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May 22, 2005
Joseph Montana
Please send peaceful, happy puppy vibes to NoCal for Joseph Montana, age 14.

Joseph has always been very good to me--sharing a bed with me on visits to Liz and Brandt with Keith, sending me Hello Kitty presents (with Liz's help, of course), and remembering all major holidays with cards in the mail.

Last night, Joseph was taken to the vet with major old-age issues in his back, making his legs basically not work so much. Since Joseph is diabetic (and blind), these are serious concerns.

We love you, Joseph. Hang in there, if it's not painful. Go quickly, if it is. XXOO
Posted by bonnie at May 22, 2005 06:50 PM
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Good doggie health vibes headed to NoCal as I type (amidst my tears, that is).
Posted by: sm00bs at May 22, 2005 07:19 PM
Aww, take care, Joseph!! What a cutie!
::Wishing dogs would stay young and healthy forever::
Posted by: Ellen at May 23, 2005 07:58 AM
^ What Ellen said!
My doggie is in his geriatric years now too, so I sure do feel for his owners. - What a precious, precious doggie. I'm glad he's doing better now.
Posted by: Jeannini-Nini at May 28, 2005 12:12 PM