So, I put my Exchange woes aside for a few hours and went out with Kate and her social work school friends. I guess I didn’t really put them aside as much as constantly think about them while pretending not to.
We went to Infusia for dinner about 6:30 or so. We got a big table in the back and chilled and waited for her friends. I usually don’t use the word “chill” but that is what one feels like they are doing at Infusia.
Over the next few hours we were joined by several people and food and drink were consumed. I’m going to mangle some spellings of names here probably but we were with: Jeff, Nancy, Christina, Emily, Amy, Anna, Kazuma, and Maura. I think that is right. This was my first time meeting all these people. Our waitress was Jessie. Since Maura is an IBRer, we knew a lot of people in common like Sam and NewCash. Jocelyn and Brad were also at Infusia. It was the last night they were serving dinner so I’m glad we went.
It was pretty cold outside so why not go to the “tiki bar” deck upstairs at Allgood? I had never been there and about two days ago it would have have been really cool and nice. Last night, it was just really cold. I started to get really tired around 11:30 or so. Kate and I left and I came home and went to sleep on my couch listening to WUGA. I woke up to some jazz guy talking about his life a few hours later.
I went ahead and got up since I figured I could sleep more later in the day. I am connected remotely to school from home and running a defrag of the mail database. Bonnie‘s Keith wrote to me offering Exchange assistance, which I appreciate. I also have someone from a local place who is supposed to call me abuot it later today. If I can recover any space, it will be very useful. It’s going to be tight, but it looks like I can recover at least a little bit to get it back going for now.
I’m also watching “Alias” Season 3 episodes while it defrags. That’s the update for now.