Please note, Sarah will now be referred to by her new nickname of Sam. Since most of you don’t know her anyway, it shouldn’t really be a problem for any of us. Kate becoming Genevieve may involve more serious adjustments on our part.
AthFest time again. I picked up Sam from her little 5 Points Shack and we went downtown. Kate was running a bit late from the ATL so we went ahead to the film festival. We saw some pretty good movies and some not so pretty good movies. My favorite one was about Benny Morrison, a folk artist in Oglethorpe County. The part that intrigued me the most was the school bus full of Athens phone books he had to press his magnolia leaves.
Kate met us during the movies and after watching a few, we went to Little Italy to get Kate some dinner. Then to Room 13, Go Bar, outside of 546, and inside of 283 (the average of which is 414.5 for you Mathletes out there). I dropped Sam off around 2:30 and got home because I had to go to my grandfolks at 8:00 this AM. Something about a rug and an estate sale. Turned out I didn’t really need to be there but I did get a magazine rack which I have been needing.
Currently, I am at home and eating oatmeal. Yes, this is what blogs are for. If anyone out there cares what I had for breakfast on June 19, 2004, they can now find out. Oh, how did we live before this glorious era?
As soon as I can secure the proper equipment, I plan on opening Chip’s Skee-Ball Barn in the backyard. You read it here first. Me and the ladies will be doing some market research later today at the Chuck. E. Cheese’s if everything goes according to plan.