I fell asleep about 9:00 PM and woke up at 3:00 AM. I found out that my Dad also sleeps about the same hours that I do so maybe I am genetically pre-disposed to wake up HOURS before everyone else.
Where the heck was Santa? I see nothing new left for me in my house. Maybe I got up too early? No chimney. Drat.
Most of the toxins have left my system and I can breathe (a bit better anyway) and I am no longer as grumpy as I was.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Lori (my sis) and I came to my house between my Dad’s and Mom’s to get her two wine glasses to give to her future in-laws (as part of some gift basket). My battery died while we were here and Nick and Keith had to come rescue us. Happy Chrismukkah indeed.
Present-wise it was a fairly good Christmas.
My grandad gave me a cool shortwave radio which should be totally fun to play with.
Mom and Keith gave me some sort of small digital video camera that saves to compact flash cards. It is probably about the quality of a digital still camera that shoots video. It will be fun for around the house and it is tiny so it will fit in my laptop bag.
I need to go back and look again at everything because the last few hours of XMas Eve were filled with more sneezing than anything else.
Sam – You should never plan on visiting my mother or father’s houses. Since my house bothers you sometimes, their houses might actually kill you.
I’m pretty much done now. Call me or Email me if you want to hang out tonight or the next week. I want to go to a movie tonight.
I set my stop watch when I left my house and turned it off when I left my Mom’s. Total Chistmas Elapsed Time: 9 hrs. 16 mins.
Shortwave — excellent. Get the World Radio TV Handbook or something like that to find cool stuff to hear.
If you send stations a postcard giving them numbered feedback on their signal (should be easy to find out how online), you can get a cool card (called a QSL) in return.
Yes, I did this a lot in high school.