It seems that once again the FCC is issuing us a license for a LPFM radio station in Athens. We thought we had one years ago but we got put into limbo for a while. If this is actually true this time, 2004 will be a much different year than I thought it would. More info as it is available.
I had drinks with Kate and Stephanie tonight. Only out for a couple of hours because I have been pretty tired lately. Tomorrow, I am going to stop by Fluke and hang out with Kate. I am considering a Valentine’s Day Garage Sale. If I can get the stuff organized next weekend, then that could all work out. Hannah is giving me a futon for the other room as soon as it is cleaned out.
I twisted my ankle yesterday afternoon and it hurt until a few minutes ago. I had to hobble around all day.
According to their own website, “Snackster is the world’s best peer to peer recipe sharing program.” I don’t imagine that would be a hard accomplishment.
From here : “Producer Mary-Ellis Bunim, who brought television into the age of reality with MTV’s “The Real World” and whose latest hit series was “The Simple Life,” has died at age 57.”
I’m getting sleepy. G’night.
I just got my Athens Academy annual report. I’m proud to say that I know Chip Woods, who is 1/3 of the Class of ’89 Alumni Donors, who together make up 9% of the total giving.
What the eff is the point of putting THOSE stats in the newsletter? LOL
Oh… I can’t wait to visit!! Hee hee.