
I am sitting in the front of Blue Sky and can not find any WiFi. I thought I might see the Wagzone or T-Mobile but I can’t. I guess I will have to move closer to the Starbucks. I went to visit my grandmother in Madison today and then I met Trevor for coffee at Joe’s and then burritos at Taco Stand. I went home to take a nap but then decided to just come downtown. I thought Blue Sky had more ready access to power plugs but that just might have been in my fantasy world where the internet worked here.

Sounds like I have lots of maybes on my evite to hang out at Engine Room on Thanksgiving night. Could be a very eclectic and interesting bunch. Or, it could be me, Kate, and David.

I’m going outside to look for internet.

Outside Blue Sky now and still no network.

Something has to be wrong with my laptop. I am inside Starbucks and watching a girl IM. I am getting ZERO signal. Maybe I am in a dead zone in the store? Possibly. Doubtful. Grr. At least I can re-charge my battery while I am inside.

OK. Found the signal. I had to get sit somewhere else, connect, and then come back to my table. It is not as social inside as it is outside, but at least I can check email and do some of the work I came downtown to get done.

I can now post and move on with my life.

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