Some Things on My Mind

1. I miss my Lomo. I like digital pix and all of that 21st Century Junk but I was just looking through some “real” pictures and they look pretty cool. Too bad I have no idea where it is. It was sort of broken and lost before I moved here from Jocelyn’s. I might buy another one soon.

2. Do they make WiFi enabled smoke detectors? I thought it would be cool if your smoke alarm could email you or something to tell you that your house was on fire. Sure, there are many obvious problems with how this would work but it seemed cool when I was driving in the car today.

3. Had lunch with parts of the fam at the horse-pisol. Then went and visited with Dera. Came home and finished Disk 5 of Sports Night and I watched Storytelling. About to watch The Wire.

4. I guess that is all for now.

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