So, there is this book I really want to read. It is called Wired Love : A Romance of Dots and Dashes by Ella Cheever Thayer. It was written in 1890 and is about a telegrapher who falls in love with someone via the telegraph. As far as I can tell, it is not available online anywhere.
I poked around the net for a while and discovered that our very own UGA library has a copy on microform. It is part of the Wright American Fiction series. Specifically, it is part of Volume 3 (1876-1900) on Reel # T-10. So, I got pretty excited about what is probably a crappy book. I saw Megan downtown and she told me that you could copy microform for $.15/page so I decided to go to my alma mater’s library and leave with a copy Wired Luuuuv.
I walk down there thinking how awesome it is to have the resource of the UGA library available to us in Athens. I go downstairs, find the shelf, find the box marked Vol 3 # T-10 and sit down in front of one of those crazy machines to read the film. I start (manually) skimming through the film which is more tiring than I remember. I go through all four books and none of them are Ella’s book. I rewind the film (also tiring) and notice then that it is marked Volume 2 # T-10. I go back to the shelf to find the box for Volume 2 assuming that the film for Volume 3 and it just got mixed up.
But no. The libarary has two copies of Volume 2 # T-10, one of which is in the box for Volume 3.
So, here is my problem. Now, more than before, I really want to read the book but I am not sure how to proceed. The offices were closed, so I guess I can call down there tomorrow and see what they suggest.
I really want to read the romance of dots and dashes.