I occasionally scan my blog archives to see if there is anything important in my past I may have forgotten or, more likely, something amusing I can use to make fun of my friends about now. These are entries that amused me today from thw Y2K.
February 12, 2000
before kate and I went to the movie she came wandering out of the bathroom rubbing her hands with an odd look on her face and says “I’m not sure about this Zackberry Body Wash”. The girl has passed the bar yet thinks that putting 5 year old Saved By The Bell lotion on her body is a good idea. I’m surprised her hands didn’t fall off. kate, I only write about you here because I care.
one of the cool thing about having a roommate that dates younguns is that her friends give me compliments like “your crib is bad” and they really mean it.March 03, 2000
Alli B wrote today: “If I was cool like you I would have a TV that I could say “hey bitch, tape the powerpuff girls” and it would. but I’m not.”
April 14, 2000
erik with a k just came into my office and asked, “Mr. Woods, do you want to hear a joke I made when I was 4?”. Not really wanting to because I had just given him the batteries from my i-zone to power his game boy, I went ahead and said I would listen. (See what a good teacher I am). His joke is: What do you get when you cross a dog with a pirate? Answer: Grrrrr, matie.
Then he told me that maybe he was 5 when he made it up.
And the last one for today is going to involve reader intervention.
On June 11, 2000, I wrote the following entry:
So, I am thinking about moving out of my house.
I like it a lot here. It is probably one of the coolest places I have ever lived or will live.
But, it is expensive for me. When Wendy moves out, my rent will more than double. There is no one that I really want to live with that is looking. And I figure that with Kate leaving, I don’t really have much reason to stay here. This house is WAY to big for me to live in by myself.
I have a number of living options:1 – Move out to North Avenue into my grandparents house with my Uncle Buddy.
PROS : Free Rent. Land for an earthship.
CONS : Kind of far out. It’s living with a family member.2 – Somewhere with Mirja and Tara in the house where Yer lives.
PROS : Living with people who are seemingly grownup. Cool house on the Boulevard.
CONS: Tara hates TV and computers. I don’t really know Mirja.3 – In Jocelyn’s house on Milledge with her and two girls to be determined later.
PROS : Awesome house on Milledge. It would be amusing to live with three sorority girls.
CONS: Sorority girls don’t really have naked pillow fights and they date fraternity boys.4 – Stay here.
PROS : Easy
CONS: Expensive
How would Chip’s life be different had he chosen Options 1, 2, or 4 instead of Option 3?
Would it be better or worse?
Use as many blue books as needed.