Happy 2015: Back In The Future

Dear the Internet,

I’m Chip and I used to be a blogger. Then social media happened and instead of writing long posts here, I just got to click buttons that tweeted links and shared posts and the most creative thing I did was tweak word choices until my tweets came under 140 characters. But, I’m still paying for the domain name so I might as well use it. So, I’m blogging for the first time since 2012.

It’s 2015. Welcome to the future.

To usher in the future, I spent last night on the couch with a fever which has now gone away. I finally learned how to read a glass thermometer today, so check that off the bucket list.

We’re cooking chicken and brussel sprouts for dinner. I know your saying, “Chip, it’s 2015, just take a food pill.” What can I say, I like to do things old school.

That’s enough for now. Don’t want to blow a fuse. (Do we still need those in 2015?)

Bye for now Internet!



2015-01-01 17.57.59

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