OK. First off, don't kill me.

I’m at the Starbucks on College Square.
I know. I feel really guilty and awful. But, I can’t get the WAGZone in Blue Sky and I still have some T-Mobile time. It is actually pretty nice in here. But, Blue Sky is better. They just don’t have the net.
I’m waiting for Hannah. We are having dinner at Transmet and then buying comics. Or the reverse of that. I know it involves pizza and comics in some order and Hannah. I had some business at Hill Strett Press and then I just didn’t feel like leaving downtown. I could probably latch on to the T-Mobile from Lunch Paper… That is an experiment that needs to be attempted.

Jocelyn just called and needed me to look up two zip codes. I was able to. Don’t you love the future?

Went to work.
Went to visit grandmother in hospital.
Had lunch with mom.
Back to work.
Now downtown.

Summer is almost over. So sad.

I am going to logoff and go outside. The devilness of the Starbucks is getting to me.

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