Dragon Con

I had a good time at Dragon Con but I am going to have to steer clear of these things for a while. Between this con and San Diego in July, I am geeked out for the rest of the year.

We left Athens around 8:00 on Saturday morning and drove into ATL. We stashed our bags with the bellhop and immediately hit the dealer room. We wandered for a few minutes and Hannah stumbled onto a line to get James Marsters (Spike) autograph. I left her there and picked up some Alpha Flight, Animal Man, and Starman to fill in holes in my collection.
I bumped into Ron and Susan and wandered a while with the them until I went to my panels.

I went to three on Saturday. I ended up going totally Comic Track and didn’t even attempt the Buffy ones. The crowds were just too much for me and I wasn’t willing to wait in the lines. I saw a LOT of Geoff Johns, Judd Winick, and Greg Rucka this weekend. On Sunday, the only panel I went to was another comic book one with a focus on Wonder Woman. I was hoping to meet the future Mrs. Chip Woods there but I don’t think it was in the cards.

On Saturday night, Hannah, Sean, James, Justin (Sean’s friend) and I went to the Vortex in Little Five Points for dinner. Sean and I had Mai Tais with very manly umbrellas. We tried to get back in time for James Marster’s band “Ghost of the Robot” but the lines were insane. Hannah and I were both tired so we headed back to the room.

Our room was SUPPOSED to have wireless but it so didn’t work. Grr. I lugged my laptop for nothing.

I almost got the autograph of Tabitha from Passions for Sara and I but I was too cheap to pay $20 for it.

Tonight, Susan Fahey and I went to see “Freaky Friday” which I actually really liked. I am going to get the soundtrack tomorrow possibly.

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