Still have some issues.

Let’s play catch up:

All of a sudden Harriet (the new server) doesn’t want to send email any longer. Why does she run from my love?

Bonnie’s blog has been moved over to the new server and she seems to be adjusting to life Post-Blogger.

I have acquired all except for two pages of “Wired Love”. I have read the first two chapters and I really like it so far. My plan is to (at least) make a PDF of it and hopefully make a text copy of it also and make these available on the web. I need pages 131 and 133 first, of course.

Been hanging out with Susan Wallis Fahey and Sara Mason the past few days. Courtney and Joe had dinner with me, Alex, and Stephanie the other night.

I need to figure out why Harriet won’t send mail.

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One Response to Still have some issues.

  1. Bon says:

    Poor Harriet. 🙁 I’m sorry you’re having issues, Chip. Thank you for all of the help in moving over to MT. Still have many goals, personally, but meanwhile, there’s reformatting to do to get everything looking like it was meant to be there.

    THANK YOU for all of this.

    Thrilled to hear you’re only 2-pages away from having “Wired Love.” I can’t wait to see it!

    Hang in there! XXOO

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