I hear that I missed a very fun party at Eunice’s on Friday night. That’s too bad. Next time I will try to be less lame and actually make it to the places which I am invited.
Yesterday, I picked Kate up at Sear’s where her car was getting some new tires. We went and ate at Downtown Taco Stand and then stopped by Fluke. It was pretty crowded for Fluke which was great. Everyone seemed to be having a pretty good time.
Last night we went downtown. Very crowded. We went to 3 or 4 restaurants before we found a seat at Thai Cafe. Ate there, stopped by and saw Cash, Sean, Jama, and John at Transmet. Went to Tasty World to attend the evening Fluke activities. Allison was one of the Trapeze Tarts performing and Kate saw her friend Julie perform. Madeline played with her new backing band so it was the first show of Madeline and the Beats (or Beets, not clear). Saw scads of people that I know. Mark from the book club, Madie’s parents, Nelle, John, Carter, Cristin, Theresa, Nona, Sara Jane, and probably more.
We went back to Transmet afterwards even though it was getting pretty late. Jacki, Rachel, Hannah, (spelling made up) Clatia, and others had joined the group. I think all that gals had been off at Hannah’s doing that whole “L Word” thing or something. I chatted with Cash about work (what fun!) and the radio station. Rachel and I discussed her upcoming Friendster meet through me through Bonnie through one of Bon’s friends. We thought we might ought to have it while Bonnie and Keith are in town because that just might make it that much amusing. I think a new game should be to have as many of the friendster chain as possible there when people meet one another for the first time.
The smoke was gettting to Kate and so we left around 1:30 or so. I came home and promptly fell asleep and now you are caught up.
Yes. Let’s definitely do some Friendster hookup while we’re there. That’d be cool.
Looks like I may be speaking to the UGA theatre department while in town. Woo hoo!