The Weekend So Far

Friday night, Sam and Kate both came over and we had a low-key evening watching TV and such. None of us felt the urge to go downtown. Saturday morning, Kate and I hung out and had breakfast at Zim’s. Jocelyn came over for a while in the afternoon and then Sam and I hit the Room 13 that night. She wanted to come over to my house after downtown to look up some stuff and said if I took her home first she would refuse to get out of the car. I believed her.

Sunday morning, Jocelyn called me pretty early and she came over. We went for a walk in the woods near my house and then decided to walk to Jittery Joe’s. We sat up there for a while reading the papers and eavesdropping on surrounding conversations.

We came back home and watched some TV and she graded some papers. We went to Border’s and met Hamil and they went off to have brunch. I’m back home waiting for Scooley to come over.

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