Weekend Update

I actually had stuff to do this weekend.

Late lunch at Zim’s. Spied Greer V.
Friday night I met Dama, Scooley, and Michelle M. (Friend through Dama) at Clocked for dinner.
Dama brought me ice trays from her new home in North Carolina.
Then we had drinks at Manhattan. Susan’s new bf showed up and she sort of disappeared for the evening.
Dama and I went to ER and sat with Cash, Will N. Jackie. Rachel and met Matt and Hope. Spied Nona.
They all left and Dama’s friends Ashley and Diane from Loco’s sat with us.
I got tired around 12:30 and gave Ashley a ride up the hill to Genco on my way home.

Saturday, I watched a lot of “Sports Night” while I washed clothes to wear to Tina and Tom’s announcement party in Madison. Had lunch with Cash at Five Points Deli. Spied EY and some of her sorority sisters. Rush!

Rachel called me Saturday afternoon and told me she had broken her wireless. I drove over there but it all worked fine after we pressed the reset button again.

Michelle and Kate came over around 5:30 and we went to Madison. Michelle had not been here since the Nick days so she enjoyed seeing the house. My grandmom is at the horse-pistol in Madison so we went by there before the party. We visited for a while and my grandad gave me some money to take the girls out later.

The party was a lot of fun. Spied a whole gaggle of people including:
Lots of Masons and Tom, “Uncle” Keith, Yvonne, Allison, Dixon and Steph W., B.T. and P.J., Adam Ant Joe and his wife, lots of old Madison folk, and many more.

Keith has 24,000 comics. I only have around 5000 (maybe 6000). But, he consoled me by reminding me he is older than me and that I can catch up. Someday!

Other than an incident involving a dropped plate and a tiny cut on Yvonne’s leg, it was a fun time.

Afterwards, I took Michelle and Kate to a late dinner at the Grill because most of the food at the party was for carnivores. Michelle drove back to the ATL and Kate stayed in town amd was going back today.

This morning, I drove back to Madison to see my Grandparents and Missy. We had lunch at the hospital and I came home around 2:00.

Talked to Buddy on the phone for a while.

That’s all I guess.

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