4:03 AM | Comments (1)
December 1, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 11
Swim team.
School paper.
Safety patrol.
Government-funded meals.
Kenneth's back.

Posted by bonnie at 1:35 PM | Comments (0)
November 30, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 10
Brilliant teacher taps in: I begin teaching English to refugees.

Posted by bonnie at 12:03 PM | Comments (0)
November 29, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 09
Dad remarries.
Mom goes New Age.
I am molested.

Posted by bonnie at 9:34 PM | Comments (1)
November 28, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 08
Dad returned... left again.
Can't afford Montessori anymore.

Posted by bonnie at 11:45 PM | Comments (0)
The Sum of All Years: 07
Starred in first play.
Move over, Barbra.

Posted by bonnie at 10:27 AM | Comments (1)
November 27, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 06
Dreamed Daddy left.
Then he did.

Posted by bonnie at 10:35 AM | Comments (6)
November 26, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 05
Momma's light. Daddy's little girl.

Posted by bonnie at 1:43 AM | Comments (1)
November 25, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 04
My brother, my hero.

Posted by bonnie at 3:59 PM | Comments (1)
November 23, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 03

Posted by bonnie at 11:18 PM | Comments (1)
November 22, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 02
Blissfully busy.

Posted by bonnie at 12:44 PM | Comments (0)
November 21, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 01

Posted by bonnie at 8:15 PM | Comments (1)
September 13, 2005
Oh, All Right!
We're telling people.

Thanks to our most wonderful hush-hush friends for helping us keep this private for as long as we have. And congrats to those who figured it out despite our best efforts to keep it very low-key.

Honestly, doing this with only four days of planning was a lot less stressful than the way we were trying to do it back in 2002. And keeping it private was a nice way to honor the intimacy of it all.

So, yeah. I'm a Mrs. Who'dathunkit?!? Tee hee.
Posted by bonnie at 6:19 AM
July 18, 2005
Long-Awaited Photos
Finally! Here are some photos from Quinn's visit. Click on any to enlarge by quite a bit.

I really love these photos. Thanks again to the amazing Cathy McCall for doing such great work. We're really happy with the way you made us all look so good!
Enjoy these photos (and this post) for a while. From the looks of this week, it's going to be pretty tough to get to post. New feature film casting gig, next Self-Management for Actors seminar, meeting to discuss the next-next feature film casting gig, HHH joint venture press release to create and blitz media with, plus packing for the trip to Missouri to cast a weekend's worth of short indie films for the American Academy of Art's Indie Filmmaker's Bootcamp. Hoo, boy... that's some lots of stuffs!
PS--The NEXT book (the one I haven't written yet, the one that's only been announced to our distributor due to the fact that their catalogue runs way early) has already presold 571 copies. What IS that?!?
Posted by bonnie at 12:12 AM
July 13, 2005
Look at this amazing photo Cathy McCall took of gorgeous Quinn!

Wow! She's such an artist.
Lots to tell. Lots of work still to do. Birthday was a blast--in every possible way. What a delight! News later.
Posted by bonnie at 12:14 AM
June 27, 2005
Did I share this photo wid'jaz yet?

Yeah. That's me. Pre-curves (AKA "fluff"). Love that Farrah 'do and Pac Man iron-on decal ringer T.
Tee hee.
Posted by bonnie at 1:08 AM
June 19, 2005
Best Father's Day Ever
What a wonderful day!

Thanks, Cathy, for sending this photo to us. You do such wonderful work!
Posted by bonnie at 2:24 PM
May 14, 2005
Proofer Patrol Party Photos
Some of the book's lovely amazing proofers came out to let us buy them some drinks and foods and thank them muchly for the heavy-duty proofing work they helped us do!

Just so happens, we got the blue lines the evening of the party. Yippee! This rocks! Thanks again, everyone!
Posted by bonnie at 12:22 PM
January 7, 2005
HHH Photo-a-Go-Go
First photos from Hollywood Happy Hour.

(Yeah, you need to join the Yahoo Group to see them all.)
Thank you, niecey Ash, for getting the photos up so fast. Woo hoo!
Posted by bonnie at 5:16 AM
December 18, 2004
Keith... nearly 20 years ago
Isn't he gorgeous?

Keith, 1985
(Click to see bigger.)
I so love you, honey.
Posted by bonnie at 7:42 PM
August 31, 2004
Is It Wrong?
Is it wrong that I cried when Cowboy got to talk to his fiancée and her son on BB5 tonight? (BTW, if you know what that question means... it wasn't THAT wrong, since you watched too.) Oh, and how much do I LOVE the little Levine kid on Trading Spouses and how cool he was with the country bumpkin'? A lot!
Oh, do I need to mention I didn't watch the Republican Show?
I did upload lots of photos from summer activities tonight. See? That's a good accomplishment!
Oh, and I discovered the WORST Chinese restaurant in Santa Monica. Not a cool.
Thwok says, "Life is good!"
Posted by bonnie at 11:37 PM
June 26, 2004
Congratulations Michael McClelland!
Congratulations to Michael and Christine McClelland! Welcome...
Emily (born 23 June 2004 at 7:39pm 19 Inches 8 lbs. 5 oz.).
So glad you're here safe and sound!
Posted by bonnie at 1:53 AM
June 13, 2004
Photos! Yay!
Finally had a day to get the photos from Quinn's visit edited and up on the web for all to see. Enjoy!
News to come... big news. Good news. Life is a happy!
Posted by bonnie at 11:12 PM
March 4, 2004
Pretty, Pretty Faith
Oh, I'm so excited for Faith Salie and her new show, Significant Others, airing on Bravo Tuesday, March 9th at 9pm. So so so excited!!!
And... then there's this:
Faith's new photos! Click on that photo above to see them all. Wow!
Gosh, there's just so much to talk about right now, with all the casting going on for Perfect and attending a different showcase every night. Of course, there's just NO time!!
Tonight, connected with an amazing actor who is taking time off from his sitcom to direct some theatre. Great stuff and a fantastic new company that I'd love to consult with, on casting in the future. *fingers crossed* Meanwhile, I have three new feature scripts piled up to read, all in consideration for my next casting gigs. Wow!
What a great year!
Keith's birthday (yesterday) was wonderful. He had an amazing day. I love him so much! He's "thirty-great!" Tee hee.
Posted by bonnie at 11:45 PM
March 1, 2004
Oscar Party Photos
Oh... you know how we love the photos!!
Click on the photo of me with sis Debra above in order to see all of the lovely Oscar Party photos.
THANK YOU for the party, Debra. It was GREAT! Congrats, Kathi, on winning the Oscar Pool! 23 out of 24... that's pretty dang impressive.
Posted by bonnie at 2:41 PM
February 28, 2004
And here are the photos...
Of course, there is no such thing as leaving the house without photographic evidence of some kind.
Photos of the entire trip are available here. Enjoy!
Where did this one happen? You'll have to click to find out. ;)
Oh, is anyone else disturbed by the upcoming MTV series, I Want a Famous Face (where people get plastic surgery to look like celebrities)? *shudder*
Okay... enough of that. Enjoy the photos. We had a blast!!
Posted by bonnie at 1:43 PM
January 31, 2004
Rockstar Karaoke
Photos are here! Woo hoo!
Hee hee!
Posted by bonnie at 1:39 PM
January 25, 2004
And since...
...I realize that I now only have two entries on the main page of my blog now, I figured I'd put this on, to give you a taste of the SF photos (click on the photo to see them all).
There. I feel better now. Three. Three entries on the main page. Ahh, ahh, ahh.
Posted by bonnie at 7:57 PM
January 11, 2004
Eric's Birthday Party
Eric's birthday luau (Halaszi-5-0 theme) was a huge success! Much, much fun.
Photographic evidence here.
And here's me with the birthday boy.
Hee hee.
Posted by bonnie at 10:59 PM
January 9, 2004
HHH on
Hee hee.
Posted by bonnie at 8:06 PM
January 3, 2004
Found This Photo
Me flanked by step-cousin Kelley and niece Tiffany, May 2002 in Hotlanta. Cool.
Posted by bonnie at 12:32 PM
December 27, 2003
Tomorrow is...
When Archie doesn't want me to work, he does this:
And that's something I can't really argue with.
Tomorrow, as many readers know, is the anniversary of my mother's death. It is a day I will spend in quiet remembrance. I am much healthier this year than in years past. Not sure how much of that is due to time and how much is due to actual progress in my life and taking care of what's truly important.
Doesn't matter AT ALL.
Point is, I'm okay. Quiet and blessed and okay. That's huge.
Christmas photos: here. Thank you, Tracy and Dick for hosting another great year of friendship.
Keith comes home tomorrow night. Yay.
Posted by bonnie at 2:26 PM
November 7, 2003
Oh, the things I find amusing.
I just spent the better part of 13 hours compiling statistics on the most prolific posters at Wolfesden in honor of the forthcoming 100,000th saved post. My OCD loves that shit. I even forgot to eat. Typical. I think I'm trying to keep myself preoccupied while Keith's out of town. He's going to be gone so long that I'll get used to it, but the first night or two is always a challenge. I miss my baby.
Speaking of babies...
The TicTac is BACK! Yay! Looks like new, except for where they pressure washed some paint off and tried to cover it up with touch-up paint (c'mon... shouldn't you TELL a person that happened, when they pick the car up? Of course, Keith picked the car up and he doesn't look for such things as that, the license plate frame on upside down on the front end, or the smear of white paint in the shape of a thumbprint on the soft top. That's stuff only a mother notices, I guess). I'm just glad to have it back. No more shop-time for the TicTac in 2003. That's the goal!
I don't quite understand how it is that I stay awake so so so so so many hours. I do a lot of work, but then my brain sort of turns off and I can't really get anything accomplished, but I also can't sleep. So... I play BINGO (God, am I my grandmother's kid or what?), watch TiVo'd shows and catch Kris on ShopNBC for a few hours, let the cats sleep on me and shuffle around paperwork for a little while. Tomorrow, I'll spend the day focused on casting tasks: sending SAG paperwork in, shopping for actors on, looking at demo reels I've been sent, making lists; and then visit with precious cousin Faith for the first time since the second Gimlet Night back in... what? September? August? Ugh. It's been too long.
Saturday, I will speak at the Women In Theatre luncheon in North Hollywood. I'm excited about that. It's a good group and the talk went really well on Wednesday night at Take One, so I'm feeling good about gearing up for the class I'm developing. More on that later. The curriculum development and such is a project for while Keith's out of town.
No Thanksgiving plans yet, which is weird. Usually by now, we're booked to pet-sit and/or have a local gathering scheduled. We are booked for a week or so in December, which will be fun (one cat, one dog). Not over Christmas though, so no idea what's ahead. Matters not. I've got more than enough to keep me busy and I keep acting like I don't. Eesh!
Oh! I forgot to post the link to photos from recent events. Enjoy! We sure did! Also enjoyed a recent visit from an old friend who moved away from LA three years ago. Don't stay away so long next time, Miss Suze!
Guess that's it for now. Not that I've got anything else to do, but I'm out of things to type about that may be of any interest to anyone... so, that's usually when it's best to, well, stop typing. ;) *sigh*
Posted by bonnie at 4:09 AM
November 1, 2003
Wow. Is it really November? Man, I'm so glad this year's almost over. It's been rough, to say the least. Yes, it has also been wonderful and filled with miracles and blessings and gifts for which I will forever be grateful. But I'm glad the year is drawing to a close. I wish I could close my eyes and open them up in January. December brings not only a lovely Mercury Retrograde period, but also the anniversary of my mother's death. Is this why bears hibernate?
So, I'm set to cast a new feature film. And this is one of those things that I have quite a bit of lead time on (shoots in June 2004) as well as being one of those projects that I don't get to talk much about just yet. But, MAN, am I excited! I'm putting together the "dream cast" list right now, as well as preparing for a presentation (10 to 30 actors per role) for the executive producer and writer/director, so that they can let me know in which direction to go, based on those options. THEN I get to put out the breakdown. We should have a final budget by then, so I'll know under what SAG contract we'll be operating. That means I'll know what kind of deals we can make with talent. *sigh* This is fun!
Oh, I forgot to share: a photo of (R to L) Kamali Minter, Rob Kendt (my former boss at Back Stage West), me, and Jeff Lam at the dinner for the Casting Society's Artios Awards.

Yes, I realize my eyes are closed. Eh? What are you gonna do? ;)
Posted by bonnie at 2:44 AM
June 15, 2003
The Paternal Instinct
Today is Father's Day. I have two dads; or so they tell me. One is the one who fathered me, then went away. The other is the one who was my mother's best friend for the last 15 years of her life.
Keith's dad was long gone before I met Keith, so Father's Day tends to be a one-sided gig over here. I contact the senior Gillespie and the man I call Papa Bear, and we hope that Keith's son is prompted to make contact with him.
Today, that was a "piece of cake," as Quinn loves to say. Quinn, Keith's four-and-a-half-year-old son, was here with us for a week. First time he's been permitted to come see us, and the kick-off to what we hope will be an annual event. I think Keith has the right to have Quinn here for a month each year, in the divorce agreement, but our goal here was to get that first trip under our proverbial belts and create a ritual that Quinn will look forward to and Keith will live for.
There is nothing as sad as hearing the voice of a man you love on the phone after having handed off his son, knowing he won't see him again for a year.
And also on this day...
My dear friends Nate and Ali have welcomed their precious son, 8lb. 7oz. 22" Michael Ryan into the world. What a blissful Father's Day gift! Congratulations, new family!
So, how did I do? Was I a good Fake Mom for the week? I was certainly a better Fake Mom than my Stepmonster was to me, when I would visit my Dad. I didn't disrobe and jump, drunk, into the local swimming pool, bragging about how well-hung my ancient new husband was. No... I simply followed the five-page instruction manual provided by Quinn's mom (yes... really) as well as I could and marveled at the fact that Keith is Quinn... simply a few years older. Suddenly, I'm more forgiving of Keith's childishness. It seems the Johnson boys are brilliant by the age of four... and then they're sort of done.
But, either way, I'm lucky to know both of those sweet boys.
Photos, if you're into that, are available here. Password: mighty. Enjoy!
Posted by bonnie at 3:15 PM
April 24, 2003
Employed Again
So, I said yes to the new job with the ol' Mr. Personality gang to return as casting coordinator for Fox's Paradise Hotel.
Even though I first heard of the show (and the job offer) on Sunday, it seems as if the show was already in the press within just a few hours.
The Guardian
Reality TV World
Movie Poopshoot
E! Online
I've already begun working on some preliminary parts of the job, but the gig officially starts Monday, 17% raise and all.
Being unemployed ain't such a bad gig for this gal after all.
Oh! And there's this, from Monday:
The Book Is Here!
"Yup. Kids are growin' up too fast and it's all because of the Dairy Council." - Dale Gribble, King of the Hill
Posted by bonnie at 12:36 PM
April 19, 2003
Photographic Evidence
New photos available from our March 6th and April 3rd Hollywood Happy Hour events over at the Yahoo Group, if you're so inclined. Good fun.
Okay, time for a nap.
Posted by bonnie at 8:05 AM
In with the new?
Looks like there may be something buggy about my use of Blogger and/or Haloscan and the whole archiving process with OSX. That's not fun.
So, just in case I'm about to have to make some changes in the way I Blog, I started up a little thing called an UpSaid account. Any opinions on such a thing? Love to hear 'em.
Also, if you have been craving photographic evidence of Hollywood Happy Hour and the fun we have, you may now visit our HHH Yahoo Group and see the little photo albums from the March 6th and April 3rd events.
So much fun!
Okay, it must be time for bed somewhere. Later,
Posted by bonnie at 8:01 AM
November 28, 2002
Bite Me
Well... I asked for it.
More later. Must bandage finger. And shoulder. But that's from the bird.
Posted by bonnie at 11:13 PM
February 3, 2002
Let's see: catsonbon.jpg Here's the cats on me when we got back from Sundance.
This is the view from the condo they put us up in: viewfrcondo.jpg Not bad.
Keith in the snow. keithsnow.jpg
And celeb spotting at The Egyptian Theatre. celebspotting.jpg
Now... let's see if I know what I'm doing here.
Posted by bonnie at 8:08 PM | Comments (0)
February 2, 2002
Oh... and Chip...
Best Picture Ever?
Undisputed YES from here, babe!
Posted by bonnie at 8:04 PM