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December 08, 2004

Two More in the Can

Woo hoo!

Another two interviews for the book today. AWESOME interviews. I swear, I so love this new book already. Really wonderful. And Blake is such a great partner. And... we both come with awesome partners of our own. Karen is designing the cover. She's a major Madison Ave. ad designer. Seriously. And, Keith is handling all of the specs for publishing and distribution. Rockstar collaboration, this one.

Oh, and the guy we interviewed today... ooooooh. He's hot (one) and he's SUCH a good person. He's so grounded, centered, seriously connected to his process and his life. That's SO healthy for a kid who was a star of "24" at... 24.

The second interview... also rockstar good. Such an amazing child actor (teen, really) from New York. A series regular on "Third Watch" and such a WISE soul! Man... this book is going to ROCK!

Went to a showcase tonight and got to hang out with fellow actor-turned-casting-director Lisa Soltau. She's loving working for Junie Lowry-Johnson and the rest of the "Deadwood," "Six Feet Under," "Star Trek" gang. Dang... cool gig, Lisa! ;) Good luck with that meeting Monday. Aim high, baby!

The showcase was wonderful. Excellently written and acted. Review to come on "Shows I've Seen" once I get updatey over there. Man... I'm so frickin' busy. I LOVE IT!

Keith has an interview with a talent manager next week. (Woo hoo!) This rocks especially since all of my casting work is keeping me from managing his acting career as much as I had been, early on. *sniffle* My little actor man is growing up. *sniffle*

Out with friends last night after another show (and a showcase the night before. Man, is it showcase season or what?). I think we shut Dan Tana's down. Can't recall. Damn you, Mike and your never-ending pour of Ketel One!

I'm hurting for Keith, still. I've never seen someone so very wounded yet still traveling the high road at every turn. I swear, he's teaching me grace every day. I am amazed at what a good man he is.

I am so tired, yet wired. I am so glad to have handed off casting to production on "Trees Grow Tall and Then They Fall" so that I can swing fully into book mode now. I LOVE going into book mode. Man, writing rocks!

Okay, put the brakes on, Gillespie. It's time to get some rest... or at least turn your brain off and make out on Catalina for awhile. Heh heh.

Oh! Chip... Def Jam Becca MC wants to talk to you about blogging. She needs to blog... and she can't log in to comment. If it helps, she's a 90210 junkie too. ;) Becca, I'll email you soon. Gotta unwind a bit first.

Man, I love my life. Seriously, every day is a mountain of bliss lately. That is so dang cool!

Posted by bonnie at December 8, 2004 11:37 PM

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I'm so damn happy for you, sis! You are getting everything you have worked so damned hard for and you deserve it! Woohoo! I can't wait for this book to come out! I'm jealous you went to Tana's! I'm having withdrawals!!! Loooove Mike, *said in my best Croatian accent*... "Shut up and drink!" Teehee! Miss you!

Posted by: Debra [TypeKey Profile Page] at December 9, 2004 01:16 PM