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January 29, 2006
Yes, it's another birthday. But this one is extra-special. Today is the day my musical soulmate was born.

His name is John and we've never met in person, but he lets me call him Leemsy and we share excellent (near god-like) taste in music. He wrote about how "all of us" intersected in a recent blog entry, to which I'd add that it's also through this little online connection that I met my hubby, who endures and even enjoys how much love I have for my musical soulmate.
He is also glad Texas is not closer.
Happy birthday, Leemsy! You are greatness.
Posted by bonnie at January 29, 2006 12:04 PM
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Yay Leemer! Yay Bonnie! Yay Keith!
I think Chewbacca says it so much better than I ever could:
Scroll down to the pic where Chewy's coppin' a feel.
Posted by: Ed R at January 29, 2006 01:47 PM
Wow, Bon. I am speechless. I am without speech.
Thank you.
By the way, when I do meet you and Keith in person (and I will)I predict that he will come to embrace me and all my foibles.
(Just wanted to use the word 'foibles'.)
And thanks again, honey.
Posted by: Leemer at January 29, 2006 06:45 PM
OT, but i tried your culinary creation and IT'S SOOOOOO YUMMY even without guac or sour cream.
Posted by: Aimercat at January 30, 2006 11:18 PM
btw, I FINALLY got around to submitting to join somesuch... I promise I'll try my best to be a good little kitty.
Posted by: Aimercat at January 30, 2006 11:22 PM