Got Courtney Spies . . . back up. It will still have a password until Courtney says otherwise. We’ll let you know what is is when it is all set back up.
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Got Courtney Spies . . . back up. It will still have a password until Courtney says otherwise. We’ll let you know what is is when it is all set back up.
Thanks, Chipper! I’m working on making the changes you sent me in email. I may just take the password off eventually. Will call you sometime later to discuss. Thanks again for setting it up for me! Love, CLD
I guess I don’t remember my username and password for the old blogs. Or else mine is different for Courtney’s new blog (does she have a blog or MT?).
Hey, and why is my blog in with the “updated date” but yours, Trevor’s, and Courtney’s are not? I know that BrYan’s is in that list b/c he’s on LiveJournal… but what about the rest of yous?
What’s up? Sorry Courtney, I look forward to reading your blog again!