So, the first three days of schools have been completely screwed up because of this MS BLAST thing. We had to unplug all the access points yesterday because it kept on killing our network. There are kids who do not have their laptops yet because of all the time this is taking. I am probably going to go to work about 6:00 today.
Did I wrote about trivia yet? I think I did. The only questions we missed were movie/entertainment. We actually knew history and geography. It was Bizarro Trivia or something. I think we might have a bigger crowd next week. Alex from the comic book store might come and I think Jessica and Chris might come. We may go to trivia at the steam pub place if they still have it.
After work, I went to the apartment of a couple of former Acads and got their cable modem and wireless going. They live in the Gran Ellen apartments on Milledge and Baxter. I have driven past this place for years and always wanted to go inside. Then Stephanie and I went to Zim’s for dinner where we saw Steph’s mom and little bro.
I didn’t have a chance to buy comics. How bad is that???