Sunday Morning Post

My sleep schedule is totally screwed up. Since I could remotely connect to school, I started fixing the server yesterday morning about 3:30 AM. Not so bad really because I would start a utility and then walk away for an hour before I had to come check on it. So, I watched “Alias”, read comics, washed three loads of clothes, rearranged my house, washed dishes, etc. while working on it.

The biggest deal to come out of yesterday is that I have a bedroom now. I mean, I have always had one, but now it is organized and sleep-inable and stuff. There is also now room inside the house for the Skee-Ball. If anyone strong is reading this, I need some help moving a very heavy Skee-Ball machine.

Sam and Hannah and I saw “Alfie” yesterday. I liked it well enough but I’m not going to be recommending it to anyone. Then Sam came over and we ate dinner and watched our reality TV for the week.

Also, I think it is cool that Friendster (yes, I still go there) has a place for your blogs RSS feed on your profile page so people can read your last 5 blog entries from your profile page. Neat.

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