My Quest for Wired Love PT. 2

Continued from here.

I called the library and talked to a guy about my problem. He poked around and then sent me this message:

Thank you for putting us onto the problem with the film you were
looking for. I have verified that, indeed, the film that is SUPPOSED to
be in the boxes are duplicates of other film and that we DO NOT own copies
of the film for those boxes:

Wright American Fiction
Film PS643.A55

Box Labeled as: v.III, No. 5417-5424 CONTAINS: v.II, No.2470-2474 Box Labeled as: v.III, No. 5425-5430 CONTAINS: v.II, No.1898-1903

I have searched and can find no swapping of these film from other
boxes and I believe that they are truly duplicates shipped by accident to
us. This probably happened at the point of distribution by the producer
of the film and you are the first to detect this problem (probably the
first to require the specific reel since we obtained the collection). I
have turned the duplicate film, boxes, and paperwork over to a colleague to
see if the missing film can be obtained.

My feeling is that it will be quite a while before we resolve this
and (hopefully) obtain the missing film. Meanwhile, you will need to go
to Interlibrary Loan and see if you can obtain the material that you need
through their services. If you print out this email and take it with you,
they MIGHT accept it; if not, simply come down to the Periodicals
Information Desk in the Basement and we’ll fill out and sign a referral for
you to take to Interlibrary Loan.

I’m sorry at the inconvenience this may cause you, but again I thank
you for bringing it to our attention. If I can be of any further service,
do not hesitate to contact me.


(Name Withheld)

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One Response to My Quest for Wired Love PT. 2

  1. Courtney says:

    Chipper, who was it? I wonder if it’s someone I worked with. Tim or Richard perhaps? Otherwise I probably don’t know who it is. CLD

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