January 11, 2010
What To Do (Option Overload)
Okay, so for one, I'm going to blog more. That was one of my (non-)resolutions ("non," since I don't really make resolutions; the other is "more face time" with people I care about) for 2010. So, as I'm working all of this out in my head today, I realize maybe I could get some clarity by writing about it.
One of the things we did as a part of the showcase was a set of "Self-Management for Actors seminars" (sessions with the showcasers, to make sure their marketing materials were in their best possible shape, talk about best-matched agents and managers, strategize casting opportunities, and work on networking tactics). As some of the earlier showcasers went a few months or a year or so out of the experience, they craved a "tune up" and started asking me to offer the seminars to alumni.
What I did, instead, was offer up weekly classes, which we did for all of 2009. (That was awesome. Pretty much changed my life in some really profound ways. I love what we were able to accomplish and how we grew as a group of co-conspirators, ready to rock this town.) And that came to an end just before my trip to Australia, as we decided to transition into quarterly retreats (with the first one taking place 1/23/10; the next--one for kids and parents of kid actors--will be in April; and so on).
But I have this need to keep the good info flowing a little more frequently than quarterly, plus whatever bookings I have for speaking engagements around the world (which I love having; I want to invite more of that into my life in 2010, with loads of travel and seminars and book signings). I had been recording vids for my Facebook page and that's been fun, but now I'm saving up my recordings to premiere at Somebody's Basement, when we launch that this year.
I'm wondering if I should find a way to do a radio show or a regular podcast, or another outlet for writing about the industry (or even something broader than that). I mean, obviously, we're already working up a fuckton of stuff, between Somebody's Basement and the show I'm developing, and all of the roadshow stuff, and these quarterly retreats, and turning SMFA into an iPhone app and board game, and my weekly column, and then there's some casting coming back (woo hoo! Awesome projects that had some stalls over the past two years are finally greenlit and back on our slate), which means it's not like I'm looking for more work to do.
Yet, I am.
It's like I have so much that I want to do and I can't quite figure out which river to float down.
Of course, the truth is, I'll float and end up where I'm supposed to be, because that's what happens in life. There's no wrong turn except the one you force, and I'm not looking to force anything.
So, I guess I'm just inviting "whatever" into my life, and hoping by putting this out there, that'll bring it on into my world at the right and perfect moment, in the best possible conditions.
(PS--It's my half-birthday. Six months 'til 40, y'all! Woo!)
Posted by bonnie at 1:41 AM | Comments (0)
November 2, 2008
A Brand New Day
Everybody look around
'Cause there's a reason to rejoice you see
Everybody come out
And let's commence to singing joyfully
Everybody look up
And feel the hope that we've been waiting for
Everybody's glad
Because our silent fear and dread is gone
Freedom, you see, has got our hearts singing so joyfully
Just look about
You owe it to yourself to check it out
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Everybody be glad
Because the sun is shining just for us
Everybody wake up
Into the morning into happiness
Hello world
It's like a different way of living now
And thank you world
We always knew that we'd be free somehow
In harmony
And show the world that we've got liberty
It's such a change
For us to live so independently
Freedom, you see, has got our hearts singing so joyfully
Just look about
You owe it to yourself to check it out
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Everybody be glad
Because the sun is shining just for us
Everybody wake up
Into the morning into happiness
Hello world
It's like a different way of living now
And thank you world
We always knew that we'd be free somehow
In harmony
And show the world that we've got liberty
It's such a change
For us to live so independently
Freedom, you see, has got our hearts singing so joyfully
Just look about
You owe it to yourself to check it out
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Can't you feel a brand new day?
Posted by bonnie at 3:59 PM | Comments (0)
July 24, 2008
Well, that's disturbing.
Or not. Can't tell yet. Just gonna keep hoping for the best. ("No Whammy, no Whammy, no Whammy, no Whammy!")

So, Keith and I have been putting quite a bit of energy into our Quest for Home Ownership lately. We've been pricing property small and large, near and far. We've met with several financial advisors and brilliant people (thank you, AnnaVo) to be sure we're ready to take advantage of every opportunity to buy, once we're in the "best buying zone of our time" (AKA late 2009 and early 2010--just you watch).
Well, one of the things we have always mused about is whether we'd buy our current apartment if the building ever went condo. (We talked about this at our Hollywood Hills apartment too. I think everyone who rents in LA thinks about the "going condo" fate of their building, somewhat.) Well, sure. But we'd also like to buy the apartment next to us, break through a wall, and have both our home and office in the larger overall space. This, naturally, has all just been chitchat, because:
A.) We'd of course rather buy a house--like the one we saw on Doheny last night--than an apartment-turned-condo or even a condo-proper, once we're buying.
B.) Our building is never gonna go condo.
Or is it?

So, today, this notice is on our door. Reason for entry tomorrow:
To exhibit the Premises to prospective or actual purchasers, mortgagees, tenants, workmen, or contractors.
Okay, so in case we're getting bought, please let's:
A.) get bought but not unilaterally evicted due to the new owner's plans for the building.
B.) get an offer to buy our unit but not until we can afford--easily--to do so.
And hopefully, they're just coming in to show some workman where there's a crack in the wall from earthquake damage or something (even though that would've meant they'd have likely checked another item on the form, regarding "necessary repairs").
Eesh. "No Whammy, no whammy, no whammy, no whammy!"
We are sooo not looking to move twice within the next 18 months, nor are we ready to buy--anywhere--just yet.
Posted by bonnie at 2:05 PM | Comments (5)
February 5, 2008
ISO Black Boots

It should be so simple.

I just want to buy a decent pair of black boots with a 2" heel and square toe to replace the decent pair of black boots with a 2" heel and square toe that I've worn out.

(Long-time readers of the BonBlogs will recall I experienced a similar level of frustration when ISO Black Strappy Sandals.)


My momma taught me to buy ten of anything I found that fit and I fell in love with (see: my dozen black cami tank tops), but somehow I never manage to do that with footwear.

And here I am, having run all over town over the course of several days, just trying to find a damn pair of black boots...

...that aren't ridiculous.

...or flats.

...or... *shudder*

Just want a good ol' pair of boots to wear with my jeans. And I don't want to stand on stilts. Or directly on the floor. Or on a streetcorner.

Note: In case there is any doubt, only the first two options pictured above are actually acceptable. If only they were actually out there.
Posted by bonnie at 3:37 AM | Comments (10)
February 26, 2007
Raising Money To Bring Uma Home!
From Erik:
This email is going out to all of Uma Nithipalan's awesome friends and family (and friends of friends):
Uma should be able to move out of the New York ICU and into a neurological rehabilitation facility within the next two weeks—possibly as soon as this week. We are planning on moving Uma to a rehab facility in California so she can receive the best neurological care possible, be near her friends and family while she goes through her rehab, and be eligible for Medi-Cal disability insurance. We are close to finalizing her rehab facility, and will let you know as soon as we know. Thank you to everyone who has helped on that end. Uma has received so much love and support, and we are all incredibly grateful for it.
I'm sending out this email because we now need to arrange for Uma's safe transport from New York City to California. Because of her still-fragile medical condition, it looks like we must book an Air Ambulance with a nurse escort that costs approximately $20,000. We're hoping to raise this money in the next week so John doesn't have to put it on a credit card. I'll explain how you can help out in a moment, but first, in case you don't know all that Uma's been through this past month, let me backtrack:
Uma is a smart, mischievous, funny, irreverent, snarky, deeply passionate 27-year-old woman. On Tuesday, January 30, Uma flew out to New York City to visit her fiancé John, a musician who was in New York for a gig and who had proposed to Uma on Christmas eve. Uma's usually the type of person to take her time before making any big decisions—if you watch "Grey's Anatomy," Uma is very Cristina Yang—but this was a moment that I think Uma was secretly hoping for, waiting for, ready for; she said "yes" to John immediately and then started calling her closest friends. I've never heard her sound so happy. John has been by her side at the hospital since this happened and he will be with her every step of the way as they continue on this journey.
Early in the morning of Wednesday, January 31st, Uma had a series of seizures. Fortunately, she was with John and he was able to get her to St. Vincent's Hospital, where they discovered she had a brain aneurysm, which had burst. By that afternoon, they had coiled the aneurysm, but Uma was in a Stage 5 coma and the doctors told John that Uma was probably going to die or remain in a vegetative state the rest of her life. That was a scary freaking day. BUT:
That was 27 days ago. And Uma has repeatedly confounded her doctors (in a good way) since that scary freaking day.
Uma has had many ups and downs this past month—including a stroke—but despite what the doctors told us on that first day, her health and neurological condition continues to improve. On Day 13, she opened her eyes for the first time; on Day 15, she started focusing her eyes on us and really waking up. Since then, she's been trying to talk (the tracheostomy in her throat prevents her from making any sound, but she is TRYING), she's been trying to move the right side of her body (this is the side of her body that was affected by the aneurysm and has shown only limited movement, but there is SOME movement), she's been smiling, she's been frowning, she's been rolling her eyes at us when she gets annoyed, and she's been laughing at (some of) our jokes. She's also been getting frustrated at her inability to communicate as she becomes more aware of where she is and the journey ahead of her.
She is showing us many signs of Uma-ness. Every day is like a little miracle. The doctors are weaning her off of her ventilator, as well as weaning her off of all of the other tubes and machines that she's currently connected to. This is all very exciting.
And now we need to get Uma home. Any help you might be able to offer would be incredibly appreciated. We have already raised $1,000 (and THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have already made donations to Uma) and I feel like we can raise another $19,000 easily. If we can find 950 people who would be willing to donate 20 bucks, then boom: we've made our goal. And if I've learned anything in the past month, it's that anything and everything is truly possible. Dream big, live big, HOPE big.
If you can donate more than 20 bucks, that's awesome and amazing and much appreciated. If 20 bucks is way too much for you right now (and believe me, I know the feeling), even a five dollar donation would help. Thank you in advance. We couldn't do this without all of your love and support and visualizations. You are all rockstars.
We are collecting donations via PayPal. If you don't already have a PayPal account, please follow the simple instructions (listed below) to open an account. It literally takes 1 minute. Then click on the SEND MONEY tab and send your donation via John's email ( john.ballinger@sbcglobal.net ).
I've posted a fundraising thermometer at http://www.theumafund.blogspot.com , so you can check on our fundraising progress. I will update the thermometer daily. Let's get Uma back to California!
much love and gratitude,
Erik (and John)
(My grandmother asked for "explicit paypal instructions," so I'm going to make this as easy as possible.)
1. Log on to http://www.paypal.com/
2. Click on the "sign up" button at the top of the page
3. Select "personal account," select which country you live in, then click on "continue"
4. Enter your personal information, choose a password, then click on the "I agree, create my account" button at the bottom of the page
5. You will receive an email from paypal. Open the email, click on the link, enter your password, and voila, you have a paypal account. (See Grandma? Very easy.)
1. Click on the "send money" button
2. Enter John's email in the first box ( john.ballinger@sbcglobal.net ), the amount of your donation in the second box, in the "category of purchase" box you should select "cash advance," and then fill out the other boxes as you please. Then hit the "continue" button.
3. Enter your credit card info and billing address, then hit the "add card" button.
4. Then you should be brought to a page that has your "payment details." If everything looks good, click on the "send money" button, and you're set. Paypal will then send you an email to confirm that the payment went through.
Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Posted by bonnie at 2:32 PM | Comments (3)
January 9, 2007
Dear TiVo,
I have a request for enhanced service.

It's not enough that I can give a thumbs up to a show. I need to be able to give a qualified thumbs up. Like, always tape 90210, but only The Brenda Years.

Yeah. Call it the "jump the shark" button. Like, I want you to always grab Roseanne, but only the early seasons when the show was funny. Pretty much after Becky's hair got butched by Rosie IRL in the dressing room, you can stop taping those.
(whose nose is still bloody)
Posted by bonnie at 4:24 PM | Comments (1)
November 8, 2006
I Want a Roomba for a Wrong Reason
I really want a Roomba.

I've wanted one for at least a year and a half now, but I think I've now realized WHY I want one.

It's like a socially approved method of torture for the animals.

That's gotta be worth the couple hundred bucks, right? (Click here for a great example/puppy-torture video.)
Posted by bonnie at 11:32 PM | Comments (2)
July 26, 2006
Someone cheer me up.

Share some good news.

Tell me a silly story.

Make me laugh.

I'm too hot, too overworked, and too flat-out OVER IT about too many things right now.

So I need a good cheering up. You're my only hope, guys. Kitties and Keiths have gone to bed. Bleh.
Posted by bonnie at 10:29 PM | Comments (16)
July 23, 2006
Hey, anyone who's not too hot and who would really really really love to take a stab at redesigning the corporate logo for Cricket Feet, I'd love to hear from ya.
Heck, I'll even treat the person who comes up with the kick-assiest logo to a Dan Tana's dinner (or, if you're not local, something pretty that I can send in the mail... or somesuch).

We use this one on our letterhead and the spines of the books we publish. It's fine. It's from our first stab at something, summer 2002.
I think it's time to get a little more serious about the corporate brand, visually. And I'd much rather have a logo that some amazing friend came up with (and seriously reward THAT person) than go hire a designer who may not even GET us. Anyone just bursting with creative energy to spare (and share)?
Thankee muchee in advancee. (And have FUN, o brilliant ones!)
Posted by bonnie at 4:57 PM | Comments (9)
April 20, 2006
Okay, so Keith and I have been talking about home ownership. It's just conversation time, as we need to settle out his financial picture from having lost his house back in Michigan (unless I can, on my own, qualify). Either way, we're just talking. (Same as we're doing about kids. Just talking.)

Anyway, we've begun to look at what homes in our desired area are going for. And, sure enough, we've noticed condos around us suddenly becoming available. Now, we of course want to buy A HOUSE, but... heck... might as well have a conversation about how much condos cost around here, since neighbors are moving and what the hell do they care if we know how much they're getting for their place, when they're moving to another continent?

Neighbor Steve who drives a Miata too is selling his condo (which is the same top-floor 2BR, beach-facing unit as ours, just 100 ft. away and WAY customized) for... one point three million dollars. WHAT?!? Yes. He bought this condo 20 years ago for $165K, put about $200K worth of improvements into it in the past two or three years and now... wow. Just WOW.
We sooooo need to get into real estate.
Just sayin'.
Posted by bonnie at 1:17 AM | Comments (4)
April 9, 2006

I'm down with that.
Posted by bonnie at 4:52 PM | Comments (3)
April 7, 2006
Request for Info
Quick request of those of you in the industry who've been through the process of courtship by an entertainment attorney. Could you make contact with me, let me take you out for a cocktail, and allow me to pick your brain about what to expect from a "let's do lunch" meeting at a pretty freakin' high level? That'd rock. Thanks.
Posted by bonnie at 1:02 AM | Comments (1)
February 26, 2006
My Wish for You
Is that you will, at some time in your life, know the joy that is coming up on a movie theatre and seeing the title of a film you helped create "up in lights."

I also wish that you will see your book in the window at the biggest bookstore in Manhattan. And that you will sing, speak, and/or anything else you really love to do and be met with standing ovations, even flowers. If it's the kind of thing that gets you off, I also wish for you to be stopped in the street by fans asking for an autograph.
And I hope that, like me, you realize that all of these things are really cool while you're still young enough to enjoy them all--and you're not at all bitter about any of the road you walked (or people you encountered or risks you took or choices you made) to get those things to come true for you.
And if you've not had a dream come true for you yet in your life, get to it. From the greatness of 90210, remember what Val said to David on the cliff at the Santa Monica bluffs (yes, where we got married), "Either get busy living, or get busy dying."
I have some personal goals for the rest of age 35. My professional goals continue to be met, and bettered, and met again. I'm gonna work on me for a bit more right now. And that excites the hell out of me.
Two more things, before I sign off and get some sleep for a bit (jeebus I scared myself, thinking it was MONDAY 3am instead of SUNDAY 3am just then... phew! I still have a day! Phew! Okay, anyway):
1. Do you like great music? Do you like great music by British guys who write great witty blogs and help edit books about actors written by online friends on other continents? Yeah. Me too. Go listen to "Boathouse Row" and learn the greatness that is Cliff.
2. That was some way long blog entry I wrote a few days ago, no? Eesh! Anyone finish reading it yet? Keith said it was "too scary." Pff. Actors!
EDITED TO ADD: OMG! Have you seen this blog entry about a guy who lost out on a job b/c of his blog/hobby? OMG! That's a HOOT! And sad. Thanks for posting that, Chip. I find that just FUNNY! And sad. And FUNNY! Poor guy. *giggle*
Posted by bonnie at 2:50 AM | Comments (3)
January 26, 2006
Well, now...
That sucks.
First off--meeting was rockstar. Three hours. Lots of good stuffs. I'm exhausted.
Now, so Keith is finished with his day in casting (awesome) and on his way home, he's supposed to pick up our new fax machine, plus continue the ever-frustrating search for Swingline Tot 50 staples.

See, I have two Swingline Tot 50 staplers, circa 1975 (so, not exactly as pictured above... much more old-school). Mom bought one in red and one in black. The black one became mine. When she died, and I cleaned out her desk, I brought the red one home to LA to rejoin the black one. I also brought home her one box of staples for it. Since then, I've used up her box of staples and the box or two that I had from my stash. I'm down to like 100 or so staples for the Swingline Tot 50. And guess what they don't make anymore.
Well, I *can* buy Swingline Tot 50 staples *if* I buy a crappy, ugly, clunky NEW Swingline Tot 50 stapler, but isn't that going to get a little silly, at some point? I've found some online auctions for them, but that is not a long-term solution. Bummer.
Anyway, Keith has now left the office supply store b/c, in an hour or so of wandering around and trying to spend several hundred dollars (quite a few several, seeing as he was looking for a desk and the new fax machine, which we'd decided would be a really rockstar one this time [y'know, one that replaces the answering machine, caller ID, and cordless phone as well]), he was not being helped. He's much more patient than I am. I asked if he'd found a manager and he said, "Yeah, I think that's part of the problem. A dozen customers, a dozen employees. And they're all actively avoiding contact with us, as we wander around trying to spend our money here." I said, "COME. HOME. We'll spend our money elsewhere." And we shall. Eff them.
Of course, lovely Pisces that he is, he's gotten in his car, called me to tell me he's coming home, and then he sees another office supply store, so he pulls in and makes another attempt. Bless his patience. I am my mother's daughter (read: a hot head about such things) and I have no staples for her stapler.
Posted by bonnie at 7:29 PM | Comments (3)
December 14, 2005
I think I must
have a puggle.

The cats won't mind, right?
Posted by bonnie at 4:16 PM | Comments (6)
September 15, 2005
Hey, Proofer Patrol
Early request of the proofer patrol for the 2nd editon of Self-Management for Actors:

If you are on my proofer patrol and you have the first edition handy, could you be so awesome as to "bunny up" to do one of the following things?
1. Look up every casting director whose name is in the book (you can use the index for help) and find out whether they are now (or no longer) members of the CSA and/or CCDA?
2. Look up every casting director whose name is in the book (again, you can use the index for help) and find out what their most recent credits are (this is an IMDB job)?
4. Visit the sites in the Online Resources section of the book and determine if those sites still exist and, if they do, if the description is accurate?
Holla, helpas! You get copies of the book and my undying love! Oh, and acks in the acks section, of course! Deadline... October 1st, so there's plenty o'time.
Posted by bonnie at 9:18 PM
August 18, 2005
Here's What Sucks
Get obessed with working out.
Find that working out pretty much fixes every other stress in life.
Begin relying on workouts to balance stress.

Get sick.
Wonder if working out while sick is a good idea.
Learn it's probably not.
Have loads of stress and no energy to face the stress, no outlet for the stress, and loads of restlessness over this situation.
Back to bed. Ugh.
Posted by bonnie at 4:55 PM
June 28, 2005
Je Voudrais...
Seriously. All I want is ONE DAY...

...in which I have NOTHING to do. I think that would be way cool.
Posted by bonnie at 12:48 AM
June 16, 2005
A Little Help?
Anybody out there in blogland happen to have a copy of the SAG Limited Exhibition TALENT Contract I could borrow?

I have the PRODUCER Contract (and, of course, the TALENT Contracts for SAG Experimental and SAG Modified Low-Budget weekly and daily performers) but somehow don't have a sample copy of the one I need in my handy SAG Indie sample folder. Grr.
Any help?
Posted by bonnie at 2:07 AM
April 22, 2005
I Also Want...
Yes, I'm realizing I'm awfully want-y lately. But I've been reading about this film over on a Canadian actors discussion forum.

I'd like to see this. But it's Canadian. And NBC told DirecTV to take away my Trio. Grr.
It's not on Amazon. I don't do Netflix. Any ideas how I could see Camp Hollywood without much bother?
Posted by bonnie at 1:04 PM
I Want...

It looks way cool.
Make note, Santa. Thanks.
Posted by bonnie at 1:24 AM
April 12, 2005
I Have/I Need
I have... five new chapters that need a once-over.

I need... volunteers who can each read and proof a chapter and turn around comments/notes to me within 15 hours.
Any takers? (Click the book and check the list of interviewees if you want to request a particular person's interview. I'll try to hook you up. Yes, Becca, I've saved TES for YOU.)
Man, we are ever ever ever closer to the typeset-proofer eyeballs version! Eek! This is happenin' baby!
Posted by bonnie at 6:22 PM
March 22, 2005
Remind Me
If you at some point in time volunteered to help proof some of Acting Qs (or if you didn't in the past but now wish to volunteer)...

...please remind me so that I can send you some content this week. Guidelines: be detail-oriented and hush-hush about the whole thing. Payment: free book. I know... big city editing gig, eh? ;) TIA!
Posted by bonnie at 5:31 AM
March 20, 2005
Blast from the Past
Mmmmmmm. Put on my Homer suit. I seriously feel a craving from childhood. How odd!

I want fried shrimp with tartar sauce, mashed potatoes with gravy, and a huge side of green beans (served in a separate bowl so as not to bleed over into the breading on the shrimp and water it all down) from Morrison's Cafeteria.

Ahh... there's the ALMOST perfect picture from my youth. Damn... I guess Morrison's is no more? It's Piccadilly now? So sad.
Now... why am I craving this over a decade since I last had it (and even then it wasn't as good as I remember it being say 30 years ago)?
Damn you, gluten free living! (Just kidding. I love living gluten free. No migraines since November! Life is lovely.)
Posted by bonnie at 2:38 AM
February 27, 2005
Calling All Photoshoppers
Hey. I need some low-level hand-holding in Photoshop 7 for Mac OSX.

I need to replace a background (one color for another) and modify some text that appears on top of the background. I also need to change the dimensions of some of the guides and the overall width of the image. I need to do this without it being obvious that someone who has no clue about using high-end graphic software did the tweaks.
Or I could just pay someone.
But, just like with doing taxes, I will spend at least 100 hours attempting to do it myself before I realize that I could spend the money that I would earn in those frustrating hours to pay someone to do the damn thing about a thousand times over and still have enough money left over to buy myself something pretty as a reward for not being a perfectionist and letting someone else be an expert at something rather than proving to myself that there are, alas, some things I'm just never going to be able to instantly master.
Any takers?
Yeah... I know. I made that sound really palatable, didn't I? Man, I used to know Photoshop. When was that? 1997? Yeah, that's it. A sure sign of aging. Rapidly.
Posted by bonnie at 12:26 AM
January 12, 2005
< homer >Droooooool< /homer >
Yeah, Chip. You got that right!

Yeah. That's some hardcore coolness right there. And it's cheaper than my SixHundy. Wow. Count me in.
Posted by bonnie at 8:07 AM
November 11, 2004
Cheap Flights to the UK
Anyone got any tips on getting cheap round trip tickets for two from LAX to Glasgow? We're going to a wedding next year.
I am soooo intimidated by the many many many travel websites out there. I'd love to get a package deal that rocks: flights, hotel, rental car for the both of us for a week in Scotland for like $100. That's do-able, right?
Oh well. At least Keith has to wear a kilt to the wedding. Heeeeeeeeee.
Posted by bonnie at 2:54 PM
June 23, 2004
I Want...
Posted by bonnie at 11:12 PM
December 8, 2003
Ooh... I Want...
I would never spend this kind of money for such a thing, but this is definitely a want:

Posted by bonnie at 3:35 AM
January 21, 2003
Must Shop
Oh, Amy, you're so brilliant. I really really really want to buy these Space Invaders Pillows!
Looks like the launch of Everything Else is upon us. Yay! I am so very excited! Please do go take a poke around (hee hee).
I am still happily low-carbing. It's hard some days, but most of the time, it's really cool... I'm actually learning how to cook and stuff. I have lost nearly 14" off the bod and have really been enjoying early morning walks, etc. It's just good to feel good. Really.
Hollywood Happy Hour is coming along nicely. Very excited for our March 6th kick-off event. Also very much looking forward to the Free Casting Director Panel on February 12th. In at-home activities, I did a pretty significant redesign of several elements of the Cricket Feet site and have more to do. Not just yet. Still ramping up for some new cool stuff.
Woo hoo!
Bed soon. Really.
Posted by bonnie at 5:06 AM
October 26, 2002
Must. Not. Fire. Up. Credit. Cards.
Soooo tempting. I crave the toys that know what "I got a rock" means.
Posted by bonnie at 12:41 PM
January 31, 2002
Could someone...
post the recipe for yeast gravy until I get my Grit cookbook?
Posted by bonnie at 9:54 PM
January 30, 2002
Okay, I just checked Amazon.com
...for The Grit Cookbook and it's all special order and limited availability and surcharge and all that.
Who in Athens will get me a copy and let me just pay them for the trouble? Huh?
It's not like I cook.
Posted by bonnie at 6:08 PM