
I had the gaggle of freshman guys in my office until after 4:00 on Friday so I didn’t get on the road as quickly as I would have liked. I was going to see “Thirteen” with Kate at the Tara in Atlanta. I thought about going to Oxford Comics but traffic around Lawrenceville held me up a litle bit.
I met Kate around 6:15 at the Theatre and we bought tickets and had dinner at the Thai restaurant in the same shopping center. After dinner, Kate went into the health food store to stock up on some bars for her trip to China on Tuesday. I think she thinks that they won’t have food there or something.
We met Tina (not Mason, Kate’s friend from law school) at the movie. I liked it. Kate was sort of shocked at some of the stuff the kids were doing in it. I will say, I think that MOST seventh graders are probably not involved in that sort of thing, but I believed it a lot more than she did. The only parts that bothered me were the cutting episodes. That just freaks me out.
I think Kate and Tina went out for martinis or somesuch but I drove back to Athens. I got back around 11:00 and considered going downtown but bed won out and I was asleep by 11:30.

I stayed at home this morning (well, I got some breakfast from Five Pts. Deli) and read and watched TV. Around 12:30 I ventured out into the Game Day to buy my comics. I was fairly lucky with parking so it was a decent experience. I got home and watched some Eastenders until my phone rang.

It was my friend Rachel who graduated from the Acad a few years ago. She was being lazy and wanted a ride from the football game to her car. Since it was only 3rd Quarter still, I figured I would be a nice guy and go pick her up near the stadium. Traffic is never bad during the game, but afterwards it is pretty awful.

I picked her and Alice and a friend of theirs up and dropped them off at the Ramsey parking deck. I got back home and that is pretty much where I am right now. I kind of want to go get some stuff done on a computer at work but I think I will hit all the out of town traffic. I might wait a little longer.

Don’t have any plans for tonight yet.

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