Happy Year of the Monkey

Stephanie and I saw Big Fish tonight. I didn’t really know the deal with it so I was going in blind. Unless it has some cute girl or time travel in it, it usually isn’t on my radar (Hello, Butterfly Effect!). I knew all the cool kids were going to see it and I thought it would balance out the fact that my only other 2004 movie so far had Mandy Moore in it.

So, we are watching previews and I realize that soon I will have to decide whether my love for Kate Winslet and what is left of my Kirsten Dunst love outways my hatred for Jim Carey in an upcoming movie. And he looks like he’s all serious and dramatic Jim Carey which is even worse.

The best part of Angel last night? Scenes from the next few weeks. Andrew and Cordy. I like that a lot. I miss those crazy kids. I’m glad they managed to pull Charisma away from her busy Miss Match guest starring schedule and Tom Lenk away from his… couch? Is he in other things? I guess I could find out if I actually cared.

No set plans for this weekend. I may go out with some Friendsters but that is up in the air as of this writing. I’m going to watch the E.R. now.

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