Beej saved me the time looking up the Egypt – Consular Information Sheet from the Dept. of State. I guess it is not the BEST time in the world to be considering a trip to Egypt but if I don’t wake up on Christmas morning and see pyramids, then the terrorists really have won.
Work is still pretty crappy. But, I just take it one day at a time and then try to forget about it at night and live in the world of the Big Brother house.
We had the annual back to school party at the ACC this year. Very nice not to be in the Chambers’ back yard. I sat with Jenny, Shawn, Bitsy, Tom, Tony, Lorraine, Randy, and Katie. I’m sure we were the only table that discussed Paris Hilton and crystal meth and considered a game of Spin The Bottle. But that’s why we were the cool kids. Yes, I know I can hardly call myself a kid at 33, but I think mentally, I am there.
Afterwards, Sam and Kate came over for a little bit to watch Big Bro. Kate is going to live on Pulaski starting soon.
Big weekend plans of… KITCHEN REORGANIZATION. Who’s jealous? YOU ARE!
And look at all the things that can make me sick in Egypt. Crazy.
What about the Bahamas for Christmas? I think it would be much more affordable and I will draw pyramids on your windows for you to see on X-Mas day. I think the real point of this story should be where can we all get away for that holiday?
By the way, I wasn’t saying don’t go. I just wanted you to be aware/prepared. The State website about Turkey said much the same thing, but I had a great time there.
Chip, I got rounds of all of those shot (except Rabies of course) before going to Turkey. Hep A & B are actually shot series of 2 and 3 repectively and you need more than 4-6 weeks to get all the shots in before your trip, unlike the posting says. I contact the health Service in Atlanta and they pointed me to the right immunization office. They may be able to do it in Athens as well. You can always go to your doctor and have them done – you pay extra for the visit. The shots are rather costly and the Health Service only takes cash for them, but they will tell you all that when you call them. The reason they recommend rabies is if you get bitten by something (unlikely) and need the shots, they could be very hard to come by in Egypt, it all depends on the lenght of your trip…
Ooooooh, consular warnings and rabies shots! Now I’m truly jealous of your trip and that I’ll be spending Christmas in Seattle.