More Geeky : Nokia Commodore 64 emulator


You can emulate a Commodore 64 on a Nokia Series 60 cellphone.

Why on God’s green earth would one possibly want a Commodore 64 home computer running on one’s cellphone? Aside from the thrill of seeing your old C64 humming away in the palm of your hand and the eyebrow-raising you’re sure to see in friends and family, there are the games… oodles of them, available for playing pleasure from C64 UNLIMITED — and you don’t have to spend a quarter.

Sure they’re one-off emulations of arcade games running on a one-off emulation of a home computer, but they’re suprisingly well-written and very much resemble the real thing–for some definition of “the real thing” amongst all these emulators upon emulators upon emulators. There’s Galaxian and Gorf, arcade favourites of the early 80s, Choplifter from my Apple ][, and hundreds more.

Link (via Raelity Bytes)
[Boing Boing Blog]

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