Downloadable BBC

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Dyke to open up BBC archive

This is really cool. The BBC is going to offer their entire catalog of television and radio for free on the net. I’m sure it will take decades to get everything digitized. “Eastenders” and “Doctor Who” at the click of a mouse makes me very happy.

While I am posting, I went to Madison and hung out at the hospital for a while with the Grandparents and Lori and her bf Nick. We ate dinner with Grandad at the Chophouse and then I came back to town and went to bed pretty early. I should be getting back to bed now because Week 2 of our school year is about to start.

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2 Responses to Downloadable BBC

  1. Trevor says:

    I hope that PBS watches all of the good publicity that “the beeb” is receiving and follows in kind. We paid so much to generate that content, so let’s use the net to release it back into our culture.

  2. Trevor says:

    I hope that PBS watches all of the good publicity that “the beeb” is receiving and follows in kind. We paid so much to generate that content, so let’s use the net to release it back into our culture.

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