Not much to report from Thanksgiving Break.
Yesterday, I had lunch with Jocelyn at Little Italy and we went to Walgreen’s and the library. I came home and read Speaker for the Dead. I am also listening to Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell: A Novel while I am walking. I am still deciding how I like audio books vs. printed books. I like listening to books when I am out walking. It makes the time go faster and I feel a bit more productive than if I listened to another hour of my same music over and over.
I recently read Ender’s Game in a bizarre combination of downloaded etext, downloaded audio book, and the printed paperback. I didn’t have as much trouble going between the three as I thought I would.
Sam called me about 8:30 last night and we went downtown to the Globe to get her some fish and chips. Spied Peter and two of his friends. After she ate, we came back to my house and played a game of Trivial Pursuit.
Today, I am going to avoid the Georgia/Georgia Tech game and hang out at home.