Planning Ahead For 2K5


Last year, I decided I was going to keep an ongoing list of my favorite things about 2004. Movies, books, TV, etc. That way, it would be easy to compile a year end list for my spynotebook. I did this through probably March. Then I stopped. It might have been Dirty Dancing: Havanna Nights that made me stop. Why keep a record of having seen that? But, I digress.

So, Jocelyn and I were talking about starting a blog of “reviews” of media we had consumed. I think I can combine these two things into one idea and if I make it public and easy to post to, then maybe I will actually do it.

I am going to be setting it up over the next week and I want some feedback.

What should I keep track of? Obvs, movies and books and TV and music. Should we think out of the box?

Liquor drinks?

Please leave some comments and advice.

Also, if you would like to participate and contribute and all that stuff that makes the internets wonderful, then leave me a comment and I will set you up, yo.

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4 Responses to Planning Ahead For 2K5

  1. Jessica Ewen says:

    Chip’s Blog Shapes Former Acquaintance’s Geographical Destiny: So I’m moving back and getting really sick of all the warnings that Oconee County’s the only place to go if I care about my child. I love Athens and I want to live in Athens. I value diversity and I believe in public schooling. I don’t think flight to the suburbs is good for cities or for the kids left in city schools… Anyway, in search of guidance regarding what to do about the Clarke County School System’s apparent demise, I turned to god (in the form of the Athens’ Unitarians’ web-site, which is about all the religion that a half-jew agnostic can really stomach.)Scanning the site for other liberals who might understand and share their two cents, I saw the name Ponsoldt, which rang a bell. Aha, I think Ponsoldts went to Cedar so maybe a Mr. or Mrs. Ponsoldt would have some insight. So, I did a search trying to find a Ponsoldt e-mail address and stumbled upon Chip’s blog- a virtual treasure trove of everything Athens….Ahhhhh…The food…the festivals…the music…the constant running-into-people-that-you-know…the acceptable aimlessness….Neither drugs nor guns nor demoralized teachers nor Cathie Chasman herself will ever get me over that Oconee line. The point, my friends, is this: Thanks, Chip, for showing me what I already knew.
    Jessica Ewen
    CSHS c/o 91

  2. Bon says:

    Sort of like my “Shows I’ve Seen” blog? I’d suggest you start with ONE thing (movies or books or TV shows or plays or bands or whatever) so that you have a better chance of sticking to it beyond March. Glad to contribute. Lemmeknow how/when/where. 😉

  3. Bon says:

    I posted two reviews today. Am I doing it right?

  4. chip woods says:

    Looks that way to me!

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