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July 20, 2006
Big Day
So, in a few hours we'll start seeing a BUNCH of actors for a BUNCH of roles in what has quickly become a pretty major production.

It's so weird how the industry treats projects once "name actors" express interest in being attached. Suddenly you're being pitched actors by agents who previously would've scoffed at the idea of their clients doing a short film.
And the phone calls from actors with auditions they can't make get really frantic. It's no longer, "Hey, I can't make it to the preread. Any chance you can see me at callbacks?" but instead it's, "I did everything I could to try and be at prereads but I just can't get my schedule to work out. Can I put myself on tape doing the material and bring it to you before the end of the preread day? I really want you to have me in the mix, as you're making your callback decisions."
A subtle difference, maybe. But definitely a difference.

Sessions are pretty much my favorite part of the casting process. Faxing offers to "name actors" and setting up meetings to "discuss the project" are certainly a part of casting... but it's the sessions I love the most. It's when there are infinite possibilities for how the film is going to turn out. And it's when every actor has a shot. I love that. (Of course, I'll be freakin' exhausted in about 16 hours, but for the next six of those, I'm really excited about what's to come.)
Break a leg, you amazing actor people! Thanks in advance for showing us your magic.
Posted by bonnie at July 20, 2006 01:43 AM
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have an awesome day!!! sounds like fun all the way around!!! all the best, bonnie.....suesie
Posted by: suesietoole at July 20, 2006 07:41 AM
On behalf of meself and the boys...
Posted by: Ed R at July 20, 2006 01:10 PM