Original VJs

I think that JJ may be the first of the original MTV VJs to die. We still have Nina, Martha, Alan, and Mark.

~Los Angeles Radio People, JJ Memories

(March 18, 2004) JJ Jackson, one of the early MTV jocks and long-time Los Angeles Radio People, died last night of an apparent heart attack while driving home from dinner.

JJ worked afternoon drive when he arrived at KLOS from WBCN-Boston in 1969. He spent a decade there. Later in the 1980s, JJ worked at KDAY, KWST, KROQ and KMPC/fm, which later became KEDG (“The Edge”). In late 1994, JJ began hosting “The Beatle Years,” a syndicated series airing on 200 stations nationwide. He spent many years at Westwood One. He returned to KLOS in 2000 to host “The Seventh Day.” Most recently, JJ worked afternoon drive at KTWV, “The WAVE.”

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