Lots of stuff going on the next few days. But first, a recap.
Tuesday night I had dinner with Scooley and we saw “Team America”. Last night, I had dinner with Stephanie who is freshly back from her Carribean honeymoon and desperately trying to catch up on missed TV. I have a feeling my honeymoon, whenever that happens in the murky future, will probably involve much TV.
Tonight, the plan is to go see David Sedaris at the Classic Center and then, possibly, going to see Hope For Agoldensummer at the 40 Watt.
Friday, apparently, I have agreed to go to the homecoming game at school. Not sure why.
Saturday, there is a toy/collectible auction that I might check out in the morning. Cousin Mark invited me to a fam reunion in the park that afternoon. I may wander down and check it out since I can see the park from my house. Then, that night, Jenny and I are going to see R.E.M.
Of course, all plans are subject to change.