So, we went to Border’s last night (Me, Sam, Kate, and Jenny) and I bought “Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs” by Chuck Klosterman. One of the reasons I knew I was going to like this book was a section on 23 Questions that he has to ask everyone he meets to decide if he can really love them. I really enjoyed this one:
8. You meet the perfect person. Romantically, this person is ideal; You find them physically attractive, intellectually stimulating, consistently funny, and deeply compassionate. However, they have one quirk: This individual is obsessed with Jim Henson’s gothic puppet fantasy The Dark Crystal. Beyond watching it on DVD at least once a month, he/she peppers casual conversation with Dark Crystal references, uses Dark Crystal analogies to explain everyday events, and occasionally likes to talk about the film’s “deeper philosophy.” Would this be enough to stop you from marrying this individual?
Oh, I think that would make me love her THAT MUCH MORE.
Today, I walked downtown to buy comics and look at the dawg fans. Cousin Mark was hanging out in the front yard of the SAE house.
I bought my comics and made it back home without too many scars from the fans. I was in iPodperson mode so I only saw what was going on. I did see cops bust several people for drinking on the street. That’s always fun.